don't know story

Inner voice: ladies would you stop bothering my life at any convenient time.
I have things to do.
Grandma w.: should I write it?
Inner voice: that would be nice.
You said you have few pages ready,
Or you are lying again?
Grandma w.: I should check my cat.
Postess: I am on diet for second week.
Aunt: men love fat women, I am good example to it.
Just say, no thank you to food.
Poetess: I am not equal.
Aunt: to who?
Inner voice: I am note equal myself.
And I will tell honestly that day will never come.
Grandma w.: it will be the end of the world, I watched on TV.
Aunt: one time I was equal to a judge, we used to sleep together.
All day, where is this, where is that?
Inner voice: eat chocolate.