Magic Lake

One old man Victor told me this story.

Many years ago Victor was organizing night schools in the smallest Russian towns and villages. And his job required a lot of traveling and of course was very interesting to see new cities, new people almost every month.

Victor was young and handsome man with a respectable job and many people would invite him for parties or other special occasions. 

In one very old village Victor was invited on a birthday party to some old sisters.

And on this party he met a very beautiful woman.

Her name was Galina. She was tall, her skin was very fair compare to other women in the village and Galina had long black hair. She was just Victor's type. Plus, the woman was very nice, smart, and could talk about anything in the world.

Victor had to live in that village for a while and soon he started to date Galina.

And again, Galina was wonderful. Soon Victor was completely in love.

One thing that was strange was that Galina was pushing Victor to learn how to swim. Sometimes Victor thought all Galina wants was for him to swim. And Victor was afraid of water.

To please Galina, Victor asked some man to teach him swimming.

When the water in the river became warm Galina showed Victor how she swims. Victor was amazed, how beautiful his girlfriend in the water. One minute she looked like a mermaid, like she had a tail.

When Victor learned how to swim well, Galina asked if they can go to swim in an old lake somewhere in the forest.

Earlier in the morning they left the village and went to the forest. After almost entire day of walking, Victor and Galina walked to a very small green lake.

 The lake was very unusual, the water was green and unclear, the lake looked unreal. Only if you touch it, you would know it's water.   

Galina started to kiss Victor and was taking his clothes off. Then she took off her dress and jumped to the lake. Victor followed her and went to the water.

Then Galina was swimming faster and faster to the center of the lake. Victor had hard time following her. He decided to trick her and dive, but secretly he was watching her.

The woman was looking for Victor. When Victor dove up on the top he saw that the woman in seconds from young and beautiful turned in to old and ugly. She was angry and was looking around to see Victor.

Victor got very scared and he swam secretly back and ran away without looking back.

Later he heard a story about Magic Lake. When a witch falls in love, she has to bring that person to the lake and tell to swim to the middle of the lake. And when the person reaches the middle he will always be in her power and forever will be together.