Fools gold.

King of Fools (on the phone): essential services!

From the bottom! Bye.

Essential services!

It's not the same thing!

You have to know class codes, bye.

Essential services!

I know how you feel! Bye.

Mama Mia: I am more into white people stuff.

Troll: what's that?

Mama Mia: food.

Troll: may be it’s time to explore the world?

I still like your cooking.

Mama Mia: for a small fee, I can teach you how to cook.

King of Fools: I see something new!

Eating for two?

Mama Mia: it’s a dip.

King of Fools: where's my bananas?

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools: essential services!

What are we doing?

We are very busy.

Are you crazy!

We are going nuts!

They are waiting!?

Tell them “what a heck”.

May be in few days. Bye.

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools: essential services!

I want more!

What a greedy woman.

Did we tell you to go to your husband?

This why he tell you go to work.

We will send you a few things from our office storage.

Mama Mia: you know men..

Troll: what?

King of Fools: hm, hm, hm…




Fools gold

King of Fools (on the phone): I like it.

Troll: good morning people. 

King of Fools: I am black and I didn't know!

Troll: who told you that?

King of Fools: my wife. 

May be she is thinking now.

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools (on the phone): what's goin on!

What was done?


I am glad you got it!

Boss of Trolls: what about one hundred bucks we gave you?

King of Fools: none!

That's a hint, bye.

Troll: they spent money on you?

King of Fools: we bought lottery tickets. 

Mama Mia: phone call!

Essential services!

King of Fools: why this phone is still working?

The government said to stay home or not to bother.

We are only one who listens.

Mama Mia: a fool didn't get his bonus. 

King of Fools: what!

Fool (on the phone): I got a note with bunch of zeroes.

King of Fools: was zero the first number?

Fool: zero, zero, zero.

King of Fools: simple minds!

Fool: they wrote "you are only a fool".

King of Fools: I won't think that. 

Scedual appointed with the zoo.

Monkey "The Genius" will put things in the prospective. 

95% she is right.

Yes, bring this note.

Mama Mia: miss witch!

Witch: I brought a cake.

King of Fools: where it was made?

Witch: at our kitchen.

King of Fools: home made!

Witch: may I ask?

Can I get it for free?

King of Fools: it's only 5 dollars,  you can afford like ten of it.

Witch: when you get something for free, people naturally think, you are smart.

King of Fools: I will write you on my special list, people I don't charge by a minute. 

I am 99% sure you will get it.

Witch: why are you so happy?

King of Fools: I am on this list too!

Fools gold

King of Fools: listening our government is like listening voices from He'll.

Troll: in the harsh side today.

King of Fools: we never got the bonus! Screw.

Mama Mia: at least, we have our jobs.

King of Fools: isn’t it amazing.

Fool: we always get what we don’t want.

Fool: its only 158 dollars. 

How bad they are.

Troll: we have to look at the bright side.

King of Fools: snow?

Fool: they are not thinking I tell you.

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools: essential services!

New Kings...

New King number four: mister Moses!

Mister Moses: let's go.

New King number four: I go for any time, I never loved this place. 

New Queen number two: I am marrying Pharaoh.

New King number two: you can't marry Pharaoh, he is a ghost.

New Queen number two: then a very good one.

Plus, he told me, his wife is going to be the famale Pharaoh. 

New King number two: are you sure?

I don't want surprises. 

Well,  congratulations, miss Pharoah.

Finally, things can be done. 

Servant 1: yesterday I got scared of my own shadow.

Today from a coat on a chair. 

My cat was another one.

Sevant 2: were they watching movies again?

I am still thinking, what they want to see.

New King number three: I want something green and less revealing,  going to my natural habitat, the crocodiles. 

New Queen number three: for sure, our dinner will be in two plates. 

New King number one: my new historical book "Who knows", its the name, if you want to read.

New King number two: fifteen dollars and I call you later.

New King number one: fifty?

New King number two: fifteen. 

New King number one: you can keep the change I guess. 

New King number two: very generous of you.

Fools gold

King of Fools: I am wondering what this password for?

