old story
In the village people wake up very early, at 5 am every one is up. They drink water and go for a walk without shoes, there is something in walking without shoes, touch trees, grass, smile to the sky, cross, say thank you to God for a beautiful day. I used to do all of this, even I was small. Then go home, drink herbal tea, have breakfast, very simple, most of the time have glass of cold milk. When we had a cow, we used to bring her somewhere far on the fresh grass. Go home, clean the house, open all the windows. Then may be knit, or make something. At summer no one eat meat, you make salads, potatoes. Read books or newspapers, go for a walk, we used to go to the forest. In the evening dinner, TV at the neighbor' house. The women used to sing love songs, they had old pictures, letters. Or we go to another village, see another old people, get the cow. Go outside, check the garden, pick flowers. I used to write letter to relatives. Sometimes we would go outside and just loom at the sky...