old story

My younger step brother used to be very wild. Now he has a wife and a son, working in Moscow, very happy.
Before when he was in school, every day the school principal used to call my father, the mothet asking to do something. My father would say: don't worry, prison or army will change him. The army changed.
One time my stepbrother jumped from the 2 floor to impress some girl, was fighting over girls all the time, ruined the car, motorcycle, almost burned the house. A few times he went to home casino and after he had no clothes on, bet everything. His mother took a belt one time, I dont know what he did, but the mother was mad for a month and after he had to get a few stitches in the hospital. Different girls all the time, strange friends.
Than he went to army, at 18 all healthy men have to go to the army. He ran away once, was returned back and just changed with some force.