Fool: 2525.

Fool: may be it’s a phone number?

King of Fools: I have no idea.

Troll: today we had a huge fight at my office.

Fool: at work?

Troll: yes.

King of Fools: I am wondering what here we can possibly fight for.

Fool: we have to think first.

Fool: new announcement?

Fool: wow.

Fool: we never get any.

Wow or not.

King of Fools: we have to check!

Fool: we are trying to et into something we shouldn't.

King of Fools: mister Troll, you can have keys from our office.

Take your time, don’t miss anything,  bring friends,  bring women, eat, sleep.

You can do anything you want.

Troll: I am already doing it.

King of Fools: I see.

I only don’t see the Fools gold you promised to find!



New Kings.

New King number one: what are those sign floating in the air?

New Queen number one: "no one in, no one out".

Very interesting. 

New Queen number two: a bubble!

New King number two: it's me.

New Queen number two: you?

New King number two: the aliens. 

What the wild creatures of the universe. 

When they found out where I was from, they sprayed alcohol all over me and sent back to home.


Fools gold.

Mama Mia: note from the government. 

King of Fools: our government is a bad news. 

Fool (reading): "don't touch anything".

King of Fools: some excitement!

Troll: we have a lot of work. 

Good luck. 

King of Fools: we are going for lunch. 

Mama Mia: especially after tonight. 

Troll: what are doing at night?

Mama Mia: staying home.

King of Fools: do you know what's worse?

Working every day. 

Monkey "The Genius" discovered this by a miracle!

She was shopping online like crazy. 

We still have few dollars to pay, but what can be more perfect..

Troll: what?

King of Fools: perfecto, perfecto, perfecto.

Get busy at home.

Fool: I get dressed only for work.

Mama Mia: I watch movies. 

King of Fools: wine, dance.

Before anything let's have a party!

Fools gold.

Troll: what are you doing here?

Fool: I forgot my mask.

I am a door person. 

Mama Mia: me and the mask, we don't like each other. 

We are not friends!

Fool: I will open the door for you.

Troll: thanks.

King of Fools: do you know how to roll?

Troll: no.

King of Fools: you can see the pictures.

Troll: oh, yeah?

King of Fools: I know the stuff.

Lucky day.

Someone took pictures for me.

Fool: note from monkey "The Genius".

King of Fools: she is brilliant.

Troll: why don't they rule you?

King of Fools: monkey "The Genius" hates working.

All they do, sit on the tree and eat bananas. 

Each monkey has own bag with bananas.

Troll: some people don't know what they do.

King of Fools: at least we can work few minutes a day.

Fool: I shrink my stomach. 

Mama Mia: how?

Fool: only water.

After three days oh my goodness!

Fool: I am on see food diet.

Eat what you see. 

King of Fools: I keep dreaming. 

Troll: interesting. 

King of Fools: no problem.

Fools gold.

Fool: sign here.

Troll: what is this?

Fool: "Okay, we have to be healthy order".

Troll (reading): sneezing, coughing,  sweating, allergic to men, allergic to women?

Fool: leave the check marks. 

Troll: he is stupid or what?

Fool: approved by the zoo.

I wish they open the doors soon.

Troll: where's King of Fools?

Fool: busy somewhere. 

Fools gold.

King of Fools (on the phone): lie down.

Troll: again!

King of Fools: this is my dog!

Fool: same things I tell to my dog,

You have to know how to relax.

Fool: mister Troll, you have to learn how to relax.

Fool: you are jumping like squirrel on the tree.

Fool: do you know what it means?

Troll: what?

Fool: your evolution is going in reverse.

Fool: soon we will not let you in the building.

Fools gold.

Fool: where's everyone going?

Fool: lunch.

Fool: oh, lunch.

Mama Mia (on the phone): essential services!

Fool (on the phone): how are you doing?

Mama Mia: fantastic, work and things.

Fool: similar, crazy.

Mama Mia: we have an emergency!

King of Fools: I will deal with it myself.

What’s your problem sir?

Fool: I can't stand women.

King of Fools: how many?

