Good morning

don't know story

Poetess : well its written.
All at work, at my personal free time.
The real witch : what work do you do? (Laughing).
Poetess : whatever.
Now I am doing audit.
I don't care actually.
Grandma : this how we are raised.
Grandma w.: we don't care and proud of it.
Grandma : we don't care more then we don't like.
Aunt : people always complain about zeros in my prices.
Can't make every one happy, plus zero is zero, what's a problem?
Grandma w. : one morning I cared and it didn't go very well.
One year of community work.
Narrator : show off.
Grandma w. : I am sorry.
Grandma : save us at least from that.
Grandma w . : go outside in crysis and ask how many people care about you?
Grandma : none.
Grandma w. : and I've never had crysis.
(Everyone is knocking wood).
Because my grandmother cared about me.
Oh, I must've forgotten, we care about our own and few special people.
Narrator : you forgot something again !?
Grandma w. : what are we talking about?
Poetess : have to go work little bit.

learning to paint and draw.. 


Good morning

New Kings. .

Judge: Hello Harvey.
Harvey : Hello.
Judge : looking at the door already..
Don't worry its locked.
Harvey : I wasn't planning to run.
All I want is a beautiful woman.
Judge : as I read in newspapers, we have plenty.
With me you will be more lucky.
Now let's take our clothes off and dance very intimate dance.
Donald : I beg you pardon, how much it will cost to our country.
You both seems to like entertainment and food.
Judge : women will be more expensive.
Donald : depends how old they are.
Hilary : depends what day they are having.
Judge : thank you for your help.
Harvey : food!
Donald : plus all the troubles with Matt.
Hilary : endless story.
So far women are winning.
Donald : first we will force him to buy all our hats and cups.
For one million dollars I will sign them personally.
Judge : say last normal word Harvey.
Donald : we will get him job.
Our economy is booming, he can find great job even in jail.
Hilary : sincerely, men should be locked once in a while for healthy reason.
All the cheaters will become devoted husbands in one year.
Judge : let me write this in my note book, I might consider to make a law changing statement.
Hilary : no sex in jail. 
Donald : with who?
He will be working 9 to 5.
Plus part time on Saturday and Sunday to support his family.
Judge : congratulations Harvey.
How everything it is,
We are sons and daughters of your nation.
At times I had chance to go back, but I made a step forward.
Without anger, sadness and unforgotten dreams,
Always thinking of my name and who I am,
About people who stood before me, pushing my life forward. .

Good morning

New Kings. .

On the set of new TV series " Special victims unit ".
Donald : once again great news.
Finally we caught witch from our witch hunt.
It took one year and ten million dollars.
Look at her, this very expensive creature of night.
Witch (waiving hand): Hi.
Donald : well see you, we don't have any more money to do anything else.
Director : read the script people.
Hilary (reading) : I am here only for entertainment.
Donald (reading) : they are very rich people and we better start loving them.
They will make all people feel special.

I am sorry, I thought I was feeling busy, but actually it's not..
I am feeling happy and can say great.
When I laughed and smile the first time it's was beginning of beautiful time and still is.
All the Best really, to the Best

Good night

I was writing some history here.
Pretty much I was raised by my grandmother, great grand mother. .
I can say they educated me for the free part of education, nature, people..
And my father educated me for not the free part, college, university, good first jobs.
Then I thought of being independent and my friend helped me to immigrate to Canada.
I don't know much about any one except my grandmother's family.
Healers have believe of being close and love their own family.
And my grandfather's family was I say, badly prosecuted by the Soviet Government in 1920-1930s. My great grand father was shot by KGB in 1937. From what I heard he was very educated, followed ideas of Lenin, Marks and Leo Trotskii. His grandparents were Jews.  That's all I know.

My grandmother's brother was in Soviet Army during the Second World War.
He left in February 1942 from the last grade in high school and returned back home in 1946.
Going through Ukraine, women were running to all the soldiers, hugging, giving flowers, crying
"One woman hugged me, 
Our sons are back, - she said.
I have nothing give you, take our shirts, give it to your wife.
I have sister, - I laughed.
Give it to your sister.
And she and I think her daughter gave me two new traditional Ukrainian shirts.

Good morning

New Kings. ..

Donald : I am royalty too.
Right in my back yard.
Hilary (smiling): in deed.
Donald (smiling back) : pure lady..
One step left, two steps right, turn around, reverence (spins Hilary and kisses her hand).
One step forward, ten steps back.
Madame would you stop stepping on my foot.
Hilary : this ball room dance is quite challenging.
I prefer to make "Dandy Lion breakfast tea" instead.
Donald : one day Dandy Lion or no Dandy Lion..
I was thinking why not to have royalty, my Princess.
People have seen every one and everything pretty much here.
Soon we will go and see dinosaur.

