old story 5

When the Russian economy was bad in 1990 th, our parents had no money. I remember the time, when all they did just borrow money, fight about it with each other and give back, then give the money back, borrow again. And of course no one really think about us, what we were wearing. The food was the first priority. All the girls were dressed in the old school uniforms or the parents clothes. I remember in one of magazines we read about how to make a skirt from your father old jeans. And we did it actually. I cut almost all my mom's clothes.
One summer I decided to learn how to make my own clothes, to sew and knit, because I hated to wear old stuff and I did. Every day I had something different, I made myself. I started to dress up, changed my hair style, did make up (a few times my mother went to school because of that). And I noticed, that people would change a bit, their mood, got happier instantly, when they so me all dressed up. Then some of my girlfriends started to follow me. We would walk on our dirty streets, with garbage, some drinking man, and we would look like from somewhere else.