
In the car..
My batteries are low. .
Can't see what I am writing 
All I want to say
You look amazing,
Everything is good, 
And ... I was thinking about you..

day 1

Well...since I bought this grapefruit yesterday,
Driving like a profy 30 km per hour according to the speed limit,
Today is day one of my getting in shape plane,
In any other shapes except round.
Did meditation this morning:
I eat less, the child eats more,
I eat less, the child eats more.
Think, I am still repeating it.
And my day goes better than I expected 
Thank you new mother and the baby!
So, I eat less, the child eats more.
Mediated after I woke up,
Then was thinking, why am I sleeping.
Now I am thinking why am I so happy,
I have some one to thank..
Thank you 


Good morning :)

A woman on the radio is having a baby,
Epidural goes now..
She is having a baby girl
And Adele is singing Hello
And the sun is shinning
Happy Monday!

Good morning :)

just a thought

I had this thought, not for a while, for a few minutes.
Two women, one is almost walking naked,
And another wears jeans, black, few sparkles on the sides, with blue belt, that doesn't stay on the same place even with a belt.
The first woman does't think much, busy with work, husband and children.
May be this is the secret..
The second one had few looks, secretly, she never misses nice shapes, open clothes and flat bellies in women.
She is not jealous, only made few notices.
Few days later, its time to follow with force ....
Because she is forgiving (to herself first of all) and soft, and cant keep not to eat after 5 pm word.
With help of her mom, they had a fight today about overweight,
Only grandma supports, same type and grandma's boyfriend.
He says, he doesn't like skinny girls (at 92, may be he is hiding something).
Anyway... one story for one fat marred friend (no names because she is going to .. me).
And another for single women (why? why? why?)
For the married one (keeps feeding the single one, the husband has belly and breast already):
Up up up... its 6 am,
You up and get out of the bed like from shop lifting,
Quietly, without touching anything and being noticed,
Because you never get out until 7.
Quietly go to the kitchen,
And start making breakfast, lunch for the husband and children,
Serve nicely on the table and in the lunch bags.
Drink fast coffee to stay up all day and be in happy condition for making dinner fun and buying food in case if you missed something,
Ring the bell kindly inviting for breakfast,
Have little dance in the locked bathroom getting ready in five minutes, turn favorite music on, or turn on DVD, both must be in the bathroom.
Kids go to school, college and university, husband to work.
Now its beautiful work time!!!
The single one wakes up at 5 am, or 4;30 am,
She is lucky, one hour for her, one hour for the kid.
Fun at work, relaxing and what ever she wants to do, and nights.
First early in the morning is dance in the living room.
Plan for next week, Reggie and Hip Hop in the morning and measuring weight,
Then breakfast.. what? have to buy first.
Another friend wrote a note, how to loose 30 pounds in one months.
You cannot look at this friend, she, with opened eyes, but hope, it works.
What else? New work clothes, because she cannot go outside with what she has.
Weird people, my ... b... jump with me..
And new shoes, and tight pants because I am not going to wait for years to wear tight clothes.
Food, see what healthy bunnies eat, carrot, cucumber and tomatoes.
So, salad, berries and tea.
What else, except taking pictures of every inch.
And reading helpful blog, (she checks all at work,
Its part of exercise with fun, recommended by athletes, right):
If you like a bear, with little bit of fat everywhere... and its not winter...
Shake,shake, shake!
Smile, don't give up (its long road), buy a big lock for the fridge...
After 10 pm (she has a kid, dinner at 8 pm) give the key to a trusted person,
Or every day buy a little gift to herself for greatest job in the world, staying healthy!



I was thinking..
I know its strange now,
Like we are talking, most of the time I try not to show too much,
How to say, be delicate, not too pushy..
Read meaning of words..
May be expecting something and I don't know what to do.
I want to see someone I have been talking two years, you..
Don't be angry at me please.
I didn't think  it would to be that long,
Its no force either, I wouldn't ask anything,
I know who I am, a woman with a child.
What to do?

Good day:)

Sorry, I didn't write much,
I was little bit busy with J,
He got yellow belt and signed up for basketball lessons,
I was working, went to college and was doing nothing, thinking I guess.. 

Driving to the gym, the road is well planned by me.
I think, I should start running to the gym.
And I had coffee with cheese.
Who wants to have dinner with us?
Not me, I am fasting.
How am I going to my back home like this?
They won't believe me and think that everything is perfect.

a funny story

Who wants to know more about my work?
Not me, but we can do some other stuff.
Like go buy lottery because with our income...
This woman is crying that no one likes her,
I don't like her either so let's go.
People might complain you look dreamy, 
How ... am I supposed to look like when I am not talking to anyone.
Some friend, she..., who invites me to Boston pizza all the time..
We can print few useful notes...
Oh, first we have to praise ourself:
In Africa people call it....
We call it hard work.
I am thinking of buying new clothes for the gym,
Otherwise instead of getting g in shape
I was thinking to eat more..
Smile :) 

funny story

Breakfast with us..
Who wants to know?
Not me, but now I am going to relax at work,
Few things to do for myself.
Anyway,  you look, and everything else, better than anyone else,
Especially now,
I can listen non stop
Have to go...
Smile :) 

