Good night

И надену я белое платие
За Христом пойду на распятие.
Моя вера сильнее стали, огня.
В трудный час закрывает
Стеною храня.
Маленькой девочкой,
В ночной темноте,
Я увидела свет
Лучший свет на Земле.
Свет надежды и веры,
Золотых куполов.
Свет людей православных,
Свет церквей у дорог.
И только вьюга за окном 
Моя подруга.
И только вьюга
И слова ей ненужны.
Иду по жизни
По желаньям кругу.
Иду сквозь ветер, грозы и дожди.

Я иду по дороге
Из девичих грёз,
Я иду по дороге фиалок и роз.
Цвет зелёный надежды.
Цвет добра и тепла.
Цвет зелёных побегов
Что весна нам дала.
Красный цвет -
Цвет победы,
Цвет воли моей.
Цвет успеха, желаний,
Цвет бенгальских огней.
Синий цвет -
Цвет мечты.
Цвет реки, облаков.
Синей птицы из сказок,
Из моих детских снов.

my great grand mother would say..

My great grandmother would say,
You want to pray for someone,
Pray for yourself and your children.
Keep yourself healthy, happy and safe,
And keep them the same way.
Don't give money to people, and ask nothing.
Ask God to help you, nature, they are the Highest power.
She was always strong mentally and happy, positive with healthy vibe, one touch and all worry would move away.
Had seen Russian Social Revolution and First and Second World War.
You take care of yourself, this pretty much it.
All be okay :)

The Beast and Ze Bella

King of Fools (on the radio): Ozdom! Ozdom!
The Beast : it must be honour to listen fool every morning.
Mother : eat your breakfast sweetheart and stop acting out.
Just press "We are okay. Thank you" button and don't bother his life.
The Beast : where are the rest of the fools?
Mother : staying Incognito..
Grandma : they dress nice, smell good and happy mostly.
What else to ask?
King of Fools : the great news is,
I talked to the witch, and she said,
She will turn you back to human if you find "Fools gold".
Mother: we all will go.
The Beast : where is Ze Bella?
Mother : oh..she quit.
This what she does,
Starts something with man and then quits.
Now she found Beast. .

Good morning

The Beast and Ze Bella.

King of Fools : Wisdom, Ozdom! Ozdom!
The Beast : why are we listening him every morning?
Producer  (sweet lady): this is his territory,
Who else in now days will do things for free?
Have to respect.
Grandma : don't forget to press red button that we are okay.
Old women standing on knees in front of old icons.
Shh..shh... someone says,
They are talking to God.
We, children, are loud.
Love only your own,
With love and like for special people.
This what they teach.
Give them all.
Want to pray for someone, pray for yourself,
In the messy world keep your house clean..

New Kings. .

Donald : do you know American people were the first one who discovered the moon and put left foot on it.
Yeah, staring for hours at nights in telescope right there (points at the dark sky).
We asked what is this unknown planet?
And heard voice "Moon"!
The same way we discovered Mars, Venus and the Sun.

Vce bydet normalno,..
Kakoi molodez,  ydivitelnii chelovek 


The Beast and Ze Bella

Producer : how are you feeling today?
King of Fools (on the radio): Ozdom! Ozdom! Ozdom!
Producer : sometimes I wish I was a fool.
My dreams would come true in no time.
Now all this books, movies..
Guess what?
We stayed until 8 yesterday.
The Beast : why don't you join them?
Producer : who?
The fools?
It's a cult, you can't join them, you have to be one and show it.
Who knows what they are doing over there.
Secretly I think they are fooling every one and doing nothing.
The Beast : what's wrong with this boat?
(Next day).
Producer : your boat sink on the middle of the river.
King of Fools : you should've use the boat adjuster!
The Beast : what is "the boat adjuster"?!
King of Fools : the remote control.

New Kings...

Donald : According to the real news media,
We are giving away millions of dollar every year to every country in the world.
Millions and millions of American dollars as appreciation for nothing!
Soon we will probably give away few extra millions..
I wish we would give millions of dollars to our citizens for nothing, but it's not going to happen.
Currently we are working on giving free stuff to people who were born in 1914.

Hilary : mafia is here.
Donald : Hello.
We have no time to waste,
Time to make our country great again and solve our economical problems once and for all!
(Everyone is sitting quietly with hands up).
Hilary : don't you get pension already?
Donald : I do, but obviously it's not enough to cover all our expenses.
Walls and ... (coughing) are not very cheap my dear.
Harvey : women have no idea how much you have to work to have all of these.
What are you doing?
Donald : waiting for pot of gold to fall on our heads.
Hilary : I have new hamlet.
Harvey : looks interesting.
Donald : shh..
If we get sexy woman again it's going to be your fault.

