Ромашка, ромашка,

Ты мне расскажи, 

Любит не любит.

Ах что же.

Люблю я сама проливные дожди.

Дожли веть неверные тоже.

Бывает пройдут далеко далеко.

Бывает подойдут очень близко.

Потом посмеются тихонько в глаза:

Искали тебя по прописке.

Снова уйдут ничего не сказав.

Я утром проснусь, как жемчуг роса.

Искали меня по прописке.

Помнишь когда-то в далеком краю,

Песню запели твою и мою.

Годы проходят, столетья, века.

Песня любви будет всегда.

Б-г есть любовь.


Б-г есть любовь.

И прощение.

Знаешь когда-то в школе,

Мы читали что такое любовь

На школьном нашем заборе.

К + А = любовь , простые буквы, простые слова.

А сейчас сама на чистой 

стене, буквы понятные только мне, напишу,

Ты и я, любовь, просто так без адреса, школьный смех.

Улыбнется прохожий,

Сколько лет, все тоже.

Я замужем, 

А ты женат.

Делиться мы не будем.

Хочу спасибо я сказать,

Спасибо что пришло, как в первый раз,

Вот это ветренное чувство.

Запретный плод стал сладок невзначай,

Но я контроль не потеряла,

И это для меня наверно главная награда.

Домой приду и не открою я секрет.

Пусть будет это песня без припева.

Может быть нам с тобой

Очагом одним не согреться,

Из ключа одного родниковой воды не попить.

Но любовь счастья круг,

Как срасательный круг в моем серце.

Новые мысли, мечты.

Я полюбила другого.

Нет я полюбила себя.

Значит юность не ушла без ответа.

Снова голос знакомый первой чистой любви.

И в душе поет лето, снова блеск дискотеки, платье яркое, красивые туфли мои. 

Улыбнусь я прохожим, кольцо подороже и тайна,

Улыбаюсь сегодня я только ему.

Привет, привет.

Ты послан был зачем-то мне.

Все хорошо и у тебя и у меня.

Я не ищу и не спешу в любовь играть.

Скажу я прямо в первый раз,

Я замужем, а ты женат.

Зачем скрывать 

И эти мысли отгонять.

А для чего-же ты в моей судьбе.

Возник как ветер перемен,

Счастливых, верю я.


Мне тихо зеркало в ответ.

Красивей не найдешь.

И свежий ветер, солнца свет,

Пора вставать, открой тетрадь,

Бегом в спортзал.

Так я сказал.


Весна пришла, любовь, ура.

Любовь к себе, весне, красе,

Под синим небом маленькой листве, и лужам и ручьям, цветочкам на лугах где я гуляла в юных снах.

Привет, привет, 

Позвольте мне сказать,

Холодный крепкий зимний день.

Да где-то, кто-то,

С кем-то где.

Так было много раз.

Позвольте вас спросить.

Нет, спроси себя,

А нужно ли вот это мне?

Да, много там всего,

Там в жарких странах,

Праздник и всегда жара.

А нужно ли всегда вот это мне, но соглашусь и да и нет.

Привет, я лето, 

Праздник до утра.

Ты празнуй, веселись.

И согласись, спроси себя,

А что потом.

Как в песне,

Новый поворот и что он принесет.

Ответ простой,

Сначала полюби, любовью новой,

Ты себя.

И книжка новая, спортивный клуб, и что-то яркое, 

Вот первый друг, привет.

Подожди, подoжди, подожди,

Без оглядки уходит время.

И дожди, проливные дожди 

Мне давно надоели.

Дождь нахмурится.

Я же весна.

Свежий отдых листвы 

После жаркого лета.

Вспомни тихий голос

У первой любви,

Что поет целый век в нашем сердце.

Теплым ливнем моим 

Все бессонные ночи до блеска отмыты.

Без дождя нет цветов, нет зеленой травы.

Снова чистое все,

Для тебя, для меня

И для нового лета.


Winter. She is looking straight and far. No smile, no any emotions in her face. Only the eyes, thoughtful, that go deep, studying and understanding. 

What is she thinking about?

May be about the time when this village didn't know what electricity is, was mostly illiterate and uneducated.

How she shyly walked in the room filled with old and young people who were loud reading together book now parents reading to the small children. Where she first time met people talking about equal rights and freedom. 

Or she sees herself young, looking at the mirror and touching new necklace with shiny red beads.

“Your beauty is not for this"- her mother says.

And again, work in the house and roads without being or end. They are walking without shoes, her mother and grandmother, following few people and quietly prayings

Picture of a man appearing from somewhere far, becoming brighter and brighter. Tall man, looking like a black bird at the beginning. Then the colors start to change. He is wearing long shird, with thin made out of thin long fabric. The shirt is white, creamy white. He has long black hair, the face, the skin like doll skin, smooth and light. And he has black beard, a bit curly or wavy. It surprised in the childhood, why the hair is smooth and the beard are wavy. Then someone's  else faces come on mind. Men are drinking tea, they look very satisfied and proud. She sees her grandmother hiding few coins in the bag and saying: ”Our helper”. And secretly watching this man again, back in the far away childhood. The man is listening, sitting half on the stool. Its some kind of café inside of a small hotel where people like them walking from different places could sleep overnight. The road home again.


Always happy, fresh looking in colorful clothes with fuchsia color lipstick. And with solution for everything. Everything is easy with her. Long time ago, I was studying, after the Second World war, and living in a room rented by my parents from an old woman. A young man started to follow me, we became friends, he would met me in the evening, we would go my  house together. One day he didn't meet me, I was surprised and went home by myself. Everything was gone from my room, food, clothes, food cards. We used student cards to by food  at that time. The room had only bed, chair and table. I was so upset, that I sat on the floor and started to cry. Then I went to his house and he wasn't living there. For few days I didn't eat, didn't what to do, the people I was living with gave me some food and told to go back home and get something else to wear and eat. In the morning someone knocked to the door. It was this young man all white and shaking. In his hands was all my stuff. He dropped everything in front of me, fell on his knees and started to beg for exuse. After a while, when he stopped shaking,  he told me the story. In the middle of the night something lifted him from the bed and threw on other side of the room. He hit the wall and slided on the floor. Three soldiers were standing in front of him. He could see through them, they were from some kind of fog. And they were angry. “Return everything “, - one of the soldiers said, it sounded as metal was scraping something. They stood and watched him when he was picking my things. Then disappeared. I think the soldiers were my uncles who gave their lives in the war. And that what her personality was coming from. Its nice, its warm and going to be fine.


