Fools gold.

King of Fools: bye salary when you work with morons. 
Troll: we better get started!
King of Fools: we have no idea what we are doing. 
We better write it down. 
Troll: are you asking me?
King of Fools: you get where we are going?
Ttoll: stupid,  this where you are going. 
King of Fools: push me the pan.
Yes, no, probably?
Mama Mia (on the phone): this morning the door was locked,  so we thought the gragly pit is closed for some luck, but no, it's open.  We have to read sign and ring the bell.
Fool (on the phone): like pizza delivery. 
Signs are everywhere now.
Mama Mia: there are fifty signs on every door, how do you know which one to read?
Fool: read them all, all day.
King of Fools: what is this?
Mama Mia: the office dumped work. 
King of Fools: why they leave it here?
Because they are stupid. 
Troll: this is crazy.
King of Fools: have some vodka there, it will not be stupid.
Ttoll: who brought a pig here?
King of Fools: Bonita!
Our hot, sexy girl!
Bonita: oink, oink.
King of Fools: she wants me to answer my own question!
We turned off "super flash" for today.
I don't know who raised the prices?
It can be one of you.
Okay,  Bonita, let's go.
We have to relax.