King of Fools: I am wondering what this password for?
Fool: 2525.
Fool: may
be it’s a phone number?
King of
Fools: I have no idea.
Troll: today
we had a huge fight at my office.
Fool: at work?
Troll: yes.
King of
Fools: I am wondering what here we can possibly fight for.
Fool: we
have to think first.
Fool: new announcement?
Fool: wow.
Fool: we never
get any.
Wow or not.
King of
Fools: we have to check!
Fool: we are
trying to et into something we shouldn't.
King of
Fools: mister Troll, you can have keys from our office.
Take your time,
don’t miss anything, bring friends, bring women, eat, sleep.
You can do anything
you want.
Troll: I am
already doing it.
King of
Fools: I see.
I only don’t
see the Fools gold you promised to find!