Welcome to the dark side. ..

..I just felt something wasn't right. Like not cold and fever, but feeling weak, runny nose, coughing little bit. All my life I'd seen sick people, my relatives were doctors, I knew almost all about medicine and natural healing..
I called Julia first time after many years.
Hi, - she said..
Do you know any old woman who can take off anything negative, - I asked.
Curse you mean? - Julia said with smiling voice.
We met on the train station.
What happened to you? - I was surprised to see Julia, the way she looked.
".. He asked me, - old woman voice as usually was almost emotionalless, -
What happened to you?
Young soldier who liked me few years ago.
He was looking at me after new reward medal ceremony.
What? - I smiled.
He didn't have any words".
Quickly I told Julia I was looking for someone who can tell if there curse or not.
I was suspicious of my good friend who I was helping for a while, with food, money, clothes.
You give things to strangers? Anyway, I can't touch you myself, but I know someone.
..at the end unknown woman with beautiful house and garden asked me if I want to find out who did this and send it back.
I said "no".
Then we went to Julia grandmother's house..