New Kings. ..

Donald : "We will make America great again! Deluxe edition."
Download the app to get full information about how.
Hilary : why is it deluxe edition?
We never got deluxe edition for doing the same things.
Donald : do you know how much this deluxe edition will cost?
I can write it myself, but yeah.
Hilary : I see only five dollars.
Donald : you have to read all the numbers, sometimes zero is a thing (singing).
Did you like my lullaby last night?
Hilary : I couldn't download the app.
Donald : I was sharing some secrets...
Perhaps  (to the public) God was listening us,
And he said, good thing we have plenty of talented people in this country who knows how to write.
We talk every night you know.
Hilary : what else He says?
Donald : He says, Donald you have incredible nation.
Hilary : did he say anything about me?
Donald : He said you are incredible too.
Hilary: see, men don't tell me I am incredible,  but God says.
Donald : He likes plain and simple..
God says, Donald, with some global help you will put this incredible nation on bread and water, plain and simple.

Welcome to the dark side.

...the dogs outside started to bark.
My friend touched my hand and whispered, shh..and looked up.
We were in the basement of a house and small door was on the top.
I felt like something was sniffing over me, I could hear the sound and it touched my hand, like dog who wanted to be pet.
We quietly stepped on the leader, the small door was opened, in the room was empty too, it was kitchen, and walked outside. I could see soldier watching on some kind of stand, lights,  but no one see us. We ran away..

Good morning

Welcome to the dark side.

...We got caught..
It was terrible, our friends were gone.. Being partizan was a crime, and we didn't treat them like children either.
She was the first who was questioned.
Another man knew us, he said that she is witch.
The officer laughed and she speed and his face, then she hit her back in the face.
We were thrown in the dark basement.
I don't remember much, I had concussion.
All I know, she took my hand and said, I will ask him.
And cut our fingers with something sharp, then rubbed on each other. I remember her singing quietly in unknown language...

Good morning

New Kings. ..

Donald : no one is talking today. ..
Oh, yeah. ..the volcano and tornado. ..
Hilary : and hurricane. 
Donald ( looking at Hilary ) : I am going to have heart attack.
Hilary ( looking at Donald with sarcasm ) : look at the survivors!
Probably was hoping the Earth is all empty for own device.
(Voice from somewhere): don't forget the cats!!
Donald : oh..sorry, have to rescue my cats first.
Hilary : you said they were lost.
Donald : the beasts claimed on the trees.
(After few hours of loading clothes, antiques and  kitchen furniture).
Hilary : this is the boat?
Donald (correcting) : the arch.
Was building myself from January 2017.
Hilary (whispering) : Bill will drive,
I trust him little bit more..

New Kings. .

Donald (looking at the picture) : what a hell!
Not surprised, not surprised at all.
(thinking) I think I look better with older women on pictures.
Hilary : picture perfect ready!
My partner in crime (laughing).
Donald : only under hypnosis!
Hilary: ladies let's forget about men for a second.
They don't love you today, they love you tomorrow..
Catch your man in the darkness of the room, so he wont see much of, ..basically turn off the light. ..and plan a child.
Donald : America is winning again,
In the lottery!
First time in history in one year we sold, scratched and claimed the largest amount of lottery tickets! 
Hilary : aren't we lucky!

New Kings. .

"Red Riding Hood " part 3
Donald ( to Harvey ) : you should take my spot. 
All this presidency keeps away from doing stupid stuff.
Imagine, there is your family, there is your people, there is a doctor.
Mister Wolf : good men can't handle it.

Welcome to the dark side.

From time I remember, I was always interested in scary folk stories.
We had few books at home, beautiful old stories about mermaids and forest creatures, ancient Slavic Gods and Goddess.
My great grand aunt was partisan at the Second World War and one time we went to see her friend from back that time, old woman.
I remember staring at her grand daughters when we had lunch in dark green room with only one small things on the wall covered with black cloth. Every one was wearing black except us, I remember thinking may be this how witches look like.
And I used to watch scary movies until I mixed my dog with a ghost, and it was the end of this interesting for me.
It was usual morning, except that my phone wasn't working, and my grandmother couldn't call me from Russia to wake me up in the morning.
So I woke up exactly at the same time I supposed to be at work.
I called to work, lied about traffic and showed up almost two hours later.
My friend called me asking if I visit her in the evening. ..

