King of Fools (on the phone): we are not only working, we are thinking too!
Mama Mia (yawning): I am almost sleeping.
Fool: finally things are going back to normal.
Mama Mia: really, nothing to complain about.
"Безумству храбрых поем мы славу!
Безумство храбрых – вот мудрость жизни! 

The Beast and Ze Bella

Troll: where are the fools?
King of Fools: we are very popular!
Troll: what's goin on here!
Mama Mia: we are coming to work!
King of Fools: I am coming, all right.
Fool: vacation is fine, but I am sleeping all day.
Fool: and watching movies.
Fool: no money, no funny.
King of Fools: what else!
Fool: money is everything.
King of Fools: champagne to everyone!
Queen of Fools: and a cake.
King of Fools: after work I am going home.
Troll: today is not Friday.
Mama Mia: we are like this every day, before and after.
Fool: work is a gift to people who graduated from high school.
Fool: need it, got it, work!
King of Fools: wisdom, ozdom, ozdom!

New Kings..

New King number one: good morning sweethearts.
Fat cats: good morning.
Going back to work is pretty rough.
New King number one: especially on Friday.
Fat cats: we smell something.
New King number two: its kitchen cooking.
Friday's meal "fresh utopia".
New King number three: great reviews?
New King number two: wonderful!
New King number three: you give me one, I give you two.
New King number two: at what location?
New King number three: it doesn't mapper.
Pershups, at place where you can be the one and only King forever.
New King number two: where is that?
New King number three: lovely place, might give you a tour.
Lunch time at 2, dinner at 8, washroom at the corner of you bed for the convenience.
New Queen number two: who would take a cat outside like this?
New Queen number three: this is our tiger guards.
Do you know how much they eat?
New Queen number two: the bus!
What are those cages?
New Queen number three: go inside, lock the door and at your stop ring the bell.
New Queen number two: basically, we should've went with every one on Mars?

New Kings..

New King number one: I only called to say "hi",
... you know.. did the number.
New Queen number one: yes, never trust when a person has "she" in front of her name.
New Queen number two: my poor ears,
I mean literally.
New King number one: surprise, surprise..
All work starts from here.
New King number two: one day we all will be swimming, I think its cheaper than building cities.
New King number one: did you go shopping again?
New King number two: I gave a speech.
New Queen number two: where are you going to get the ocean.
New King number two: I think it will come naturally.

The Beast and Ze Bella.

Boss of Trolls (on the phone): did he find the fools gold?
Troll: he is kind of waiting.
Boss of Trolls: he needs to relax.
Troll: in this case, it's one or another.
Fool (in the office): what is this!
Fool (on the phone): nothing is interesting here, only pay check.
King of Fools (on the phone): I was doing it all night!
Queen of Fools: listen to your mama!
We went for a walk and you sit.
Mama Mia (on the phone): gyms are opened in each and every city except this gragly pit.
Fool: she is faster than me.
Mama Mia: if I don't touch that door this week!
Fool: you look gorgeous, no need to worry.
Queen of Fools (on the phone): "Angel's services"!
The end.

Что тебе подарить, кроме верной любви?
Может, эту весну, может, песни свои?
Может, звёздную ночь, или тихий рассвет?
Для меня ничего невозможного нет.
Что тебе подарить,
Человек мой дорогой?
Как судьбу благодарить,
Что свела меня с тобой?*
Что тебе подарить? Может, тех журавлей,
Что уносят на юг песню русских полей?
Может, синий туман? Может, яблони цвет?
Для меня ничего невозможного нет.

New Kings..

New King number one: I tell you the truth, with statistics or without statistics, it sucks.
You can add it into your history book.
Historian: children will be happy about new short material.
Few of my students suggested to send riots on the school property.
New King number one: one more year to the diploma and they can come back to clean up the mess for free.
New Queen number two: where are you going?
New King number two: to the peoples, to the workers, all relatively speaking.
New King number three: why relatively?
New King number two: only for relatives.
New King number four: who are those people?
New King number two: shhhhh..nap time.
New King number four: they will be spoiled.
New King number two: they already are.
New Queen number two: wine?
I know how you love family values.
New Queen number three: she seems happy.
New Queen number four: every other week King number two goes to the war, New Queen number two goes out.

Good morning

New Kings ..

New Queen number one: every one was a baby,
He is a baby.
New King number two: I know exactly what I am doing.
New King number four: this what I call dropping the bomb.
New King number two: hashtag "going underground".
New Queen number five: do you want to see magic?
Listen quietly.
New Queen number two: weird sounds?
New Queen five: my new chip.
New Queen two: I can’t tell!
New Queen number five:  new tip:
Always check bushes!
Two bips!! Dinner time!
New Queen number two: I am hearing another bip,  bip, something else!
New Queen number five: New King number five is going to the kitchen now.
Five bips!
He is mad!
There is no to say no.
Three bips, gym time!
Four bips! Yoga class!
I am loving it so much.
New Queen number two: nice!
So this technology, is it in your watch?
New Queen number five: no.
New Queen number two: on your hand?
New Queen number five: no, its on my butt!
They don't really care where we walk, they care where we sit.
Brilliant idea.

New King number two: ladies first.
New Queen number two: I am not standing on my knees.
New Queen number eight: no.
New Queen number three: we will not get a ticket!
New Queen number five: I don't mind.
I can work over time to get the best result.
New King number five: you know what I think about it.
New Queen number five: few months and money, money, money.
New King number four: what’s her name?
New King number ten: they are going to mess it up.

