New Kings..

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
Aunthor: I wish I have smart thoughts, ideas,
But where I work full time there is no such luck.
I want humanitarian help.
Princess: your sing good someone else's songs, with your own, you sucks.
I can't understand anything except you are fat.
Princess number two: where is the boyfriend?
Princess: he read too many books and decided to live normal life.
Small house with two flags in the garden.
He is busy man now, eating own vegetables and swimming in own pool.
Princess number two: why two?
Princess: one is our flag and second for someone to drop humanitarian help,
Like if aliens see us and decide to throw bags with diamonds.
You know some planets are made from diamond.
Princess number two: really!
And why part of your white skirt is missing?
Princess: we don't have to sing really, but then we will have nothing to eat..