She is like spring that always comes after winter. How cold it is, its March, the spring is here, and the warm days are coming. Strong and stubborn, taking no “no" for answers. She always gets what she wants, mostly its not much, but  still, its her way. Born before Russian Social Revolution in 1917 in the wealthy family, she received education most girls in her time didn't have. After the revolution, she married a very funny man, how she described, who supporter the revolution and was a revolutionary himself.  The life was changed, everything went in to hidden until the early 1980th when it became popular to look and remember the secret family roots. The family tree was made into big picture and put on the living room door.


Autumn. She is cold autumn. With wind and dark sky. There's nothing warm about her. Cold, strong,  with no chance of getting the sun through those grey clouds. She doesn't smile or laugh, always focusing on something people don't really see or think.

On the bench she moves her scarf covering her head and shoulders. Medals on the front of her jacket. She was at the war. It is very strange, because no one think about her being young or beautiful. “ She was young and very beautiful”- an old man says slowly drinking his tea. Then he continues. “I was working at the place, in the city, where people can rent horses for personal rides and deliveries. All day feeding and cleaning horses. One day I went on the market to buy something for our shop. And there was her, in a small shop selling berries. It was a side where people from the local villages selling their vegetables and fruits. She looked like a young woman from the city, not from village. Light skin, fashionable hair and clothes. I was stunned, stood over there and only was looking at completely forgotten what I had to buy. From that day I would go every day to look at her. In a week I stopped at her small shop. “What would you like?” – she smiled looking in my eyes. Her eyes were different like they tried to look almost inside of my mind.  I wasn't be able to say anything and left, coming back again the next day.

One evening she asked me to help her bring her things, the one she didn't sell, to her house. “It's far"- she smiled. I noticed, every time she was talking, she would smile and open her eyes as if she was very surprised. We walked always to the same place, close to the forest and then she would disappear into green lines of trees. “Don't go with her,”- my mother told me when I was trying to leave for a new date helping to move unsold things. “People think she a witch.” We started to argue and I didn't listen, I was in love. Months went by, meetings on the market and walking once in a while to the forest. “Let's get married?” – I asked when we got closer to the forest. She smiled with the same surprise in her eyes. “I cannot. I have to marry my own". I thought she was talking about me working at the horse shop. We started ti argue and soon I realized I was in the forest with her. I turned back, dropping her bags on the ground. After walking for a white, I realized I was at the same place. I walked again and I was at the same place. And again, and again. Walk in the same circle. Scared a little, all I could think was old falk stories and their advices. I turned my shoes different way and started to walk again.

She met me at the same place where we were standing. She smiled showing with her eyes to follow her. A ball of leaves rolled to her and when we were walking it would follow us. It was rolling close to her getting little bit bigger from peaking more small leaves or grass on it. Finally we got to a house standing on the side of a village. I have been at this village before, but I have never seen her before. “My relatives live here. Come in". Few children ran to us showing things they made. A family was sitting at the table and waiting for us. We had dinner without saying anything. Every one was quiet. On the way back, she walked with me back to the city, I asked who where those children. “They are not children “, - she replied with different tone of voice. Then slowly we started to see each other less and less. In 1941 I went to the Second World war.  We met again when I returned back on few days off the army in 1943. She was in the military uniform. We walked together on the road to the forest. I was talking, it was warm evening, the sky, everything around was calm and peaceful. I went back to the war, she too. In few month I was captured by the Nazi and was sent to Poland to work as prisoner of war. And all that time until the liberation, in 1945, I would see her eyes in my mind, imagination. Her face was blurry, only the eyes, brown and serious, watching me. I returned back to my city, and never met her again, until I was already old man.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: there are two owners is in here.

Big Swinuk: sugar!

Big Hruck: war!

Wizier Swinuk: exactly.


Big Swinuk: we gor the wrong pig.

Big Hruck: we are going to get our free sugar tomorrow!

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: when you are pigs are done?

Hrucks: can this job be more boring.

Wizier Hruck: crazy bees.

Big Hruck: give them candies.

Wizier Hruck: be careful, it has alcohol.

Big Hruck: this what we need.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: who blocked the exit?

Big Hruck: things change, bye.

Hrucks: we are going to Manila bar

To the red lights district. Big Hruck: yeah.

Lets go and get our free sugar!

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Hruck: the weather looks weird.

Its raining!

Big Hruck: all I want rain and alcohol.

Hrucks: rain and alcohol!

Bees: they are getting stupid by day.

Bee: they are stealing our honey!

Big Hruck: we only want to check sugar!


My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

We got to Moscow and I understood why all the war we were thinking about being strong for our capital.

Feeling of happiness was flowing everywhere, it was in the air.

We went to his house. The room was golden, the brightest, the sunshine.

“My grandfather and uncles are Priests. My mother like this style and we keep it like this.

And they had piano. Here, in this house, the war was over for me. I felt we won and we will have happy life and good future for our country. We will rebuilt and built again everything.

My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

It was 1949, after the war. I was studying in medical university and at summer, as usual, back home, helping my parents.

We were on the farm working with other girls.

My aunt ran to me, sweating from the long run.

“Where's is your mother?! A man from Moscow is looking for her. Go, met him, he is in my house. Wear this."

She said, breathing heavily and pushing me her the best blouse.

At that time, Moscow was another reality, something we all rely on. The capital of our country.

I fast walk home thinking why someone from Moscow is looking for my mother.

I opened the door at my aunt's house and there's was a young man sitting at the table.

And when I looked at him, he stood up and nodded.

