little bit blue

The sun for you

Good morning :)

Beautiful day

Today is a beautiful day,
Because I am painting it in bright colours.
Sky will be my canvas
Clouds will be my brushes.
Water from warm night rain.
Wind will mix bright colours together,
All borrowed from rainbow,
Summer, autumn,  winter and spring.
Sun will make shine everything.
We are painting our beautiful day.

Good morning :)

Smile :)

just a thought

It was time in my life when I was thinking about Mondays,
And other days, when you have to work.
Then I realized I was following wrong crowd,
And I stopped,  went back to who I was and I am,
I want to say, a happy person from family who could make people happy, and healthy.
And how important is to be with right people.
My great grant aunt is almost 100,
All her life she worked on a farm, what food could you get, only from her garden
And when we were school girls she used to every day give some kind of lessons to us...

have to go

Good morning :)

just a thought

It was just a dream,
Just a thought, just a hope,
Touch of spring, summer breeze,
Blue warmest water, shining sun
And long road to go...


little bit blue

a story

My grandmother told me one time, 
That she thought she loves me more 
than my mom and my aunt. 
When they were small she had to work a lot, 
Doctor, only one in the hospital,  busy, kids in school, have food, that was all.
I was one week old when I started to live with my grandma, great grandmother and grandfather. 
Old ladies used to play with me in our village, 
When they were in the room, 
Everything was bright, 
They had medals on the shirts, absolutely beautiful women. 
You feel warm being around. 
I had to wake up at four, go outside,  we went to the forest for mushrooms and berries, 
Went to see friends in all kind of places,
I crossed our river once with a few friends, 
Could go anywhere by myself.
Until grade one I was living mostly like this.
Then school, I didn't like it much,
I was shy, raised differently, more mind freedom, dressed differently.
I was so happy when I graduated and moved away.
Thought my children should have different future.
Now I still have old habits,  I wake up early, go to bed late, my windows open most of the time, 
I jog outside,  go to gym, know natural stuff, what's for massage what for caught,  I know all traditional spa, don't eat in the kitchen,  near TV, I make my own clothes,  knit,  paint sometimes, like good pictures...

little bit of summer for you :)

for you...

a few pictures

a few pictures

just a flower

a story

One evening I was reading a book to my great grandmother.
Outside was winter, I could hear the wind blowing in our windows, dark outside.
My grandmother was talking on the phone and laughing.
And she returned home from her hospital without sleeping for two days.
A top doctor and most of the time I saw her at her hospital office.
Still she was always happy, full of enedgy, 
The same like my great grandmother, who remembered Russian Social Revolution in 1917, and two wars.
I was reading about the book about three little pigs.
My teacher in school said no more communist books my grandfather read to me.
The "Three little pigs" book seemed endless,
I was skipping pages, falling a sleep.
My great grandmother was so interested in what would happen to the pigs, 
That I knew she would ask me to read something else.
Then I said:
One day I will write a book about you.
My grandmother laughed:
Don't mention me!
And I thought may be one day I will write about them,
Women from a small village who went against poverty, difficult times, public rules and did what considered to be impossible...

Good morning :)


Reading my horoscope,
Little habit from my past,
Something like to plain my day wisely.
It says: I gain because I deserve.
Had job review and raise this morning,
I am only one who gets it here.
Nice place, I do what I want,
And all I have to do is to show up and be happy.
Did almost what I planned,
Refused to have a cake, fifth this week.
Ladies here every ten minutes having smoking breaks,
So they are pretty much blue at the end of the day.
And I am with my sister talking on the phone,
Day is going well...


Almost every day after school for ten years
I would go to my grandmother's hospital,
Her office and wait until evening to go home.
When I was old enough I would work.
I have seen many people,  really though what life is.
And of course I looked different from most of the girls,  women in our city.
It's kind of freedom.
I never wore long skirt or baggy clothes, 
Everything was tight and short for some reason. 
One time I said,  after some gossip, 
I will only wear long.
That day I forgot to wear that long skirt. 
I only had a sweater. 
Another day, I had long skirt on, checked, 
And it started to rain all day,
I was so wet when I got home.
And third day, like in commercial, 
The skirt was only at the front, 
After an hour of walking I realized.
It was it, I don't think I've worn anything long ever 
From my that years I am not taking to anyone, 
We had high school reunion,
Some people still will never ever change. 
I am always now, not thinking much about past.
You go on, life goes on and you kind of walking with the life now.
Some things is good only for you to fix some how.
I think if I had a chance I would talk my father's mother.
I didn't talk to her for years,
My mom was against it,  had own reasons, 
I didn't want to fight and we left it alone.
Now I know, I should had said something.
Still, not too many people have childhood I had,
Most of the stuff was all over the place,
I have something to talk about. ..

