King of Fools (whispering on the phone): where's my muffin?
I am ready to bake right now.
Troll: you look dreamy.
King of Fools: we were socially distancing for a while.
Fool: mister Troll, is there a reason you didn't sign up to clean "super flash"?
Troll: I just took a shower!
King of Fools: she called me bad boy.
Troll: I guess she knows you.
Mama Mia: when are they going to open shops?
I want to go shopping.
Troll: you want to go shopping!
Fool: we can sign you for Saturday.
Troll: I didn't sign to clean the super flash, it's not my job.
Fool: on Saturday, you can take shower, go to work, come home and take shower again.
Fool: we are filled with posters.
Read one at least.
Mama Mia: so you know what's going on.
Troll (reading): "Good luck going back to work if you test positive with the virus".
Fool: we have our concerns.
Romantic days are coming.
Mama Mia: we will have chocolates and mints, and coffee.
Fool: I will buy a cake.