Fools gold

 Fool: he said our paper has bunch of all kind of mistakes on it.

Fool: its probably not even there.

Boss of Trolls: happy Monday!

Are you busy?

King of Fools: yeah, get a heck out of here.

Troll: interesting.

King of Fools: don't confuse with busy, its different word.

Troll: the wash rooms are closed again.

Mama Mia: they are on break.

We don't have enough time to go to the wash rooms!

King of Fools: "super flash" is getting clean.

We bought new intergalactic sound, it's going to be amazing.

So what's goin on between you and Mama Mia?

I see you are talking.

You can be one of us!

Super excited.

Troll: a fool?

King of Fools: someone is calling me!

(on the phone) you bought sour apples for my sweet apple sauce!

So last night..