I felt like a basket of cold water was thrown over me. Fresh, cool feeling, refreshing at hot summer day.

I kind of froze a little from that feeling.

He told me after, he had the same feeling.

He was dressed in the suit, and was wearing hat. He had tiny smell of cologne. And looked very different from the men here.

He had gentle, soft look. His hand, when he shacked mine, was soft too.

“I have this letter" – he said.

I read the letter. Some one was asking my mother to help this young former soldier and heal him.

After, I understood, he was in the battle, in the tank, riding it. The tank was shot in the battle and exploded leaving this man with many injuries.

My mother got home. We went to our house. She looked at him, at me and said: “I will help you".

He was living with us for one year. After a while he invited me to Moscow to see his family.

My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

In February 1942 my brother got a note that he has to go for medical exam to join the army. He was in the last year of school. He was leaving in about one week. I made him a small towel and stitched it with roses.

“Bring it back" – I told him when he was leaving to the military centre.

“I will" – he said.

And he brought the towel back in 1946.

My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

Two men, father and son, were sitting at the our table. My mother poured little bit vodka in tiny grass. The father and her drank together.

The son was leaving to the war. A bag was near his feet.

“To the recruiting center” – the father said.

“Too far", - my mother replied.

“We walk" – the father replied.

And they started to talk about the old days, before the revolution in 1917.

“The war is not the same now" – the father said again after drinking another little glass of vodka.

“Bless him" – he asked my mother.

“No father" – the young man looked at his father. And he tried to stand fast, almost dropping spoon in plate.

“Sit down" – his father looked at him so strong, that the young man sat and started to eat again.

“I will. It's for the war" – my mother smiled – “You only come back".

She took another chair and sat close to the young man.

The young man just turned to and didn't say anything.

My mother touched his cheek.

“It is my blessing. It will go for generations. For everyone who will touch your hand, who will go after. Nothing can stand against it".

Remember his name, she told me, before they were leaving.

Every morning, all war, we would pray about him.

When they left, my mother looked at the window.

“Communist “ – she said.


My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

At the end of simmer we stayed somewhere on the fields near forests preparing grass for winter. It was very warm and women were wearing open tops. Some women had scars on their shoulders. They were pulling metal pieces to dig up the soil and prepare it for the planting, on the farm and were they had own land. My mother had the same scars. She always worried about our cow more then she cared about herself. “Our feeder “ – she would say petting the cow.

Most of the horses were sent to the army, leaving only few for extreme situations. Where machines couldn't go, because all the empty lands were used, the women were pulling those digging pieces on themselves.

It was night, we were sleeping under the open sky. The stars were everywhere. I was just looking at the stars.

I felt like I was going far up to those stars, very fast through the dark space. Probably I was imagining. Cosmos and tiny white dots. I saw a person, how I would draw her on the paper. It was her, woman, half animal and half person. Like there was line dividing her on paper. Beautiful face on the right side and animal on the left. She was friendly, felt almost warm, good friend. She had nice, fancy clothes and beautiful face.

“The earth is shaking “ – my mother said.

“There's big fight somewhere. Big fight.“ – another woman replied.

“Where?" – I whispered.

“Sleep" – my mother said again.

And I was only listening their conversation.

“Where are these gills will look for the husbands?”

“The war will be over and men will come back home".

“Hopefully soon. Listen how the ground is shaking”.

In the morning I started to think a young soldier I would marry.

“He is mine!” – for some reason I screamed to the air.

“Mine!” – the echo answered.

“Mine, mine, mine!”

“Mine, mine, mine" – almost like the echo was laughing back.

I took a small stone and threw it in the air.

“He is mine" – I said again.


My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

The room was full of people. Simple food on the table, potatoes and vodka in long glass bottle. It was some dinner together.  May be twenty people. First everyone was talking about the war, and our army. A man in military uniform gave a speech. And then we wished everyone come back home. Its was long talk, everyone wanted to say something, to wish and promise.

A woman stood up. She was sitting with two little boys. I noticed every one would put more food in their plates. She was young skinny woman wearing old jacket.

The woman said: “ We came here from the occupied territory. Germans were everywhere. They walked on our streets. My house was almost at the center and every day I would see German officer riding his car. Every day. We got a paper that we live in this city. We were not allowed to leave it, not allowed to lock the doors and close the blinds on the windows. Two German soldiers would stood up close to the windows and laugh looking at us. It was their entertainment. They took some people to work in Germany, some disappeared, and children too. I was lucky that I looked sick, and my children too. We didn't have food. The Germans took everything. People who were helping them told us “Soon you will have new masters". I tried to leave, but it was impossible. One morning I went outside at the same time the German officer was driving his car. He never looked at anyone, always looking straight. I followed his car with my eyes. And I just looked at small fire man running after his car. It was short looking like man, a figure made from fire, with flames. I could see it. The fire man ran after the car and then straight.  And this second, I knew, we will get out. We went to the forest, without food, or extra clothes. We were stopped by Nazi police. I told, we were going to the forest, on the edge, to get berries, because we had no food. They let us go, told to come back before the dark. We start to walk, further, further and further. Then our partisans found us.”

My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

The war changed everything. Women and children replaced men.

We had harvest in August and September 1941, two months before the war had started and women were everywhere. Even driving trucks for pickups were women. In my school, post office, the farm, almost everywhere. Only men who couldn't be replaced and old men, they stayed. And young boys, teenagers who were too young to join the army. Every day when I looked or we looked at each other, we knew there is war.

My aunt left to work on a factory that was making tanks. Once a month me and my cgrandmother were bringing her food. The factory was in a city, far. We had to walk for about an hour and catch a truck going to the city.

It was winter, February, cold. Me, and my grandmother were walking to the stop and when we got there in an hour, there were no truck. My heart felt like dropped, and surely, my grandmother's  too.

We waited for another hour, alone, on the field of snow. And there were no trucks.

“We have to go to another stop" – my grandmother said wearing her bag back on her back.

We started to walk again. For one more hour. I don't remember, I was freezing. My face, my legs, my feet, everything. Soon I couldn't walk. I set at the snow and started to cry.

