Thunderstorm - my story

One time I was running home from a supermarket and it was a huge thunderstorm. Outside was nothing, but trees. I hide under one of the trees.

"You shouldn't stay here", - some one said.

An old woman was near me. I thought she was here before, but I did not notice her at first. I smiled. The woman smiled too, with so much love and kindness that I cant even describe. I smiled again and she looked at me like was saying "go, walk, go home, don't stay here" without any words. 

She stepped closer, and I felt uncomfortable and decided to go home any way. When a was a few steps from the tree I looked back and no one was under it. And I could not see the old woman anywhere. Soon I was home all wet. 

The next day I was on the phone with my mother and she mentioned our village neighbor's house. And I remembered the old woman who lived in that house. I was very small at that time and i don't remember her face at all, but for some reason I had a second thought that it was her standing under the tree.