Love story

“Cry, cry, my darling, it will be easy then, cry, cry, it will be easy then, cry, cry” – a very old wrinkly woman was trying to calm down a young woman.

The old woman was crying too. You could not even see the color of her eyes any more, just blocks of water.

The young one Anna had been crying nonstop for almost an hour. Her eyes turned puffy, nose big and red and her face was swollen.

Anna received a letter from the army that her husband Maxim was killed in a battle.

“No, no, no”, – Anna was repeating the same words again and again, over and over.

“Cry, cry, my darling, cry, cry”, - the old lady’s voice was flat and unemotional.  

Since then almost one year went by.

Anna’s life turned back to normal in some way.  She still loved Maxim, but it was different kind of love, not as sharp as before. She started to forget him.

One morning a post man knocked to Anna’s door and gave her a letter from some military hospital.

Anna opened it and started to read.

“Good morning Anna. I am a nurse in the Water Military hospital. I want you to know that your husband Maxim is still alive”.

Anna had never run as fast as at this day.

“Maxim is alive”, – she ran to Maxim’s parents home.

Maxim’s mother sat on the couch and could not move. His father, a big old man covered his face with hands.

In a few days all Maxim and Anna’s families were in the hospital.

Anna wanted to be the first one to see Maxim.

She walked to his room. It was a big room, his bed, chair and a table with her picture on it.

Anna saw Maxim sleeping, he did not have hands and legs as the nurse wrote.

Anna started to cry. She hugged Maxim, he woke up, opened and closed his eyes as he saw Anna.

“We are going home, Maxim”.