Smile :)

Just one smile :)

Good morning :)

You look amazing :)
Smile :)


Talked to my sister,
She said she so busy,  cannot talk. 
And I know it is 14 or 30.
She works hard only twice a month when she gets a pay check.
The rest of the month planning surprise for her husband.
I think he is one of the most surprised men in the world.
Then my sister' friend had a baby,
I remember this girl as a baby herself. 
She went for natural delivery when told not to do it,
Wanted to see how women from old centuries felt.
For an hour was talking to them, 
Touched planets,  couldn't even think about the baby,  
Had a fight with her mother
All in this hour.
My friend's sister was bitten by a sneak, 
She works in a pet store,
Upset because was told not to touch animals any more. 
Here we have cold weather alert, 
Kids eating snow...
That's all for now...
Little show here ... Women. ...... 


Good morning :)

a story

Old ladies living in the villages I went to see, old and kind, family friends since forever.
I am not sure they all were real natural healers, people who can heal with touch of hand, heal anything, not just knew nature. It's different.
All I remember they cared if a person will be leaving them all right.
Talked a lot about making people healthier, called it blessing that will go for generations and nothing can go against it...


just a thought

A story I heard.
Natural healers, the real one I have seen,
They ask how a person is feeling now,
Is he okay?
They cannot change the past,  but make future better.
And this why I heard:
Take only the best from any moment you have had.
Only the best.

a story

I was in a bus wearing "I love Canada" shirt
And a lady next to me asked me of I am Russian.
We talked a bit about communism,  Siberia,  cold winter.
Then she asked if I want to volunteer at her senior house,  where she was living.
On Saturday I was reading them my poems in Russian, in English a bit, but they didn't understand much, were laughing, nervous when I spoke about history.
Someone asked me this question.
I was hoping they won't d...
Very old people.
I showed my pictures, miniskirt,
I had to walk around.
Things went better,
Few people loved Russia forever,  discovered now,
And asked for more pictures.
I promised to open a blog, next weekend I gave the name and this how it started...
They liked it, hope still reading it.
Some places that I have seen,
Unique, only people who knows them, can show.
Far in the forests,  rivers,  gardens,  small villages...

just a thought

I am reading between the lines, again,
It's like a code, password.
I looked at the very long story,
And the pictures...
One word only:
You look amazing,
What can I say...
Smile :)

Good morning :)

just a thought

I was reading between the lines.
Okay, I write first between lines here that you look great,
I can use another four letter word (starts with s), but I have to look official on this public blog.
I wrote a few things for people,
My word worked for some reason.
My girlfriend got pregnant,
The screenplay was amazing,
Her boyfriend was crying begging her marry him.
Another guy didn't do anything bad after reading my love poems at time I didn't even have a boyfriend.
Few stories in language I've learned on my own.
Entertaining people at work...
All that stuff.
I can write you something,
Of course if I am reading correct between the lines.
If not, just forget it, sometimes its hard.
Imagination shows up, women are crazy when they are imagining something.
Everything else is good.
Smile :)

just one smile :)

All the Best :)

Smile and have a great day :)

a story

Long time ago,
When I was a secretary in our city court.
A young woman stopped by near wall
with application forms for divorces.
She was beyond poor, dressed in old clothes not, our nationality,
From one of former Asian Soviet republics, long black hair, brown eyes.
She was looking at the forms, people, secretaries, judges were walking by.
No one stopped exempt me.
I asked: do you need help?
She was surprised, started to talk how she is sorry for bothering.
She was basically a slave,  working for what she can get, raising a child,
Her husband was in jail, she heard, but didn't know which one and how to file for child support and divorce.
She didn't know what to do, people she asked didn't care, told go to court.
In the court no one, except me, cared ether.
I asked the whole office what she should do, and the lady judge I was with.
They thought I was crazy for trying to help her.
One secretary said that woman must be dirty and has fleas.  I shouldn't go close to her.
Told me to tell her to pay fees, file papers and go to the police.
Didn't care at all.
I was telling that woman how to fill out the forms.
She had no money for the fee, I was pushing it to her.
She refused,  said would be back tomorrow,
Said thank you and left.
I never seen her after,
Hope she is okay and her child is big now.

Good morning :)