don't know story

Inner voice: why are we still writing this story?
I heard, actually I said it,
And they live happily ever after...
Everything is extreme.
Poetess: I am at work,
I already wrote few pages in my journal.
This what I want, to write a book.
The real witch: write about me.
I have interesting life.
When you say: hm... very interesting. .
Poetess: and not being the one in circus..
Inner voice: gymnast?
Poetess: yes, the gymnast.
The one who has one dollar bill and paints two more zeroes on it.
And it becomes 100.
Inner voice : can you make it real?
Poetess : if I could make it real why woud I need a book.
Grandma witch: I can drive you around at night,
Will be slow.. if I see where to go..
Poetess: beautiful day..