I looked around, white snow and clear blue sky. There were no trees or hills. Only big open space.

I felt I was dreaming. The sun was just shining through me.

Some one kicked my foot. I looked up, almost like in a dream.

“I cannot walk anymore “ – I looked at her.

She looked so high up. White like snow, with light blue eyes.

“I cannot walk anymore “ – I replied.

My grandmother looked at me, like she was very angry.

“What are you going to do? Freeze here?”

And some power lifted me up and put back on my feet.

We started to walk again. In two four hours I was hugging my aunt. She was so happy. We stayed with her at the room she was living with other women working at the factory. The room was packed, I had little space on the floor.

My aunt sat close to me, she smiled. Then she covered my head with a blanket leaving tiny space to breathe.

“This is your little house “ – she said smiling again.

My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

We went to the train station. There were trains, many trains. One were going to the war, on the west from us. With soldiers and military equipment. I have never seen so many trains before, at the same time. Rocket launchers were going on and on, on the trains, in front of my eyes. I was looking up, military trucks, tanks.

And there were trains coming from the war, medical with insured soldiers and with people evacuating from the war zone.

I was standing on the station first time seeing for myself what war is.

People were scared, crying, looking for someone. Young future soldiers trying to find someone in the crowd.

Then I looked and there were four women in military uniform sitting on some boxes.

One woman was sitting on the top box. She didn't look like everyone else. How it felt. Her face was cold, serious. She was forced, put together like mountain. There were no fear in her.  Very calm.

I looked at my mother. Her face was serious too.

“Let's go" – she said.

We went home and stood on the knees.

We went to a deep, deep prayer. It was dark, felt like going through the dark, dark night, or thunder clouds. Few tiny balls like pearls were somewhere I could see.

“What do you want!” – voice said.

“Metal of steal" – I thought right a way and opened my eyes.

My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

Every few day my mother would ask me: "Go see if there's fire.”
She would mean, go to the hill from where you can see the other side of the river.  She was waiting for someone on the different side of the village, in the forest.
We had small house in the forest. It wasn't very far, I knew how to get there, hidden tiny road, and my mother was waiting for someone to start fire place near the house. It was autumn already, started to get cold, we wearing boots and jackets.
The forest house. I smiled thinking about it. From the hill I could see the river and forest.
The house was built, how my mother said, one hundred years ago, she loved to talk about it. And I loved to listen her. The house was built few centuries before and with fixings keept on the same place. It was small village back then, and moved and the area became forest. My great grandmother and grandmother used to live in it. The furniture was still there, very simple, beds and table with inside fire place. They were healers and fried the grass inside.  
Sometimes they had people staying for few days. And some one would leave small gifts for me.
My mother would take me to clean the house and at night sit at my bed and tell me a story.
One of my favorite was how my grandmother and my mother when she was a child, how they saw the Russian Queen and two her daughters.
When my mother was small, it was before the Russian revolution, in 1917. She would walk together with people to far away cities.
One time, on the big square, carriage stopped. People around started to whisper “Queen,  Queen, Queen “.
A woman and two girls were sitting in the carriage. One of the girls, the older, she was wearing white dress and hat and looked like a snow flake.
The older girl stood and waive hand to us. She smiled, the smile was shy, like small tiny touch, like tiny sunlight. She was standing and I was looking at her clothes. Long creamy white dress, big white hat and hair under it, on the sides and thd back I could see few brown curls. She was wearing shoes matching the dress and gloves. And white pearls necklace and earrings. The dress was decorated on the top and looked like winter tiny too, crochet. Very warm feelings.
The Queen was sitting little bit sideways. She quickly  smiled too, then she became serious, looking at her younger daughter. The younger girl wad very exited. She almost jumped out of the carriage. The Queen told her something and the girl stood quietly near her for a second, then she crossed her hands and sit as she wad upset on the opposite side. All looked very funny.
Then the guard on the horse in fancy military clothes stood in front  of the carriage and the carriage started to move.
One evening I noticed small orange light in the forest. I was on the hill looking at the river thinking if war would come here.
“Fire, I saw the orange fire in the forest!” I ran inside of our house. My mother was reading newspaper at the table. My father and brother were at work.
My mother quickly got up, almost running, pushed bread, few cooked potatoes and bottle of milk in her bag, dressing at the same time. She was wearing skirt, jacket and military boots. I was dressed the same way except I had rubber boots.
We walked fast to the river. There were always few boats. I jumped in one of them and my mother pushed it a bit and jumped inside too. She was rowing it the opposite side.
“We have to hurry" -  she said.
Finally we reached the sandy river bank.
It was dark, but we started to walk forward without using any light.
Soon I notice smoke somewhere in front.
It was fire place on the open space in the forest. Not very big, but not blocked by trees.
Four people were sitting around it. They were wearing rain coats.
My mother walked to that fire place and I followed.
“Sit eat with us”- it was a woman voice.
My mother, she was tired, and she sit as if she was falling down.
“Eat with us" – some one repeated again.
We hesitated.
“It is war" – the unknown woman told again.
My mother took the food we brought and put together with their food.
A woman next to me pored bowl of soup from the pot on the fire place and gave it to me.
I noticed her hands, actually I started to stare at it. Beautiful thin ligh skin hands. In our village all the women had rough hands, hand of working farm women. The hands I was looking, in the dark, lights from the fire were shining on , defining more its beauty. Musicians would have this kind of hands.
The woman gave me the plate, I didn't see her face, I felt she was smiling.
“I am scared” – my mother said, - ‘when are you leaving “.
“Don't worry “ – the woman replied.
I was eating, it was quite for a while.
My mother took her bag and found piece of clothing. She opened it, there were money in it.
“Take it", - she started to push the money to the woman next to her and started to cry.
“Keep your tears for our victory. Our brothers and sisters. We will fight with them".
I started to cry too, not showing it to anyone.
We ate the food and left. And sat quietly on the boat going back home.   

