The Forest Queen

Long time ago, when my grandmother Ira was young she loved to listen her grandmother endless stories.
And this story she loved the most.

One girl, Masha, was watching her little brother and one day the brother just ran away. Masha could not find him anywhere and soon she had no choice as to tell her parents.

Her parents were angry at first, looked everywhere in the village and finally thought that the little boy run to the forest outside of the village.

It was getting dark and all the people decided to go to the forest.
Masha went too.

When she was walking she noticed a little flash of light on a pine tree. Then when Masha touched the tree, the light jumped to another pine tree behind, and to another tree.

Masha followed the light and soon she realized she got lost. No one was near her. Masha was ready to cry when she heard some voices right near her.

She was still behind some trees when she looked in a bright open space and on a woman who was talking to animals around her. There were squirrels, foxes, wolves and two bears sitting quietly and steering on the woman in a very rich green dress and crown on her head.

Then someone whispered in the little girl ear: “Ran fast from here. Our Queen does not like when anyone watching her. Your brother is at home".

After hearing the voice, Masha jumped up and ran away without watching the road.

She was running nonstop until she bumped at her father who told her that she must go home with all the women and the men would continue the search.

And her brother was already waiting at home.

And my mother heard the similar story too.

Its about two women who went to an old forest which no one used to go for more than fifty years and they sow a young woman dressed in green dress sitting near a forest lake. It was good because they did not make any noise until she left, because as I heard if a person sees the Forest Queen he will never leave the forest.