old story

I had a clasmate, nice girl, pretty, who liked me, my cosmetics, clothes and we used to spend a lot of time together, talk about things. And one time she told everything about me, what I said, what I did at home (I used to dance by myself in front of TV, or turn music loud and sing, dress up in). Everyone she told was looking at me, was making jokes, boys especially. For a few days I didn't even go to school. I forgave her, forgot about it, but we never talk much ever since. A while ago she wanted to talk to me, asked my sister about it and was apologizing for telling my secrets long time ago. She still remembers it.

just a flower

new story

First time alone at home in one year:) Finally my son has sleep over time:)

its a beautiful evening

just a thought

You have to feel strong and energized!
The first thing you do in the morning - drink a glass of water ( to feel like a flower that opens after watering or the rain:)
Look at the flowers, trees, anything green, they give you peace:) 
Laugh, smile, be funny:) 

All the best, we are going out:)

a few pictures

nothing in my mind

Talking to one Russian woman on the phone, she is fighting with her husband (he wants to go to a casino), and creaming, that he can go to women if he wants:)

a few pictures

a few pictures

just a few pictures...

old story

One time me and my mom (who likes picking mushrooms) almost got lost in the forest. We walked a bit, but later couldn't find the road back, were we put marks on the trees. This how people used to go far in the forest, leaving marks on the trees or cutting the grass a bit. We were walking and walking, nothing. Than my mom said: let's just wear shoes on different feet (old superstition). We did and right away we found the marks my mom left on one of the trees.  A few times we went so far, we spent a day walking back and forth, carrying all the bags, but it was very nice, interesting.

I think...

I think we all really need a peace of mind,
A quiet place where we can escape from outside of the world.
Where no wind, no rain,
Where you don't have to lie and pretend to be strong.
The place you know someone one will say:
"Love you", no matter what,
You are right or wrong.
And will be waiting for you all night, all day long.
Only one home that will make you feel great;
When no need to find another as a way to escape.

Monday Monday

This morning I have done:writing, running in the park, calling to my sister (talked about nothing this time and she wants a dog, why not?:)), now coffee time (at work). One woman asked me where I run (one day I was wearing winter pants,didn't have time to change), I said to the elevator, to get my coffee, to work, if the street light changing red, she was, I know, I know. We have a cake again, tomorrow is Canada day:) Smile:)

a few pictures

a few pictures

The Synagogue

This is the sign of the Synagogue that brighten me at the "middle of the night" on a dark empty road. 

just a thought

Today is going to be one of my best days:)

I read this in one book, when you say it every morning before doing anything, just aftet waking up, and one day it will be one of the best days..The book had some wired examples too, I think I laughed.
All the best!

Good night:)

Have a good night everyone:) It's kind of good morning here, still, all the best as always...:)

My sky today

evening in the park (part 4)

evening in the park (part 3)

evening in the park (part 2)

evening in the park

Just got home from the park.

 I have seen the second rainbow this week. Nice day, thunderstorm without the rain, beautiful sky and lots of ducks.

just a thought

Smile is required...

Mу colors

I'm walking on the road
Of the girls' dreams.
The road of beautiful violets and roses.
The green color is my hope,
Kindness and warmth.
The color of green grass
That spring gives me every year.
The red color is my passion.
The color of my strong will,
Determination and desires.
The color of New Year sparklers.
The blue color is
The color of my dreams, of my happiness,
Believe and faith.
The color of our rivers and the sky.
The color of a small Bluebird,
From my childhood stories,
Once I wanted to find...


my father's house

old story

We had good school, in the way, that the teachers had their own things, we had ours and it was difficult time for the entire country to bother each other. Most of the time we dressed better, had more money, knew more than our teachers. They respected us in some way, may be they were sorry too, most of us were from problem families. I didn't understand algebra, geometry and physics at all, and I cheated all 10 years. I liked literature, music, and art, was very good at it, the physical training was my favorite too. I used to run for our school on almost all school championships. We were not allowed to fight at school, it was very prohibited by the our "teenage authorities". We spent most of our time together, we had to be goo to each other. Now I talk to only one my school girlfriend, we were the best friend, went to the art school together, used to wear each other clothes and always have something to talk about. In the last grade I used to work after school in my grandmother's hospital, clean the rooms, and I had just enough time to go to school, do my homework somehow, go work. I wanted to move away. I didn't have a boyfriend, I didn't smoke, didn't drink, and looked different. I wanted to go higher in life, had dreams and I knew I will move somewhere else any way.


a few pictures

For my "Old story"

old story

 I used to go to our forest with my great grandmother, not very far, little bit. She wanted to show me how not to get lost in the forest, and how to find the right grass or berries for the tea she was making once in a while. Every time we went, we had some cheap jewelry, mostly made from buttons or shells. She would greed the forest first and leave our gift under the tree. I think all the old ladies did the same. They said this how you cannot get lost in the forest.

in the morning

I downloaded 100 songs on MP3 player and didn't leave the race track until I listened all of them. Now I am sweating like a slut. The park was empty, just me...