King of Fools (on the phone): at work.
Did I forget something here?
Fool: with the things that going on, it will take hours!
Mama Mia: I don’t trust men any more.
King of Fools: you said your boyfriend is on vacation.
Mama Mia: we were socially distancing at night,
He took almost the entire bed for himself, it was a nightmare.
Fool: our beds are not designed properly.

Few years ago I was driving in the car with my son's father, arguing about the money.
I was upset, a lot of jealousy at work, I had to write a letter the general manager, and explain myself, I am still working here. Then I was doing part time business with knitting and some other stuff, took money from pension account, spent it, the government taxed me, I went to Supreme court of Canada for appeal and won the case. Mostly all about money and work.
Then on this dark road in the car, listening songs about the Second world war, light went in my face, it was all dark, probably the streets light were off. Only one light went on, it was the small light from Synagogue, here in Canada.
And at that second I thought of my life before, back at home.
Even do, I am not attached to any places, cities or countries.
I thought of my grand and great parents ..

King of Fools (on the phone): ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.
Cone is a different story!
The Beast: what a,
Didn't you say you went to.
King of Fools: last night she hid ice cream in her cleavage!
This why I am acting stupid today.
Mama Mia: we got ice cream for the hard work we do.
The Beast: Boss of Trolls said you didn't do what you promised.
King of Fools: she likes chocolate
and I like it too!
We brought monkey "The Genius" back to her senses, and it's all in one day.
I was working overtime, plus the weekend!
Mama Mia: he didn't read the note.
King of Fools (reading): " I know, I know."
Pretty impressive.

New Kings..

New King number two: dont show her food.
She reminds me sometimes how big the world is.
New Queen number two: I have only one question.
When the gyms will be open.
New King number three: they called "queens" for a reason.
New Queen number three: jewelry stores are closed too.
New Queen number two: this why we are sitting here.
New Queen number three: do you know, you can live on McDonald's.
You have food, you have water.
New King number four: is it pitbull who jumped on him?
New King number two: no, this is his wife.
New King number four: well, he has to fix the glass, it cost money.
New King number two: just not pay for it.
New King number four: I don't care about piggy no more.
New King number two: piggy is expensive.
New King number two: did you hear, banks bought all the toilet paper.
New King number three: gas stations too.
New King number one: I start loving maps again.
New King number two: I only trust myself.
New King number one: why do we have to trust you?
New King number two: because I am friendlier.
New Queen number two: where is the food?
New King number two: she will eat it all.
New King number four: I heard, they will check by the weight, who is happy about the virus and who is not.
We all must stay on the healthy vegetable plan.
New Queen number two: this is all stupid.
New King number two: what to expect, our planet is one rotating balloon.
New King number four: this why my GPS is so stupid, go here, go here.
New King number five: don't tell me you are lunatic.
New King number four: not at all!
Sometimes I wish, but with this life, I guess not.

King of Fools (on the phone): Essential services!
One more day and I will set free from this place, going on vacation.
Monkey “The genius" is not being herself.
She is setting small standards!
Fool: look at her smile!
King of Fools: we are in the zoo!
Where are your books?
Fool: we threw all the books in the garbage.
King of Fools: in the garbage.
We were not using them!
Fool: that’s not our job to watch books.
King of Fools: exactly.
I am moving stuff from here
And they are bringing it here.
Let’s look at the monkeys again.
Fool: tell me about it.
King of Fools (to monkey"The Genius"): say "yes please".
This is banana.
Fool: I think we need more patience.
King of Fools: we can't play all day!
Fool: yesterday, after looking at the picture you sent to me, I almost flipped over.
King of Fools (to monkey "the Genius"): why do we keep you here for?
As a suivenire?
You are the boss!

New King number two (on tv): less is more!
New King number four: he said less is more.
New Queen number four: to who?
New King number four: what kind of questions you have?
To us, so we will not get out of hands.
New King number two: you will get it in the morning!
New Queen number four: we will get in the morning?
New King number two: and you will love it!
New Queen number four: I heard this some where else.
In some other country, and it sucks already.
New King number four: there are so many different countries in the world, and we are the one who always get democracy.

Fool: never mind telling King of Fools.
Fool: he is reminder to all the fools who we have to be.
Fool: he might know as well.
Fool: have a good day.
Fool: we left our monkeys for one month.
King of Fools: what’s going on?
In this section of the world.
Fool: we left monkey “The Genius” for one month.
Fool: may be its personal thing.
King of Fools: and!
Fool: and look at her smile now.
King of Fools: what kind of stupid smile is that?!

King of Fools (on the phone): hot, hot, hot!
You just have to look.
It’s going to be the hot summer.
Have a good weekend.
(whispering) If you can’t sit down, call me.
Mama Mia (on the phone): digging for gold, mostly on the left.
On weekend too.
When you want to lift something heavy, inhale,
Put it down, exhale.
You will be surprised.
Fool (on the phone): I think I sat to much.
I know I don't have to tell you.
It's the system.
Mostly doing stuff, from Monday.
King of Fools (on the phone): we are not at the location.
Having fun with "F"!
Yes, looking for the fools gold.
All the fools, if they are not on vacations.
I am sure they have ideas.
We need glasses to see our salary!
It's not the same thing.
We are sitting on our ass too and not getting money.
Nothing personal, its always business.
This why we can have some fun.
I wish slavery was back again.
Look at my lunch!
At least where we live, we have restaurants,
Now I have to eat home made food.
The lunch?
Natural, and I have to like it and say "good job".
What is it?
One big "P".
I will never get over the first spoon, the proteins.
And she loves it!
No, no bed time story either!
I have hard time controlling myself.