New Kings ...

Donald (hugging the Constitution): everyone wants to steal you, but you are my, baby. 
Back to the stone idols..
One year it's been great time going through the darkness to light.
And here go, bumped into stones and wrote something on it..bad word..
Hilary : we are teasing entire world.
Donald : let's talk like all normal people without the microphone.
Hilary : go to. .
Donald : see, normal talk can't work.
You go to ..
Hilary : not shy at all.
It was my wish.
Donald : I thought it first.
First wish is the wish.
Why I know magic better than you?
Hilary ( giving Donald a look ) : .. in today's society.
Oh my God! 
Donald : Who?
Not today my lady, I caught your wish in the middle.
My turn now.
Hilary : now we are stuck.
Donald : I think America will be great again some other time.

Good morning

don't know story

The real witch : long time no see..
Poetess : I was working.
Inner voice : congratulations!
You won our super prise again,
Pay check!
Don't mess up your lottery.
Poetess: I was working very good, like truly working.
And I gained eight pounds for two hundred I already have!
The real witch : weird people..
Grandma w: who works like this?
Aunt: not me.
Inner knows: things will work out.
Narrator : too bad there is no ancient book to burn.
Grandma W.: it was our past shall not be remind.
Such shame when police closes your magic hotel.
Inner voice : it was old house in the forest.
The real witch: anyway ladies,  mix substance from jar "a" with substance from jar "b" and leave both substances on the face.
Poetess : for how long?
The real witch : for as long as it need to be.
Poetess : I am writing new story.
The real witch : chao, was lovely to be here.
Grandma W.: some strange sounds. ..
Hopefully no one overreacting again to our new adventure.
Poetess : have to go..

New Kings. ..

Donald : oh my God! 
Lunching back!
Japan : it was mistake report! Copy.
Donald : hm....nice and warm!
Japan: No nuclear lunch. Copy.
Donald : what? 
Hilary : what are we going to do with half of the Earth now?
Quick! Copy.
Donald : let's say it's new Terminator movies, 4D, can see, touch and experience.
Hilary (thinking): ... outside of movie theater.
It worked before..
Arnold: I am not going to this Hell,
I am staying in my bunker.
Donald : my lady ... my Beauty and the Beast!
Hilary : but there is no TV..
Donald : we will make America great again! 

New Kings. .

Donald : where are my favourite citizens?
At home!? From 8 pm?!
Bought groceries for the entire week on Sunday?!
(thumb up) We will make America safe again!

New Kings. .

Melania : what is this?!
Donald (to his assistant) : move me to the couch, ..and move the chair,
TV goes over there. .
(On the camera) my new recording devices.
Melania : when am I going to watch TV ?
Donald : when I am at work.

New Kings. ..

Donald : this time, fifth time this week, on Friday,
I was publicly accused of saying that Haiti "sucks".
It's is absolutely fake news, because I actually personally recommended to all American citizens who don't like my regime to move and live in Haiti.

New Kings. ..

Donald : today I want to personally thank my cabinet.
See, two doors, you can lock in and out from the inside, 
I personally made little couch here, and I use my cell phone like my TV.
Thank you (kisses the cabinet door).
Now let's get inside again (locks the door and swears).
Voice on the inside phone: three more years is not a lot.
Donald : Oh,  witches from my witch hunt, half of my country, counting days too.

New Kings ..

Donald : I am always lettings  America first.
Here go lady (opens the door).
Be good girl.

New Kings. .