My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

In few days, very short from the time the Second World war had started, my uncle stopped by our house.
The though of war was known, people thought about it, it was in the air, because Western Europe was already attacked and occupied. Only thing, we didn't believe the German would attack us too, and it will be very fast and massive on the amount of land they quickly invade.
My uncle was wearing a suit. His only one special occasions suit. He didn't walk from the main entrance. He walked from the back door, from the garden where we were growing potatoes and vegetables, it was big land. And further were huge farm lands. Actually all the gardens on our street were facing that way, the farm lands.
He smiled sitting on the bench.  Then he took harmonica, very small music instrument wich he always carried with him on weekends. He would sit and play and if there where birds around, the birds would sing with him playing. When we were small, he would take us somewhere far, to play and stay overnight listening stories. And birds would fly and sit on his shoulder and listen too.
“I got a note to join the army. Tomorrow morning I am leaving. Save this until I come back ,“ – he said giving harmonica to my father. My father was hesitant for few seconds, he knew, my uncle would never leave his harmonica. It was special.
“That's okay, we will fight” – my father replied.
In a day or two our neighbor came earlier to the house. She was already wearing military uniform. She brought her cat and two kittens.
“Our hospital is leaving “. She looked almost apologizing. "They don't want cats". She was young. How I always remember her. Young woman in military uniform holding a box with two kittens. And my uncle, looking far away and playing harmonica.

Kingdom of Swinuks.

Big Swinuk: between pigs and wild boars are two different things.

Swinuk: he threw something at me!

Big Swinuk: vegetables?

Is it the same story?

Big Hruck: I didn't throw anything at you!

Do you know what “on" means?

Big Swinuk, you are my witness.

Swinuk: Big Swinuk didn't see anything!

Big Hruck: I threw vegetables right beside you.

Not at you.

Big Swinuk: do you know what pisses me off?

We have to learn word “library" now.

Kingdom of Swinuks.

Big Hruck: for pigs,

Looks are everything.

Big Swinuk: good thing we found you.

Big Hruck: walking long distances, lifting weights.


Big Swinuk: what's that?

Big Hruck: when you run and don't wait for each other.

And someone gets there first.

Big Swinuk: oh yeah.

Big Hruck: don't let pigs eat fattening food and fifty five percent of the plate are vegetables.

Wizier Swinuk: someone threw vegetables in the garbage!

Big Swinuk: wild boars are always like that.

They buy vegetables and throw it out.

Big Hruck: pigs don't spend money on what they are not using.

Big Swinuk: bravos!

We write it down.

Big Hruck: make it the new law.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

First day.

Big Swinuk  my daughter sounds like a pig.

Wizier Swinuk: sometimes.

Big Swinuk: all the time!

You should hear some.

Like, damn, she is a pig.

Wizier Swinuk: everyone knows.

Big Swinuk: it’s the name.

Wizier Swinuk: your lovely daughter, Bright Sunshine, needs husband.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

They have a lot of pigs there.

Big Hruck.

He is the man!

Big Swinuk: are we lucky!


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Battler Swinuk: Big Hruck is hiding in the library.

Wizier Swinuk: we should've not let this pig come here.

Big Swinuk: yes!

Battler Swinuk: Big Hruck is here!

Big Swinuk: Big Hruck!

I have been waiting for you all my life

And here you are.

In our library.

You, my daughter and sugar are getting along very well.

Wild boars: what is sugar?

Big Swinuk: do you know what “sugar” means?

Wild boars: no.

Big Swinuk: good for you!

Good for you.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: pigs say “hey"

And wild boars say “ey".

We have our sense of mind.

How are the shoes?

Big Hruck: very comfortable.

I feel like I wear socks.

Big Hruck: mess!

Wizier Swinuk: I didn't see anything.

Don't worry.



Big Hruck: do something pigs!

Wizier Swinuk: you are right!

Our crazy attitude.

The price is right!

Big Hruck, you stopped at the right door.

We will focus on sugar business.

We will be Big Hrucks!

Not by size.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: oh man..

Wizier Swinuk: you always say a lot.

Big Hruck: I was singing under the rain!

Wizier Swinuk: you were servicing us under the rain.

Use proper words.

See you tomorrow, hopefully under the better conditions.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: what is this?

Wizier Swinuk: no idea.

Lets try.

Big Hruck: how long have you been working here?

Wizier Swinuk: I don't see the difference.

You are wrong or right.

Tomorrow you are going to pick outfits for Princess Swinuk.

This is your job now.

Make sure she looks great.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: you have to focus on ladies now.

No more focus on men.

Big Hruck: we are warriors!

We are soldiers!

Wizier Swinuk: when you see Princess Swinuk,

Say “Oink, oink, is it you, Princess Swinuk!”.

And keep oinking.

Big Hruck: she is boring.

Wizier Swinuk: go to some place.

Jamaica is right here.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: did you leave pop in the freezer?

Big Hruck: no!

Wizier Swinuk: no?

Not you?

Big Hruck: lots of sugar.

Wizier Hruck: look here.

Our computer.

This is day.

And this is night.

There's no reason to forget.

Big Hruck: you can't figure out?

Wizier Swinuk: we are always students.

Unfortunately, you have to go to work first before going home.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: did you leave pop in the freezer?

Big Hruck: no!

Wizier Swinuk: no?

Not you?

Big Hruck: lots of sugar.

Wizier Hruck: look here.

Our computer.

This is day.

And this is night.

There's no reason to forget.

Big Hruck: you can't figure out?

Wizier Swinuk: we are always students.

Unfortunately, you have to go to work first before going home.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: welcome.

Did you have chocolate Mishka?

Big Hruck: no.

Wizier Swinuk: we thought you had chocolate Mishka.

Big Hruck: I had chocolate cake.

And this is crazy.

Everything is chocolate here.

Wizier Swinuk: we are wild boars!

Swinuk delivery service: Big Hruck!


Your bananas!

Big Hruck: why would I want bananas?

Wizier Swinuk: he is our new Big Swinuk with 300 new square pigs.

Swinuk delivery service: modern pigs!

Wizier Swinuk: leave your bananas here.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Hruck: she is going to wear mini skirt.

