Diamond: only one washroom is open.
This place is possessed.
New King number three: its better than go outside, if you think about it.
New King number four: we will open them when the pandemic is over who knows when it is.
New King number five: it's our goal to keep the washroom clean.
New Queen number two: meay..
Diamond: who is this!
New Queen number two: cat.
Diamond: this cat has face!
New Queen number two: its mine, relax.
Diamond: New King number seven didn't wish us Happy New Year!
New King number two: he was on vacation.
New Queen number two: he brought back some sunshine..
New King number two: now he is working at home ... this why he can't come up with anything good.
Pastor: we have to stay here and wait.
Servant 1: wait for what.
Servant 2: stupid mask.
Pastor: when the Kings will have the answer or may be not.
New King number two: sure they do.
Servant 1: yeah?
Pastor: they promised!
Diamond: I didn't hear anything.