Hilary : congratulations to me (makes kiss with lips to herself),
My picture is in Teen Vogue,
On the cover!
Donald ( looking at Hilary ) : who is this girl?
Harvey (looking at the stroller Hilary with): who is this baby?
Hilary : my boyfriend,
He went "coocoo" on the bachelor party.
In stead of proposing me, he jumped from the bridge.
Harvey : weird choice.
Hilary : I know.. I put lamps all over the ocean, for our romantic get away, and he smashed them all.
How you trust men after that?
Now he thinks he is a baby.
(pushing stroller to Harvey) you want?
Donald : I see you have something to talk about when I am driving through the night fighting darkness.
I have great news too,
My picture is in Forbes!
Don't you think it's suspicious,
You are in Teen Vogue, I am in Forbes at the same month?
Harvey : I wish I was born five hundred years ago,
Plenty of patience in the society.
Donald: With this ancient phone..
I try to call on my cell phone, but no one answers.
Hilary : because it's not connected.
Donald : so why on Earth I had to hold it?
Hilary : may be to show that you are in charge.
Donald : looks like military phone with this big button..

Donald : Happy New Year!
Hilary : would you stop holding the book.
(trying roughly pull the Constitution away).
Donald : it's mine (nicely pulling back). Mine.
Producer : we are on TV people.
Donald (happily) : Thank you God!
(holding the Constitution, to the camera).
Finally we have a safe year without any surprises.
Hilary (to the another camera); every year will be remembered,
Hopefully we are not going to be send to frying pot one day.
Donald : not me.
Despite all the negative predictions from my critics,
First time in ten years we have positive numbers,
1 - 0 (looking at Hilary).

Santa Claus : Santa Baby.. (singing), Santa Baby..
Santa Baby is coming to town.. (trying to remember)
Hoe, ho, ho, ho .. mi amore.. y..
Where is the book children?
Grandma Claus! .. Missis Claus where is the book?
Missis Claus : I am not your grandma!
Santa Claus: . . left in the fireplace.. my first experience with flames..
I shouldn't had went to that house, got not only beaten but almost burned up, the dog recognized me.
Then how else would kids believe in magic?
Some other kids, not the one who robbed me at the end.
At least we tried, me and her.., to pretend we had never seen each other before.
It didn't work very well. . (singing) but at least we tried..
Don't get fat people, it's hard to get out of chimneys with food and (singing) a glass if champagne..
(unpacking bag) I am from vacation, 364 days a year, then work for one day and on vacation again.. hot girls (coughing)...places, imagine my situation.
Missis Claus (screaming something).
Santa Claus : come here sexy girl.
Of course I have gift for you.
You are number one on my list.
(reading) door, dog and gun.
All to keep me in the jealous Angel,
Who finally realized to care about me,
Before she would care about her work, people she didn't know, news, weather, stories..
Now it's only me and the grand kids.
Do you know how much babysitter cost?
Especially with me working one day a year.
(singing) Santa Baby is coming to town.
(to the deer): don't tell Missis Claus the truth, she will screw up Christmas again,
Remember those years without the snow?

Donald : Santa!
Hilary : Harvey?..
Incognito : Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Hilary,
Merry Christmas Donald.
Donald : Boss? .
Hilary : why always Hilary?
I am stuck in this story.
Donald (making hand sign): history my dear.
Incognito (to Hilary): I didn't make a wish on the flying star, you did.
Now we are here forever (laughing).
Be happy!
Donald : actually it was my star, technically I have to be the one who is getting all the wishes.
Hilary : don't go to jail.
Incognito : let's focus on positive things!
Hilary : I have a plan.
Donald : when a woman says she has a plan, she has no plan.
I will be wishing first.
Incognito : oh, here flying star! (throws few shiny paper stars in the air).
Donald : I wish to make America great again!

…Then he said,
He was just leaving.
May be I should be forgiving.
May be he is a bad father,
May be I should talk my mother…

I smiled:
I have my son,
I have my King.

Two years no money,
Of course, money is not everything.

I smiled:
I have my son,
I have my King.

People asked me,
Why I always wear same clothes,
Why I sold my mother’s ring?

I smiled:
I have my son,
I have my King.

One time when I was standing near the last fire line,
God wiped my tears softly and smiled:
You have your son,

You have your King!

