New Kings...

Donald : According to the real news media,
We are giving away millions of dollar every year to every country in the world.
Millions and millions of American dollars as appreciation for nothing!
Soon we will probably give away few extra millions..
I wish we would give millions of dollars to our citizens for nothing, but it's not going to happen.
Currently we are working on giving free stuff to people who were born in 1914.

Hilary : mafia is here.
Donald : Hello.
We have no time to waste,
Time to make our country great again and solve our economical problems once and for all!
(Everyone is sitting quietly with hands up).
Hilary : don't you get pension already?
Donald : I do, but obviously it's not enough to cover all our expenses.
Walls and ... (coughing) are not very cheap my dear.
Harvey : women have no idea how much you have to work to have all of these.
What are you doing?
Donald : waiting for pot of gold to fall on our heads.
Hilary : I have new hamlet.
Harvey : looks interesting.
Donald : shh..
If we get sexy woman again it's going to be your fault.

Hilary : congratulations to me (makes kiss with lips to herself),
My picture is in Teen Vogue,
On the cover!
Donald ( looking at Hilary ) : who is this girl?
Harvey (looking at the stroller Hilary with): who is this baby?
Hilary : my boyfriend,
He went "coocoo" on the bachelor party.
In stead of proposing me, he jumped from the bridge.
Harvey : weird choice.
Hilary : I know.. I put lamps all over the ocean, for our romantic get away, and he smashed them all.
How you trust men after that?
Now he thinks he is a baby.
(pushing stroller to Harvey) you want?
Donald : I see you have something to talk about when I am driving through the night fighting darkness.
I have great news too,
My picture is in Forbes!
Don't you think it's suspicious,
You are in Teen Vogue, I am in Forbes at the same month?
Harvey : I wish I was born five hundred years ago,
Plenty of patience in the society.
Donald: With this ancient phone..
I try to call on my cell phone, but no one answers.
Hilary : because it's not connected.
Donald : so why on Earth I had to hold it?
Hilary : may be to show that you are in charge.
Donald : looks like military phone with this big button..

Donald : Happy New Year!
Hilary : would you stop holding the book.
(trying roughly pull the Constitution away).
Donald : it's mine (nicely pulling back). Mine.
Producer : we are on TV people.
Donald (happily) : Thank you God!
(holding the Constitution, to the camera).
Finally we have a safe year without any surprises.
Hilary (to the another camera); every year will be remembered,
Hopefully we are not going to be send to frying pot one day.
Donald : not me.
Despite all the negative predictions from my critics,
First time in ten years we have positive numbers,
1 - 0 (looking at Hilary).

Santa Claus : Santa Baby.. (singing), Santa Baby..
Santa Baby is coming to town.. (trying to remember)
Hoe, ho, ho, ho .. mi amore.. y..
Where is the book children?
Grandma Claus! .. Missis Claus where is the book?
Missis Claus : I am not your grandma!
Santa Claus: . . left in the fireplace.. my first experience with flames..
I shouldn't had went to that house, got not only beaten but almost burned up, the dog recognized me.
Then how else would kids believe in magic?
Some other kids, not the one who robbed me at the end.
At least we tried, me and her.., to pretend we had never seen each other before.
It didn't work very well. . (singing) but at least we tried..
Don't get fat people, it's hard to get out of chimneys with food and (singing) a glass if champagne..
(unpacking bag) I am from vacation, 364 days a year, then work for one day and on vacation again.. hot girls (coughing)...places, imagine my situation.
Missis Claus (screaming something).
Santa Claus : come here sexy girl.
Of course I have gift for you.
You are number one on my list.
(reading) door, dog and gun.
All to keep me in the jealous Angel,
Who finally realized to care about me,
Before she would care about her work, people she didn't know, news, weather, stories..
Now it's only me and the grand kids.
Do you know how much babysitter cost?
Especially with me working one day a year.
(singing) Santa Baby is coming to town.
(to the deer): don't tell Missis Claus the truth, she will screw up Christmas again,
Remember those years without the snow?

Donald : Santa!
Hilary : Harvey?..
Incognito : Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Hilary,
Merry Christmas Donald.
Donald : Boss? .
Hilary : why always Hilary?
I am stuck in this story.
Donald (making hand sign): history my dear.
Incognito (to Hilary): I didn't make a wish on the flying star, you did.
Now we are here forever (laughing).
Be happy!
Donald : actually it was my star, technically I have to be the one who is getting all the wishes.
Hilary : don't go to jail.
Incognito : let's focus on positive things!
Hilary : I have a plan.
Donald : when a woman says she has a plan, she has no plan.
I will be wishing first.
Incognito : oh, here flying star! (throws few shiny paper stars in the air).
Donald : I wish to make America great again!