Fools gold

 King of Fools (on the phone): chabby, crabby, crabby bumblebee !?

You look delicious today..

I can be your personal trainer. 

You will be very happy.

Mama Mia (on the phone): it depends. 

Fool (on the phone): what do you want?


Troll (on the phone): I am afraid of people I work with.

King of Fools: who doesn't.

Troll: you?

King of Fools: who else, we have no secrets here.

Troll: how is the book going?

King of Fools: wonderful!

Combining two small books in one big book.

Fool: its typical, multiple two by four.

King of Fools: I still have to write two small books.

Fool: you have long day.