Big Hruck: been there, done that.

Wizier Hruck: you better look happy.

We need Swinuks technology and they need our sugar.

Big Hruck: quite a combination.

Wizier Hruck: it sounds nasty until you eat it and then “boom", fruit explosion in your mouth.

Big Hruck: technically.

Wizier Hruck: you are not the first one who been here.

We need it done man.

Big Hruck: she said, she is on her way.

Wizier Hruck: ask how long it will take.

Big Hruck: she said soon.

Wizier Hruck: stand here in the corner like my car and smile.

Do you know what's our problem?

We think of ourselves as pigs.

And Swinuks think of themselves as wild boars from 100 years old.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Princess Swinuk: only Pigs streets?

Street control Hruck: yes mam!

This is our religion.

Princess Swinuk: and how long we have to drive for?

Street control Hruck: go straight on the Pigs street untill you see the right turn.

Princess Swinuk: we are driving for hours!

Where is the right turn?

Street control Hruck: we are all waiting for that, I guess.

Princess Swinuk: do you have a map?

Street control Hruck: we don't use maps here.

Go all the way and turn right.

You are pretty pig.

Let them look for you.

Princess Swinuk: we have to find Big Hruck.

We need him to make our coffee.

Sugar are our two first ingredients.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: its it's raining outside.

Who wants to go and check?

Wizier Hruck: we will text you.

Big Hruck: where were you?

Do you know how hard is to find you.

I can't find you the whole day.

Wizier Hruck: why you can't find me?

I can find you everywhere.

I find you in the washroom.

Big Hruck: why you find me in the washroom!?


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: those are different pigs.

General Hruck: new army members.

Big Hruck: where are you going?!

Soldiers Hrucks: break time.

Big Hruck: back to the training!

Soldiers Hrucks: wash room.

Big Hruck: I know what wash room is, but your gym starts now!

General Hruck: nothing to worry about.

Big Hruck: your pigs are running away.

General Hruck: its its only training in alphabetical order, oink oink.

Big Hruck: and what are those square pants?

General Hruck: new designs, from the game.




Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: romantic dinner!

 What is this?

Princess Swinuk: mostly drinks and salads.

Big Hruck: grass?

Princess Swinuk: what do you want, chiken.

Waitress Swinuk: your bill sir.

Big Hruck: I have visa.

What are those lines?

Waitress Swinuk: the tip.

Big Hruck: how to skip the tip?

Waitress Swinuk: we don't have this option.

Princess Swinuk: the skip tip option is connected to our emergency line.

Someone will call you and ask if you all right.

Waitress Swinuk: you can pick extra salad next day.

Princess Swinuk: this how we are different.

Waitress Swinuk: and we write your name on the beard with the phone number.

You can pick your salad any time tomorrow.

Princess Swinuk: we can eat berries tomorrow.

Big Hruck: and see my reaction.

Little swinuks: look at his nose!

He is Pinocchio!





Kingdom of Hrucks.

Princess Swinuk: oh, this is door!

Big Hruck: yes this is the door, the exit.

Princess Swinuk: wow!

Big Hruck: it can be an issue.

Wizier Hruck: may be swinuks don't have doors.

Princess Swinuk: I am going out.

Big Hruck: this door, all yours, go out.




Kingdom of Hrucks.

Princess Swinuk: he just grabbed all the food and ate it!

Wizier Swinuk: once a pig, always a pig.

Hrucks supply lots of sugar to us.

Don't you get it!

Princess Swinuk: no.

Wizier Swinuk: we keep all the knowledge to ourselves.

Princess Swinuk: please don’t say no more.

Wizier Swinuk: we can get more pigs working on our recycling plant.

Make it big open space like Texas.

Princess Swinuk: how is Big Hruck going to sit on our throne?

He is so short snd fat.

Wizier Swinuk: we put him a cushion.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: she is slow.

Servant: free pig.

Married pigs move on their heads.

Big Hruck: where is she?

Servant: she said “I am going home right now".

Wizier: We are already getting food ftom Swinuks.

Big Hruck: not today.

Servant: oh, you.

You want to go outside and  make money.

You go outside and make money.

Wirier Hruck: with no experience?

Kingdom of Hrucks.


Wizier Hruck: you should go see Swinuks.

You will be very surprised.

You will see a pig, pig like you, with big snout and he will sound like wild boar.

When he talks.

Big Hruck: Swinuks have news every day, like crazy.

Wizier Hruck: you are just jealous.

Big Hruck: Swinuks wish to have at least 15 percent of our army. 

Wizier Hruck: enough is enough!

Go! Why are you still here?


Wizier Hruck: who is this green crocodile!

Big Hruck: I try to stay young in my heart.

Wizier Hruck: keep stretching.

Wear green for your wedding.

Big Hruck: Swinuks are going to eat me to get more attention.

Wizier Hruck: let her eat your slowly.

Your bride is waiting at home.

My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

We were by the river. I put my hands in the water. The water was shining on the sun. The sparkles of the sunshine were in every splash. I smiled looking at all that sun in my hands, many tiny lights in the water drop. My girlfriends were running and playing in the water trying to wet each other's clothes as much as possible. 
A boy on a big bicycle looked as he flew right near us screening: “War, war, war!”
We stood still not understanding anything. 
The boy was far on the road, above the river. We tried to run to him, but he was very fast. Riding his big bicycle and screaming “War, war, war".
Few people were on the land above the river too cutting grass. The boy flew by near them too. He slowed down and said something, sweating and trying to catch his breath. After almost a few seconds, I saw those people dropping everything and running to the village.
We ran to the village too.
It was the first time when I saw so many people in our village.
We were the closest village to the farm and people from further villages came to our village too. Men, women and older children.
It was June 22, 1941, about ten o'clock in the morning.
We had a radio in the middle of the village on the wooden pole. The mitting was around it, few men stood on the little stand. They were talking about the military attack on the Soviet Union.
I looked around, the men were quiet, and some women had tears in their eyes.
“We will go to the city and find what is next. For now, everyone has to go back to work!” one of the men said. No one really knew at that time if it was true or false. It was an order not to panic. 
At 12 o'clock afternoon, the radio started to work and was turned very loud.  One of the Soviet Union leaders made an announcement that the Soviet Union was attacked by the German army and it is war now.
Everyone stood quiet. No one said a word, only listen. I remember the faces of the people, many young people, and children. It was the first war we would face. The older people were worrying, asking: "What is it now."
My mother wasn't at the meeting, she ran shortly after to our house.
“War", - she whispered trying to open the top button on her shirt and trying to breathe slowly. She was running home, from far away, and her face and hair were sweating and wet. She damped a cup with cold water from a small pot we had in the kitchen, on herself.
“War", – she said again in started to cry.
“I will go to the farm, and you stay home", - in a few minutes, she said again, got dressed and left.

