New King number one: messed up, but I don't know where.
Look, free mask!
New Queen number one: I stamped my foot on it.
Its easier to stamp one foot at the time.
King of Fools: you should work at a factory.
For some people I can tell right away.
Servant 1: what exactly are you looking for?
New King number one: for something you don't have.
For 100 percent.
New Queen number one: for 100 dollars.
Servant 2: is she only one who is looking for 100 dollars?
New King number one: every one, but we changed our names.
Servant 2: we haven't started yet.
Servant 4: this why we don't work, because who cares.
Servant 5: here.
New Queen number one: thank you.
New King number one: you don't know how much it is.
It can be one dollar.
Servant 1: he likes cheese.
Servant 2: fifty!
New King number one: only me, only me.
Servant 1: we have two of them now.