Fools gold

 King of Fools (on the phone): okay, okay, okay, do you want to see it?

Queen of Fools: of course I want to see it!

Fool: read the instructions for me,

Read it loud!

Fool: lie down on the top and press the green button, push yellow button to change the volume.

Fool: I can do it all day.

Troll: smiling again?

King of Fools: we are plunging "super flash", 

Checking the performance.

Troll: have you seen Mama Mia?

King of Fools: yyyy...

Troll: this morning Mama Mia put on lipstick, put on parfum, looked at the mirror, smiled, walked around, said "we will work like next day".

King of Fools: juicy details!

Troll: and left somewhere.

King of Fools: probably for lunch.

Fool: I have great news from the government!

King of Fools: yes!

Fool: the government said we have one million chances to win the lottery!

Fool: it's a big number.

King of Fools: we must count how many chances we used already.

Fools: one, two, three, four, five..