My grandmother's memories of the Second World war.

It was June 22, 2041.  Now, thinking about it .... (My grandmother is looking like she sees something funny in front of her and smiles) Beautiful summer day, all I remember is it was warm and sunny.  And for us, children, it was summer holidays too.  
I was in school back then.
Even when we were told about the war, almost the next day my father's old friend stopped at our house, already wearing a military uniform. And all his calm look, the feeling, we will soon win the war. It was nothing like the war would take four years and half of our country would be occupied. I still can't admit how we missed that.

On this day, me and my friends went to bring our cows, we had a cow, to the grass field near the river. It was my everyday chore for the summertime because my mother had to start work earlier in the summer. She was working on the farm and in the summer she would leave earlier, get everything ready for the harvest together with the group of farmers she was working with. She would come home late, do some housework, make dinner, check my homework and work in our garden. My mother had only a few classes of education, she wasn't illiterate, with a very basic education. She went to school only after the Russian Social Revolution when basic school education became mandatory for everyone. Until then, she was only prepared for the housework, helping to raise her younger brothers and sisters. She was the oldest of five children. Before the Revolution, in 1917 it was never a thought of her going to school or studying anything. Now, on the farm, women like her, uneducated, were only able to get one of the hardest work. And when she would get home, in the evening, she would already be tired. It was normal. All the housework, especially when I was growing up, was already on me. 

Kingdom of Hrucks.


Big Hruck: you are late!

What's wrong with you.

You never late.

Post man: yesterday. Had to do bunch of u-turns.

Big Hruck: at least you found us, which is good.

Post man: are you going to dress up for the festival?

Big Hruck: yeah, some character people.

Post man: where are the little pigs?

I haven't seen them from this morning.

Big Hruck: studying.

Waiting for someone to ring the bell.

(Ringing the bell).

Big Hruck: here go.

Little pigs: can't wait until 3 o'clock.

Big Hruck: pigs.

Little pigs: open concept.

What else?

Post man: may be now they will find the wolf?

Big Hruck: no, that's gone.

Post man: may be they are some kind of …?

Big Hruck: boring man?

Yeah boss.

They see mud and they turn around.

What's going on!

Post man: what are they studying?

Big Hruck: probably business and every day problems.

Post man: nice little pigs.

Big Hruck: Friday night.

Tomorrow is Friday.

Post man: tomorrow is Friday.

Oh, this is good news.


General Hruck (oinks): and now surprises.

Big Hruck (oinks back): why so many!

(looking at the little pigs running around).

General Hruck: busy night.

Big Hruck: aren't you supposed to be busy at the games? (oinks).

General Hruck: we had busier morning. (oinks)

Big Hruck: oh man, we are noisy.

General Hruck: few more wins, and you will have the biggest army in the Kingdom of Hrucks.

King of Hrucks.

They will cover all our needs and we don’t have to bring pigs from outside.

Big Hruck: how do our champions feel?

General Hruck: can't wait to start.


Pig coach: he stuck in the middle.

Big Hruck: may be he is too long.

Pig coach: are you sure?

Little pigs: we have stadium, the same.

Only digital.

You can see suggestions in the top.

Big Hruck: I don't care what I see on top.

I am not stupid.

Bring the skunk.

Prince Hruck: you can outrun the skunk, but how you can outrun the smell?

Big Hruck: not listening.

Where is the skunk?

Coach Hruck: was watching the dog.

Big Hruck: watching the door!

Why you say like this.

Skunk: did you bring the pay?

Big Hruck: candies, all of them.

Just get on.

Skunk: whose idea was to put food place in the middle of the racetrack?

Big Hruck: we don’t want pigs cheat.

Skunk: its very strange.

Big Hruck: do you have sny solution?

Skunk: I have solution every day.

Only in my head.

I was in the middle of my sleep and you woke me up.

Big Hruck: stink up and go home.


 Big Hruck: someone is not talking, someone is ignoring me.

Princes Swinuck: a lot of flies.

Big Hruck: we can go home.

Princes Swinuck: and see the same flies?


Big Hruck: its probably mini zebra.

Princess Swinuck: and water!

Big Hruck: good news, there are no sharks.

Sharks are different here.

They see you, they swim away.

In Armerika, they eat crup out of you.

Messenger: news!

Big Hruck: excuse me!

We are having romantic date.


Wizier Hruck: everyone wants to see future Queen of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: hru, hru, hru (oinks).

Wizier Hruck: exactly.

We sent a lot of sugar there.

Big Hruck: all this sugar in this case didn't work.

Are we supposed to be hidden from all other pigs?

Wizier Hruck: they know where to look.

She said “yes"!

Big Hruck: don’t say that.

Wizier Hruck: you were laughing!


Big Hruck: she is slow.

Servant: free pig.

Married pigs move on their heads.

Big Hruck: where is she?

Servant: she said “I am going home right now".

Wizier: We are already getting food ftom Swinuks.

Big Hruck: not today.

Servant: oh, you.

You want to go outside and  make money.

You go outside and make money.

Wirier Hruck: with no experience?


Big Hruck: she goes outside and she is like

“Oh, its hot. Lets go home".

You are a pig!

Servant: may be she meant different kind of hot.

Its Friday night…

Big Hruck: not again.

