"You have to pick me up. In my city, near the bridge...".

Aunt Emma's voice sounded grasped and distracted. 

"What?" - at first, I didn't understand what she was talking about or it was even her, ringing like a bell, aunt Emma.

"Happy New Year, Emma!"

I tried to say something, but she interrupted me, impatiently and angry.

"You have to pick me up, in my city, near the bridge.." 

Then aunt Emma started to talk loud:" Yes, the cake will be ready tomorrow,  by the light pole".

She didn't finish talking again. 

"Oh, hi dear", - it was her husband,  uncle Tom.

"Hi Tom, Happy New Year".

"Bye", aunt Emma is busy right now, we have a lot of vegetables to sell".

"What?" - I asked the same question,  but they hanged up the phone.

"John, can you call your aunt. Uncle Tom seemed disoriented. When did they stop selling vegetables?".

"I don't know,  may be few years ago?".

" John,  you have to call your aunt. See you later. I have to take the dog for a walk. No one cares about this dog. You promised,  the kids .. Now, I am walking the dog. Anyway.." I smiled,  thinking not to start the new year this way. 

"Let's go, sweetie, my big, big, big dog. We know who likes to walk". "Fat ass", I whispered. Our dog, Carlos,  seemed to be okay with it...