don't know

Inner voice (automatically): what happened?
(last time inner voice took something personal,
je almost had a hear attack)
Poetess: I saw h...l in my dream.
Inner voice ( crossing himself )
Poetess mother dressed in military doctor uniform: nice!
Grandmother: We have nothing to worry about!
Poetess mother: It's her father fault.
Inner voice: daddy! The physicist (laughs).
Oh, those years (dreamingly)..
New car, three years loan.
Kids took for a ride,
Next day, three wheels in the garage.
Kids said: we don't know.
Police detective did know either.
What did daddy say?
Nothing, who told him to hide the keys under the matress.
Imagine my conditions those years..
Poetess: and I have to share it.
Inner voice (wakes up): share what?
Poetess: the dream..
Inner voice crossing himself again..
E..l ( upset): yeah, yeah, Hell plus o.
Not one nice word.
H and three dots that all I got.
Talking about G..d, A..s, H..n..
Where do you think these coming from? (printing money non stop)..
Inner voice closes eyes because he keep staring on the money. .