Servant: all because you weating shirt and jeans.

Wearing clothes for pigs don't make sense.

Big Hruck: what do you want?

Wizier: we have to find her and say something.

You can practice with us.

Tell her “Good night my number one. You can eat a lot.”

No Honey, no money.

Big Hruck: you are pushing!

Wizier: all right.


 Wizier Hruck: let's go.

Big Hruck: let's go where?

Crazy Hruck is here.

Crazy Hruck: my life!

Who is this?!

Big Hruck: my life?

It's me.

Crazy Hruck: Monday.

Big Hruck: your attitudes again.

Look at her! (showing picture).

Crazy Hruck (looking at the picture): she is a pig.

Big Hruck: I figured out this.

Crazy Hruck: she is not your daddy, no.

Big Hruck: no.

Crazy Hruck: is she “me, me, me"?

Your type.


Princess Swinuk: he just grabbed all the food and ate it!

Wizier Swinuk: once a pig, always a pig.

Hrucks supply lots of sugar to us.

Don't you get it!

Princess Swinuk: no.

Wizier Swinuk: we keep all the knowledge to ourselves.

Princess Swinuk: please don’t say no more.

Wizier Swinuk: we can get more pigs working on our recycling plant.

Make it big open space like Texas.

Princess Swinuk: how is Big Hruck going to sit on our throne?

He is so short snd fat.

Wizier Swinuk: we put him a cushion.


Princess Swinuk: oh, this is door!

Big Hruck: yes this is the door, the exit.

Princess Swinuk: wow!

Big Hruck: it can be an issue.

Wizier Hruck: may be swinuks don't have doors.

Princess Swinuk: I am going out.

Big Hruck: this door, all yours, go out.


Big Hruck: romantic dinner!

 What is this?

Princess Swinuk: mostly drinks and salads.

Big Hruck: grass?

Princess Swinuk: what do you want, chiken.

Waitress Swinuk: your bill sir.

Big Hruck: I have visa.

What are those lines?

Waitress Swinuk: the tip.

Big Hruck: how to skip the tip?

Waitress Swinuk: we don't have this option.

Princess Swinuk: the skip tip option is connected to our emergency line.

Someone will call you and ask if you all right.

Waitress Swinuk: you can pick extra salad next day.

Princess Swinuk: this how we are different.

Waitress Swinuk: and we write your name on the beard with the phone number.

You can pick your salad any time tomorrow.

Princess Swinuk: we can eat berries tomorrow.

Big Hruck: and see my reaction.

Little swinuks: look at his nose!

He is Pinocchio!


Bip Hruck: you can look 100 times in the mirror and nothing would happen.

You are a pig!

Wizier Hruck: you can look for 24 hours and nothing would happen.

Talking to a lady like this.

Now we have 15 percent of the swinuks love.

You have to be better parents to your pigs.


 Big Hruck: those are different pigs.

General Hruck: new army members.

Big Hruck: where are you going?!

Soldiers Hrucks: break time.

Big Hruck: back to the training!

Soldiers Hrucks: wash room.

Big Hruck: I know what wash room is, but your gym starts now!

General Hruck: nothing to worry about.

Big Hruck: your pigs are running away.

General Hruck: its its only training in alphabetical order, oink oink.

Big Hruck: and what are those square pants?

General Hruck: new designs, from the game.


Big Hruck: its it's raining outside.

Who wants to go and check?

Wizier Hruck: we will text you.

Big Hruck: where were you?

Do you know how hard is to find you.

I can't find you the whole day.

Wizier Hruck: why you can't find me?

I can find you everywhere.

I find you in the washroom.

Big Hruck: why you find me in the washroom!?


 Princess Swinuk: only Pigs streets?

Street control Hruck: yes mam!

This is our religion.

Princess Swinuk: and how long we have to drive for?

Street control Hruck: go straight on the Pigs street untill you see the right turn.

Princess Swinuk: we are driving for hours!

Where is the right turn?

Street control Hruck: we are all waiting for that, I guess.

Princess Swinuk: do you have a map?

Street control Hruck: we don't use maps here.

Go all the way and turn right.

You are pretty pig.

Let them look for you.

Princess Swinuk: we have to find Big Hruck.

We need him to make our coffee.

Sugar are our two first ingredients.



 Wizier Hruck: she is going to wear mini skirt.

Big Hruck: been there, done that.

Wizier Hruck: you better look happy.

We need Swinuks technology and they need our sugar.

Big Hruck: quite a combination.

Wizier Hruck: it sounds nasty until you eat it and then “boom", fruit explosion in your mouth.

Big Hruck: technically.

Wizier Hruck: you are not the first one who been here.

We need it done man.

Big Hruck: she said, she is on her way.

Wizier Hruck: ask how long it will take.

Big Hruck: she said soon.

Wizier Hruck: stand here in the corner like my car and smile.

Do you know what's our problem?

We think of ourselves as pigs.

And Swinuks think of themselves as wild boars from 100 years old.


















I am requesting the special line”.

Natalie looked at the letter she just wrote and quickly posted it on her poetry blog, before thinking and thinking and thinking about it again. She had doubts and wanted to hear someone else opinion, the opinion she would listen and take as a lead.

Only few people would understand her. For everyone else, it's a picture, a story, something weird without any meaning at all. May be poetic, may be romantic, little bit magic, but story without any sense.

From magician of level 92”, she added at the end of her message.

In the evening she looked at another website, with bunch of numbers and statistics.

Someone unknown was telling her “go a head, tell the story".

And Natalie started writing.

Few weeks ago I saw on the news a former Nazi soldier who was being greeted by our Parliament.

This, now, old man got standing ovations and was called a hero. This why it was on the news at least daily for a week. I was watching the news, and I started to think a lot about it. A lot of time. Not that I am angry or hate. No. I was thinking a lot and still do, because seeing this man brought a lot of memories about my childhood, about my grand parents, great grand parents, my old neighbors, people, movies, military parades, stories, about everyone who I used to know and who went and lived during the Second World war.

And this is the first time I see a Nazi soldier alive, real on TV.