Good morning :)

a funny story

Have you been in the gym
To get in shape and loose some weight
Like may be thirty pounds.
And people look at you 
Like they are jealous and giving a compliment.
So I am running on the treadmill
May be I should run in the dark room first,
Where no people,  TVs don't help.
I think I am running too fast.
Kind of tripped a bit, because the mirrors are behind my back so I  keep looking if I got shaper. 
This women are watching cooking show
Every time I see the chicken I run  even faster.
What am I talking about?
Running and typing.
WiFi works only on treadmill for some reason
We are all stuck here for another hour.
News now, can relax...
I think you are the best.
Some other people really have to pull on their eyes to be somewhere near..
Amazing talent this how story goes 
Really amazing and bright 


They have koktails with K...
I have dinner with Jaden.
After few minutes arguing
About washing hands, crying like right now,
Cleaning the toys and what happened to the new mittens, without putting to much attention why it's Ali snow pants again, and where is the school calendar for next months,
I get a call from my mom,
After few minutes arguing about teaching my own child different languages and mathematics, reading and writing or bring to some one who knows what to do with children at least seven times a week,
I get a text from my sister,
After few minutes talking,
We don't argue at all,
About children and what she has for dinner.
After few minutes of thinking that children our biggest gift.
I think... what's for dinner?
Today we have McDonald's and Ninja cartoon.

a funny story

So I met this comedian.
It was a party, we were all exited
He said he would have dinner with us.
One big table, waiting, put extra make up on, between secretaries and wild women, run to the bathroom, ordered extra food, few cameras were ready.
He wasn't funny.
Why would we laugh on own jokes.
Why aren't you funny?
After another round of food.
He said he wasn't the one writing his dialogues.

don't know

I think I should keep joking only.
F...k this,  f..k that,
Every one is happy doing sh..t.
Otherwise I am going into philosophy,
And I have no idea why and what I am talking about.


I was thinking to write about rain and snow.
That what is outside today,
The storm, grey sky and icy winter roads.
How the weather is matching my mood.
Nothing was clear from line number three,
And I kind of had an idea, it's not my mood.
I would keep writing if I was a professional writer who is getting money for it.
Since I am not professional writer, 
English I learned by myself and fortune cookie promised me writing career.
I write what I want (or can? ) hm..
This afternoon I called my grandmother.
She was happy, very happy.
May be this why is raining instead of snow storm. ..
Just joking.
A.. here, she said.
I was like ...who is he?
He was a person she met at her work, 
Not feeling okay, no one knew what was going on.
She made him drinks, from berries, flowers, grass on the rain water, honey?  
From her own grandmother may when she was a baby.
I was may be fourteen at that time.
The man didn't want to, he didn't believe or was afraid.
It didn't look yummy.
For one month few times a day.
She told me she told him: it'll be poison or life. 
Today he was: good day...

Good morning :)

Can I just tell you are absolutely beautiful 
and everything is going to be great :) 


I don't feel like talking about work,
Since we have a good news.
All people here divided in groups: old and young.
Old talk about being ... and young about babies and kids..
When I go to old I keep measuring myself and my life.
When I go to young I want to have another baby.
That's the news...

just one smile :)

Good morning :)

In the good mood,
Today is Men's Day
When you appreciate men..
Some one said I look fresh today..
Smile :)

Good night :)


I have this online girlfriend...
We don't know each other, but we teach each other how to live;
She is watching my stuff, I watch on.
Now one thing we have in common is the religion.
She doesn't believe in God.
Fine, - I said first time and left alone the topic.
Now that's all we talk, the religion.
I don't believe in God,
She starts at least once a day.
Then goes on:
Do you know what it is,
Do you know where I am going?
With all the details, some very suspicious,
Like she really knows.
I already dreamed once about. ..
She has a lot of time not really working 9 to 5, may be that's the reasons.
Every day something new from a new article.
Fine, I said again.
My grandfather didn't believe in God,
He was a communist and good person.
Yesterday I supposed to have time for myself going out,
I didn't drive, took a bus,
Turned on my phone to take a picture of a fish I was thinking to buy, go buy new cream may be, shower gel and shampoo with honey.
Then I am getting her messages.
I didn't go anywhere, went back to the bus stop,
Was waiting for an hour at the place where no buses on Sunday,
No one said anything, had to take another bus, got lost, at the strange place called a taxi.
J was sick on Friday and Saturday , ate something bad,
When I got back home at night I tried all the food in the house, everything.
I think it was juice.
Today I had headache from the food or from over sleeping, staying home all day..


I was writing a beautiful story,
How I went to art school with my girlfriend,
I stayed for four years,
She stayed for four days.
Then my new girlfriend went on line,
And we talked for a while..
The end of my first story,
My old girlfriend couldn't recognize me,
Because she went back on the streets.
Nothing more.
And the new one is driving me crazy,
I think I will disconnect her profile.
I think I wont sleep with some women either
If I was a man.
Fight for lunch, fight for dinner,
No food, no sex either...
Ok have to go to the gym..
Cant stand myself feeling fat..
How we all met?..

Good night:)

just one smile