Donald : once again to all my critics.
I have a new financial report, our economy is going up!
(on the side) Why the report is not even in English?
(secretary is looking for report in English)
Donald (reading own notes instead) : if "O" or "H" were presented they would only build a hotel and I am building the country.
Few words to my assistant.
(Donald is searching for report in English himself).
Assistant (looking in the sky with telescope): America will be great again in 3010.
Hilary : this assistant is very suspicious..
Assistant (to Donald): let's just hypnotize every one, it will be faster and cheaper.

New Kings. .

Part 1.
Donald : Mister Wolf is a big lier.
If he eats someone, I swear it will be me.
Hilary ( to Mister Wolf ): Mister Wolf, how much are you taking for your businesses. 
Mister Wolf : let's straighten up lady,
Where is your husband? 
I don't do any favours to ladies without asking their husbands.
(Whispering) don't want to go to jail.
I find pleasures in the forest.
Hilary : Mister Wolf. .
Mister Wolf : women want one thing,
In five minutes another.
And I am stuck with this donkey in my mouth.
Donald : everything is going to be perfect.
We will start from women.
Mister Wolf : Mister. ..has started already.
Mister. ..: no calling names.
I am on my road to recovery.
Donald : let's read the book.
I am sure it's garbage.
(Few months ago.
Mister Wolf (checking trash): people are throwing out so much garbage).
Donald : this what happens when wolfs steal only few things, and know little bit.
Absolutely untruthful information, might as well use only my pictures.
Hilary : let's read the comments.
At least we will know what people think about us.
The best knowledge, it's knowledge from very far.

New Kings. .

Donald : According to the real news media,
We are giving away millions of dollar every year to every country in the world.
Millions and millions of American dollars as appreciation for nothing!
Soon we will probably give away few extra millions..
I wish we would give millions of dollars to our citizens for nothing, but it's not going to happen.
Currently we are working on giving free stuff to people who were born in 1914.

New Kings. ..

Hilary : mafia is here.
Donald : Hello.
We have no time to waste,
Time to make our country great again and solve our economical problems once and for all!
(Everyone is sitting quietly with hands up).
Hilary : don't you get pension already?
Donald : I do, but obviously it's not enough to cover all our expenses.
Walls and ... (coughing) are not very cheap my dear.
Harvey : women have no idea how much you have to work to have all of these.
What are you doing? 
Donald : waiting for pot of gold to fall on our heads.
Hilary : I have new hamlet.
Harvey : looks interesting. 
Donald : shh..
If we get sexy woman again it's going to be your fault.

New Kings

Hilary : congratulations to me (makes kiss with lips to herself),
My picture is in Teen Vogue,
On the cover!
Donald ( looking at Hilary ) : who is this girl?
Harvey (looking at the stroller Hilary with): who is this baby?
Hilary : my boyfriend,
He went "coocoo" on the bachelor party.
In stead of proposing me, he jumped from the bridge.
Harvey : weird choice.
Hilary : I know.. I put lamps all over the ocean, for our romantic get away, and he smashed them all.
How you trust men after that?
Now he thinks he is a baby.
(pushing stroller to Harvey) you want?
Donald : I see you have something to talk about when I am driving through the night fighting darkness.
I have great news too,
My picture is in Forbes!
Don't you think it's suspicious,
You are in Teen Vogue, I am in Forbes at the same month?
Harvey : I wish I was born five hundred years ago,
Plenty of patience in the society.
Donald: With this ancient phone..
I try to call on my cell phone, but no one answers.
Hilary : because it's not connected.
Donald : so why on Earth I had to hold it?
Hilary : may be to show that you are in charge.
Donald : looks like military phone with this big button..

New Kings ..

Donald : Happy New Year! 
Hilary : would you stop holding the book.
(trying roughly pull the Constitution away).
Donald : it's mine (nicely pulling back). Mine.
Producer : we are on TV people. 
Donald (happily) : Thank you God!
(holding the Constitution, to the camera).
Finally we have a safe year without any surprises.
Hilary (to the another camera); every year will be remembered,
Hopefully we are not going to be send to frying pot one day.
Donald : not me.
Despite all the negative predictions from my critics,
First time in ten years we have positive numbers,
1 - 0 (looking at Hilary).