С нежностью в разлуке, 
Вспомню твои руки,
Вспомню поцелуев
Ласковых тепло.
Вспомню День Победы,
Праздник до рассвета.
Вспомню как вернулся
В милое село.
Тут боями танки
Травы выжигали.
Тут родные хаты
Сравняны с землёй.
Тут простые парни,
Славные девчата
Собирались молча
На неравный бой.
Закрывали небо
Крылья самолётов,
И огонь железный
Всё сверкал в ночи.
Ну а мы мальчишки,
Юные солдаты,
Шли за командирами,
Без раздумьев шли.
За страну родную
Бились мы жестоко
И не уступили
Ни клочка земли.
Так давай товарищ,
Выпьем мы по-полной,
Что бы больше не было
Никакой войны.

Для дедушки и Дяди Саши

Закаты пылали, рассветы шумели,
А мы лишь смотрели вперед и вперед.
Нас пули не трогали, маму жалели.
Дорога в окопах четвертый уж год.
Победа,победа, победа - ты вера
В себя и в товарищей, в сестричкин платок
Который укроет, который согреет,
Который надежду продлит на часок.\

Мама моя дорогая,
Всегда вспоминаю тебя.
Иду сквозь снега я с отрядом
Любимая дочка твоя.
Мне ветер глаза открывает,
Метели лишь шепут иди.
Ах мамочка, мамочка, мама
Во век мне до вас не дойти.
Враги подожгли наши хаты
Спалили родное село.
Беги дочка к нашим,
Беги дочка к нашим
Последнее слово твоё.
Меня оттолкнула безумно
Свой крестик на шею надев
Потом обняла, улыбнулась
Овчарок был шум в тишине.
И ночи и дни и рассветы
Мечтаю о нашем сее
Но лишь говорят документы
Что нет его на земле.

Mother : where is the Beast?
Ze Bella : taking shower.
Mother : he is taking showers too often now.
The Beast ( whispering to Ze Bella )  : when are your parents leaving?
Mother : if my daughter is cursed with this love kiss..
The Beast : I would like to get it.
Mother:  ... like her father couldn't find anyone better to drink with, I am cursed too.
Where are the maids?
Ze Bella : breakfast is ready!
The Beast (looking at the plastic containers) : where are all my cups and plates?
Ze Bella : they feel on the floor..
The Best : what,
They are my servants..
Ze Bella : I am sorry, they were quite all the way to the garbage..

Poem number two (for my grandmother).

A nurse and a soldier,
Destroyed burning, they are only who left from a group.
1945, winter, the Second World War.
Can we make it?  - she asks.
He smiles like nothing is wrong at all:
If I was with someone else, I don't know,
When I am with you, I know, I can,
And so can you.
Don't go close to the window.
Their dialog:
Why are you here, a young girl like you? (he)
Men, - she answers.
Just one, the one you love, - he likes her and wants to know.
No, men…(she)
You went under fire because of men?! (he)
I told I was going for my country, - she smiles may be dreaming.
You have medals, men must love you. (he)
They do. (she)
What are you going to do after the war?
Be a doctor? (he)
I want to be a teacher, it's good to teach children, right?
She smiles back, waiting for his approval.
We will teach them how to live without war.
Are you going back home? (she)
I don't have home, my city was bombed in 1941. (he)
Do you want to go with me, - she asks.
To my small city.
We have beautiful places, river, forest, rye lands.
You can meet my parents, my grandmother.
We have a house in the forest,
Near beautiful river, it goes through the forest.
I have my own tree, birds made a nest on it.
When I was leaving to the army,
People said it’s for good luck and I will be back.
I will go with you, - the soldier says quietly.
Now, you have to get out from here.
Why? (she)
They won't let us go together,
Take off your uniform.
I am a soldier and you are only a girl. (he)
What about you?
The nurse is asking looking deeply in the soldier’s eyes.
I cover you, go. (he)
No, I am not leaving you.
We will stay right here together and wait until the war will end.
I am not leaving you. (she)
They got married after the war.

old story

One time I gave all my money to a gypsy boy.
We had gypsies in our city traveling somewhere.
They were sitting on the ground in dirty clothes with babies, begging for money and everyone pretended they were invisible.
Gypsy boy, may be eight years old, stopped me near the bus stop, and asked for bread.
He looked at me with big brown eyes and said:
Girl, I have seen a lot of beautiful girls, but
I haven't seen any one as beautiful as you!
And he smiled...
All I could say:
Do you need anything?
In stead of buying bike, toys, books
I gave him all money I had.
His mother thanked me, gave me their dry piece of wood to be happy.
Then I received a phone call from Canadian Embassy that my immigration papers had been approved ...

Good morning