Fat cats: all we have to do is to get out.
Fat cats: what's on the floor?
Fat cats: bananas.
Fat cats: looks like money to me.
Fat cats: the money is trapping us!
New King number one: and so do us.
We have to find someone who we can trust.
Some looser.
Fat cats: where?
New King number one: he was begging on the street.
(in few minutes)
New King number one: where are we now?
Fat cats: I think we are higher than the clouds.
New King number one: he didn't like word "no".
Fat cats: may be we are mistaken for other people?
New King number one: I have base somewhere here.
Fat cats: why are you laughing?
New King number one: it was made for loosers.
Now we have one in it.
Fat cats: who wants to go down?
New King number one: push me, 
I don't trust our policies.
Won't get a buck.
Fat cats: did he moved yet?
New King number one: screw everything,
I am jumping out to the hood.
New Queen number one (looking up): I saw something.
Please not be New King number one.
New King number one: I jumped like a pro.
Where is my dinner and shaking up booty.
New Queen number one: always ready.
Get closer to the table!

New King number one: in order to survive in this world, you have to lie.
GPS: recalculating.
New King number one: look who is talking.
New Queen number one: don't you think we are driving in circles?
New King number one: what else to do with 60 dollars from the budget?
New Queen number one: remember the time when someone stole this car and majority of the budget went on coffee and cupcakes.
New King number one: Pepsi makes you sexy.
New Queen number one: we are at the same circle again, the one to the beach.
What about work?
New King number one: we might no go that way, you know how cars are.

Good night

Мне не надо жалости,
Мне не надо слёз,
Как судьба по площади едет паровоз.
Лишь глаза закрою, вижу мамин взгляд:
Обещай мне только , ты придёшь домой.
Я кричу ей "мамочка",
Но она не слушает, сумашедший взгляд:
Всем клянись на свете, ты придёшь домой.
Право, лево, шнэль,
В сторона толкают как мешки людей.
Maма, мамочка,
Навсегда запомнила тёплый нежный взгляд: 
За плечами в сумке молоко и хлеб, обещай мне только, ты придёшь сюда.
Цвет весны, свет, песни,
Мы пришли домой,
Сыновья и дочери народа Твоего.

New Queen number one: you got a dog?!
New King number one: exactly.
She only weights one hundred and five pounds.
Perfect weight and perfect dessission.
Fat cats: he always gets something else.
Get what people are asking for.
Fat cats: I thought he was talking about a woman.
Fat cats: what orders he will push on us with this dog?
New King number one: write instruction my dear.
New Queen number one (writing): it's never too late to help the animals.
Fat cats: hopefully this dog will stay tiny.
Fat cats: from my excperience, it won't.
I still remember the squirrel "Bad boy".
The thing was always forgetting he ate already, every day.
We had to drive all the way to New York to get the food.

The Beast and Ze Bella

First witch: what made up Earth?
Second witch: no one knows.
Third witch: it has something to do with the Sun.
Actress: where is the King of Fools?
Witches: he is cooling down near the refrigerator.
Queen of Fools smiled or something..
King of Fools (singing): I am a snowman,
I am melting from every letter in her name.
She is all I can think about.
Actress (listening): this is very innovative!
His part in about an hour.
Boss: now you must say something.
King of Fools: I can't.
I am in love.
I can't, I can't, I can't..
Boss: you can't?
King of Fools: no.
I there a solution?! Is there are something!
Love.. everything is shining..
I see Angels..
Love rules our world, the planet! And comets!
My Angel!
Boss: put ice on your head.
King of Fools: it's in my mind now, my heart!
It's in the air!
She is wearing the cutest hat today,
And the extra long smile... It's not like her..
It's like a dressing on the salad.
I was kissing floor after her steps,
Staring on each line on her clothes..
This what money do to people!
The end.

New Queen number one: I am reading your book "How to become millionaire in two minutes" and nothing.
You write like person who doesn't know how to write.
New King number one: it's full of energy!
You have to eat it at the end my dear.
New Queen number one: like a cake?
It's kind of weird.
New King number one: it is.
You can start after words "fight!", "what are you screaming about?" or "someone promised me".
If you are reading the right way, it supports with the nstruction.

New King number one: it’s all about loyalty.
Now we have to find who is loyal.
New Queen number one: all you have to do,
Surprisingly, follow people with problems
Fat cats: there is GPS for that.
New Queen number one: those people are pantsless.
New King number one: we found them once..

I think now, after years of searching,
I write health, comfort and happiness first on my list, or may be it will be all.
Health, we have to cooperate with mother nature, comfort is luxury of going to the gym, watching tv, restaurant, movies in front of tv,
And happiness comes within..

