Welcome to the dark side.

From time I remember, I was always interested in scary folk stories.
We had few books at home, beautiful old stories about mermaids and forest creatures, ancient Slavic Gods and Goddess.
My great grand aunt was partisan at the Second World War and one time we went to see her friend from back that time, old woman.
I remember staring at her grand daughters when we had lunch in dark green room with only one small things on the wall covered with black cloth. Every one was wearing black except us, I remember thinking may be this how witches look like.
And I used to watch scary movies until I mixed my dog with a ghost, and it was the end of this interesting for me.
It was usual morning, except that my phone wasn't working, and my grandmother couldn't call me from Russia to wake me up in the morning.
So I woke up exactly at the same time I supposed to be at work.
I called to work, lied about traffic and showed up almost two hours later.
My friend called me asking if I visit her in the evening. ..