One? Two?

You have to count first.

Fool: simple solution.

King of Fools: not for everyone.

You have to count now.

Troll: idiot.

King of Fools: you?

We never know!

Fool: notes from monkey “The Genius".

“I love you" and “Idiots can go home".

King of Fools: you can go home.

Troll: me!?

King of Fools: go, have a romantic night.

I had one myself, very romantic.



Fools gold

Troll (on the phone): where are you?

King of Fools: at home.

Self isolating for the weekend.

Something therapeutic about it.

Queen of Fools: I like it.

King of Fools: she likes it! (oink,  oink).

I am having good thoughts already!

Queen of Fools: can I show you something.

King of Fools: at least you asked.

Troll: I know.

Queen of Fools: purple peach.

King of Fools: our purple peaches are still in the fridge?

Oh, yeah, okay, bye.

Did you get it?

Troll: I got it.

King of Fools: did you get it?

Troll: I got it, see you on Monday again.

Where's everyone?

Mama Mia: at lunch.

Fool: we increased our lunches.

Fool: bank is calling!

They better call someone else.

We have no answers.

Fool: they can call our prime minister.

He is at home.

Fools gold

King of Fools (on the phone): all you have to do is to move!

Tell us where do you live, we will shuffle for you!

Mama Mia (on the phone): we had apples, sausage and sugar.

Fool (on the phone): use pecans.

Mama Mia: okay.

Troll: I thought some one is lying here.

King of Fools: yeah, that’s the government, they do that.

Troll: no, jackets on the floor.

King of Fools: oh, we are cleaning “super flash”.

Troll: I thought you are not opened.

King of Fools: we are essential services!

Seven days a week, both weekends by the dollar value!

Troll: and when are you going to start?

King of Fools: in five minutes.

(Mama Mia laughing).


 TORONTO - A stay-at-home order is now in effect across Ontario.

The directive requires residents to stay home except for essential outings, such as accessing health care, shopping for groceries, or outdoor exercise.

The province has said there's no set definition for what is “essential” because everyone has their own unique circumstances and regional considerations.

There's no limit on how many times people can leave their homes per day, or on how long they can be out.

Premier Doug Ford has urged people to use their “best judgment” in deciding whether to go out.

But critics say the measure, which was announced on Tuesday as the province enacted a second state of emergency, is vague, particularly given law enforcement officers' ability to fine those not in compliance.

The order is part of Ontario's effort to combat soaring rates of COVID-19 that officials have warned could soon overwhelm the health system.

As of Wednesday, Ontario was reporting a total of 224,984 COVID-19 diagnoses since the pandemic began. Of those, 29,636 cases were still active, while 5,127 people had died.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 14, 2021.

New Kings..

New King number two: what is this?


One million dollars!

Pharaoh: what about cheese and meat?

New King number two: we don't think about that.

Pharaoh: what are we going to eat?

New King number two: very selfish of you.

New Kings..

New King number two: what's special for today?

Bartender: quite time.

New King number five: cofee please.

Until what time?

Bartender: you are not very fat, you can sit here all day.


New Kings..

New Queen number four: bonjurno. 

New Queen number five: salutto sundemmo.

New King number four: marijuana mask?

New King number five: my mama made it.

New King number four: I have with one leaf. 

New King number two: can we find something less pricey.

Diamond: one dollar judge!

One dollar judge: how are you?

Diamond: they left only one washroom open.

We think, they are not going to fix the rest.

New King number two: this is illegal!

One dollar judge: how many washrooms do you want?

Diamond: only two!

One for men and one for women.

If we stand and pee like this, they going to like it.

One dollar judge: what is the solution?

New King number two: stay home.

One dollar judge: ordered, stay home.

I would do the same, but people need me. 

New Kings..

Diamond: only one washroom is open.

This place is possessed. 

New King number three: its better than go outside, if you think about it.

New King number four: we will open them when the pandemic is over who knows when it is.

New King number five: it's our goal to keep the washroom clean.

New Queen number two: meay..

Diamond: who is this!

New Queen number two: cat.

