I watched an old movie where the main characters (man and woman) hate Mondays. They don't know each other, but they do exactly same disastrous things, everything falls apart, cat run away, dog has a fight with neighbor's dog, messy homes, at work nothing works, coworkers complaining about Mondays. And the movie shows only Mondays for about a year of their life.
Everything is the same until they both decide to do opposite on Monday. They both say how mgreat is Monday, is best day of the week, it's a great day. All they have never done on Monday, they do.
At the end of the movie, their lives changes completely. From pessimistic to optimistic. They bump into each other on some sports show they used to hate before, both fit and happy. And out of all the people on the show only they look outstanding like "sun kissed them". The faces bright, eyes sparkle, smiled, they couldn't miss each other even with thousand people around.