(In the evening).
Donald : I went hunting and my royal darling is going to make dinner!
Hilary : from dinosaur !?
Donald : I am not surprised the bed broke straight in the middle!
Hilary : only after the wedding!

(in the morning).
Donald : I shall excuse myself and like real gentleman count my money in silence.

Good morning

ПИОНЕРЫ -ГЕРОИ ВЕЛИКОЙ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ.За боевые заслуги десятки тысяч детей и пионеров были награждены орденами и медалями:Ордена Ленина были удостоены - Толя Шумов, Витя Коробков, Володя Казначеев; Ордена Красного Знамени  -Володя Дубинин, Юлий Кантемиров, Андрей Макарихин, Костя Кравчук; Ордена Отечественной войны 1-й степени -Петя Клыпа, Валерий Волков, Саша Ковалёв; Ордена Красной звезды  -Володя Саморуха, Шура Ефремов, Ваня Андрианов, Витя Коваленко, Лёня Анкинович.Сотни пионеров были награждены медалью «Партизану Великой Отечественной войны» медалью «За оборону Ленинграда» - свыше 15 000 ,«За оборону Москвы» - свыше 20 000 медалью. Четверо пионеров-героев были удостоены званияГероя Советского Союза:Лёня Голиков, Марат Казей, Валя Котик, Зина Портнова.

few things ...

It was first music video my mother got from a friend.
Girls band singing, dancing.
I didn't understand a word, it was in English.
I thought may be they were saying:
Life is not what you see,
Life is what you dream.
I had never seen so much clothes, so much shoes.
We had nothing close, nothing to chose.
For me that song, the girls, music,
Became freedom knocking my door:
Life is not what you see,
Life is what you dream.
Lines in the unemployment office,
No more Soviet Union.
We had no idea what to do.
Parents are busy, nowhere to go after school.
Hiding in the old empty building,
School bags on the floor.
Cheap vodka, cigarettes, sprays, glue.
A boy is asking me to drink:
Try and you will see real things.
I tried only one time,
Because that evening
The girls band was singing on our dirty street.
They were singing only for me:
Life is not what you see.
Life is what you dream…

don't know story

Poetess: I wrote a story!

Inner voice: I am sure middle aged women will be very happy.
Poetess: what middle age?
I am not even sixty.
Inner voice: I hate working too.
Poetess (thinking of where to hide weights at work): what's wrong with it?
Inner voice: being a nice person at my work is a curse.
Poetess: I read in newspaper about some company,
Few employees got poisoned and they sued the company.
The fridge didn't work all weekend, first thing on Monday, bym..
Inner voice: we are not so lucky.
Poetess: I wrote a story (looking at the mirror) about some one else
And I think I need professional advise about where shall I go with it.
Inner voice: I have a friend for that.
Specialist in women, dogs and poetry: what's your name boy?
Poetess: boy? Irina.
Specialist in women, dogs and poetry: the mostest and importenest thing is grammar
And you have to know what a h..eck you are talking about.
Poetess (writing): the mostest importenest thing..
Specialist in women, dogs and poetry: yes, I was surprised myself
When the nurse started to take off my clothes.
Poetess: the nurse?
Specialist in women, dogs and poetry: no, the horse was after, or before...
Let me think my beautiful ladies.
Poetess (kind of melting with a smile): thank you...
Specialist in women, dogs and poetry: me to, I am thanking only the ambulance.
I was writing a poem about farm,
Special edition Mister Taker had a horse, pig, chickens and pit bulls,
I had to ride all of them myself,
Grandma with stupid questions, she was the last one.
Poetess: you were riding grandma?
Specialist in women, dogs and poetry: she said she was single.
We have to trust people.
Mister Taker had something else too, but since the children might read,
We can't talk about any weapons, especially illegal.
It was a poem for the police.
Nice detective, gave me a pillow to sit down,
We were writing for a year..
Poetess: and what happened?
Specialist in women, dogs and poetry: Peter? who is Peter?
Poetess : my name is Irina.
Specialist in women, dogs and poetry :
What I was doing in the air?
I was asking this question myself:
What I am doing in the air with a laundry bag?
What am I doing in the air at all.
Five minutes, lovely conversation between birds and myself.
Wind must be changed the direction,
That was the third nurse explanation,
The one with wings didn't explain anything,
Told me to get ... out and start .. working.
And I am working my friends,
Teaching children and adults,
We are writing new story
" Penguin versus Trax, the dinosaur"..
by Jaden and me..

Good morning

old story

My grandfather's cousin, short almost tiny woman,  I've seen few times in my life,
gave me this dress, on the train station in Moscow pushed in my hands;
Good thing I made here on time, - she smiled squeezing my cheek.
She made the dress sometime in 1950s.  
And in 1942 she was in one of Nazis labour campuses.
Very clean, with silver Star of David and magazine about Golda Meir..
In 20.. I was thinking if I have a baby girl I will call her Golda..

Good morning