I think some of this all, because of the smile.
Can't lie, can't say it's little bit of right.
The truth is, you have very beautiful smile.
With everything else, just relax, feel, see, know.

The Beast and Ze Bella

Troll: sex again!
King of Fools: six. I just beat my tongue.
She said she is going to be miserable without a pet bug.
(on the phone) if I see a bug in my house, we are divorced.
Fish may be.
Mama Mia (secretary): there are millions of bugs outside living the best life.
King of Fools: you are absolutely right Mama Mia!
(on the phone): instead of going to the gym, excersise outside.
Troll: do you know, what happens to the work when you are actually doing it?
It gets done.
King of Fools (to Troll): who knows.
(singing) I am a cowboy, I want..

Good morning

You are beautiful inside and outside.
People can hide this beauty if they want, but it will always shine through. 
Shine to the moon, with the wind, on the sun, like part of the nature charming fine arts.
It's just this kind of very special beauty, one in million has it, it's unique.
And you have it all.
The past, it's all been taken care of in the best way. 
The future all people must follow, it's going to be long, happy, with smiles, dreams, laughs, all just perfect and good.

New Kings..

Fat cats: he was barking yesterday.
Fat cats: how?
Fat cats: woof, woof... 
Fat cats: this city is too small.
New King number one (listening): having problems.
New Queen number one: go to sleep.
New King number one: you don't understand anything!
New Queen number one: so take some notes, you have few dirty papers on the table.
New King number one: great idea.

King of Fools (looking at the mirror): time to face the excellence and repeat 500 times
" I am excellent". (to Troll) I was off yesterday.
Troll: where have you been?
King of Fools: in the office.
Troll: got in trouble?
King of Fools: about the vacation.
If I don't get vacation, I sue the company.
Troll: there is someone under the desk?
King of Fools: our new secretary,
Mama Mia.
She never slows down at work.
(whispering) eating her yougort now.
Troll: this is insane.. who would believe it..
King of Fools: I say so too.
Who names a child Mama Mia?
Secretary: where it goes?
King of Fools: she is perfect combination!
It goes on my table!
Troll: where is the map?
King of Fools: before looking at the mess will call Jesus!
Srcretary: wow!
King of Fools (on the phone): when people play together for too long...
Queen of Fools: okay.
King of Fools: one day we will have nothing on the line.
You are going to love it.
Secretary (on the phone): the email box, is it fool or full?
Secretary (on another line): its too much.
Write all "looked per as read".
King of Fools (on the phone): it's better in water!
The natural salt!
Yes, like native people, cleaner and better.
Queen of Fools: will it help to get bigger butt?
King of Fools: if you pay attention.
This why I am calling.
Eat more salt.
Queen of Fools: most people eat a lot of sugar.
King of Fools: you eat more salt.
The world changes,
And we cannot not to change with it.
One small personal different opinion might bring a lot good to be.
Long time ago someone asked me,
What's your dream?
I was reading "The little golden calf" ("Zolotoi telenok") and said "one million".
I liked the book, few words were familiar.
The person then said: "Good, have one dream. Everything else you want to or work for".
With my one dream, and no much worries about my spiritual life, there is line of course, I can't cross without personal believe it's right, but I know who will always stand up for my soul. Their love.
The love of those people, mather nature.. We learn to trust  it.

Good morning

Good night

New Kings..

New King number one: those aliens drive me crazy.
Instead of landing on Earth, they landed on the moon and now beeping for the rescue mission.
At 5, 10 and 8.
New King number two: we just finished the ice painting over there.
New Queen number one: so annoying.
We better complain.
New King number two: may be they thought we moved?
New Queen number one: the signal probably is not getting out to their planet?
New King number one: they shouldn't go out.
New King number two: so what to do with the aliens?
New King number one: tell them may be next year.
This year we are going on vacation, beautiful resort.
Our planet is nice and perfect for us.
New Queen number one: may be some other countries have some alien rescue programs?
New King number one: wonderful idea!

Good morning

New Kings..

New King number one (looking at the paper): what are you doing!
It looks like clown is drawing with his shoe.
It has to be perfect.
New Queen number one: you are perfectionist.
New King number one: I like things to be clean.
New King number two: what are you doing?
New Queen number one: writing invitations for the la party "if something good will come out of it".
New King number two: I heard some sounds, boom, boom.
New King number one: those are the special effects.
New Queen number one: my idea.
New King number one: write the second answer my dear.
New Queen number one: I wear gloves.
New King number one: write hashtag ha-ha.