Diamond: this cat has face!

New Queen number two: its mine, relax.

Diamond: New King number seven didn't wish us Happy New Year!

New King number two: he was on vacation. 

New Queen number two: he brought back some sunshine..

New King number two: now he is working at home ... this why he can't come up with anything good.

Pastor: we have to stay here and wait.

Servant 1: wait for what.

Servant 2: stupid mask.

Pastor: when the Kings will have the answer or may be not.

New King number two: sure they do.

Servant 1: yeah?

Pastor: they promised!

Diamond: I didn't hear anything. 

Outside, taking time with Carlos, his trainer from the dog school said that male dogs need “ meaningful walks",

I was thinking again about autism Emma's call. Something was bothering about it.

Carlos was pulling from tree to tree, sniffing and sneezing,  enjoying his every say “ meaningful walk".

No one was around,  so I started to think loud, same way how I watched on online public speaking class.

Yes,  I take online classes,  my children take all kind of classes and so my dog.

“ First time I heard about aunt Emma when we were invited to her wedding.


New Kings..

Diamond: where are you going Kings?

New King number five: only one time!

New King number two: how was your night?

Diamond: it was terrible. 

New King number seven: now we have double problem.

New King number two: what's bothering you sweetheart?

Diamond: I  want to see the light.

New King number four: not here.

New King number three: I don't know why the lights are not working. 

New King number two: if we would only know in advance!

 "You have to pick me up. In my city, near the bridge...".

Aunt Emma's voice sounded grasped and distracted. 

"What?" - at first, I didn't understand what she was talking about or it was even her, ringing like a bell, aunt Emma.

"Happy New Year, Emma!"

I tried to say something, but she interrupted me, impatiently and angry.

"You have to pick me up, in my city, near the bridge.." 

Then aunt Emma started to talk loud:" Yes, the cake will be ready tomorrow,  by the light pole".

She didn't finish talking again. 

"Oh, hi dear", - it was her husband,  uncle Tom.

"Hi Tom, Happy New Year".

"Bye", aunt Emma is busy right now, we have a lot of vegetables to sell".

"What?" - I asked the same question,  but they hanged up the phone.

"John, can you call your aunt. Uncle Tom seemed disoriented. When did they stop selling vegetables?".

"I don't know,  may be few years ago?".

" John,  you have to call your aunt. See you later. I have to take the dog for a walk. No one cares about this dog. You promised,  the kids .. Now, I am walking the dog. Anyway.." I smiled,  thinking not to start the new year this way. 

"Let's go, sweetie, my big, big, big dog. We know who likes to walk". "Fat ass", I whispered. Our dog, Carlos,  seemed to be okay with it...

New Kings..

Diamond: how old is the bride?

New King number two: go to her, she is gifted.

Diamond: how?

New King number two: look at the picture.

Diamond: she looks dumb.

New King number two: this is a gift.

New Queen number two: I am getting married.

Diamond: congratulations!

New King number two: to who?

New Queen number two: our Pharaoh.

New King number two: you are crazy!

We don't have Pharaohs.

Pharaoh: it's better then bubble!

New Queen number two: he just proved you wrong.

Pharaoh: I demand a lot from my people.

New King number two: he is crazy too.

New Queen number two: he has wives at home, I will be his new wife here.

If you understand what I am talking about.

He thinks he reached his final destination.

New King number two: this is crazy.

New Queen number two: I didn't ask you to count Pharaohs.

New King number two: I didn't count Pharaohs,

I only looked dreamingly at the stars!


New King number five: Dimond ran away first.

What a betrayer.

Diamond: who are those people?

Diamond: Diamond friends.

Creeps too.

New King number four: I can't breath.

New King number five: don't think of leaving.

We have to prepare the party.

New King number four: cross me again.

New Queen number four: I can't.

New King number five: hold the cross.

You will feel better.

New Queen number four: I promise, I promise,  I will change my life for good.

New King number five: sweetheart,  you have to calm down.

Our psychic already cleaned the place, we have nothing to worry.

Diamond: those people worry me.

Diamond: calm down.