King of Fools (on the radio): it’s 5:30 am!
Wisdom, ozdom, ozdom!
Did you wash your hands after the washroom?!
(Choir, singing): did you wash your hands after the washroom!
King of Fools: Did you wash your hands after the wash room?!
(Choir, singing): did you wash your hands after the washroom!
King of Fools: remember “wash your hands”!
(Choir, singing): remember “wash your hands”!
King of Fools: Happy Friday!
Troll (opens the door): I can’t find anyone here.
King of Fools: no one likes to work anyway.
Troll: long time no see.
King of Fools: I was on vacation,
Feel one hundred years younger!
Troll: you have vacations?
King of Fools: the office door was closed, couldn’t get in.
Troll: don’t you have keys from your own office?
King of Fools: oh.. every day learn something new.
(looking at the phone): she called me three times today!
Mama Mia (secretary): you are special.
King of Fools: she calls me only when I am at work.
Mama Mia: she is giving you hard time.
King of Fools: you are absolutely right Mama Mia!
Come closely, I will not bite.
I might not bite or might I bite?
Mama Mia: those words come closely.
King of Fools: you got it.

You like fresh wind at winter,
Because you have strength.
May be I should describe him in all the seasons,
From summer to the dreamy spring.
Spicy warm, relaxing, lazy,
With apple forbitten fruit and touchy breeze.
Like first flowers at spring, first sunny days,
And love is melting if I see a baby smile.
Your voice is making me smile.
The autumn color gold for precarious gift.
Winter with beautiful strong own beauty.

Идут, идут!
Еду б подспрятать, не объелись бы опять.
Зато мы точно знаем, наши дети.
Я как с работы, сразу к холодильнику.
Я в юности поскромней была.
Да ладно, мне дедушка рассказывал.
Дай помечтать.
В дверь стучат!
Молитесь мама, хорошие оценки так просто не даются.
Как по часам.
Пинают дверь ногами.
Звонок же есть, ключи, дверь не закрыта.
Я в 3:25 дня дверь не закрываю, записки вот везде.
У соседей дети пришли из школы, дверь летела от двери до окна.
Меньше слов, больше дела.
Ученики пришли!

New King number one (reading): “you are right and you are wrong".
What else do you see over there?
Gypsy (looking in the cup): I see more coffee left on the right then on the left and sugar.
New King number one: pretend you are working for the salary.
I want to hear more talk.
Gypsy: promise me bigger number.
New King number one: you are better then that!
Gypsy: divide this into this.
New King number one: what did I tell you about that way?!
Gypsy: you need to do the steps.
New King number one: I already know without someone telling me,
but it doesn’t solve our problems.
People want to hear more.
Gypsy: you need to think.
New King number one: again.
What sense it makes?
I need a clue.
What step is next?
Gypsy: next step.
New King number one: good step!
Right up front.
Gypsy: here, here and here.
Circle so you will know.
New King number one: what else?
Gypsy: learn to think, put this over here and work with one column.
New King number one: I remember doing that…
The biggest number stayed with me,
And the rest I let to cross off at the end of the year.
Gypsy: guess one number.
New King number one: number one.
I see clearly now!
Thank you sweetheart.
Gypsy: glad to be helpful looking at things.
New King number one: let me sign your paper that you don’t have to do anything.

Давайте про любовь опять.
Уж больно подозрительно..
А как же стирка, - промолвила старушка, гляд на гору грязного белья.
Ах оставьте мама.
Придут из школы сыновья,
Заставим их стирать.
Найти хорошего мужчину так непросто.
Опять до мужиков.
Ребенок маленький в каляске улыбнулся.
(все) какая улыбка!
Какие дети, все смешно!
Когда я маленькой была,
Ах где теперь забыта родина далекая моя..
Вздыхают все, старушка и две красавицы невестки.
А верить нужно лишь любви.
Да уж конечно, купи часы.
Часы маман для нас не действуют.
Из школы выучила?
Уроки на субботу.
Ох бедненькая, не переутомилась бы.
А что ей делать в восемь лет,
Пусть учится.

Good night

Voice: the King!
New King number one: yeah, that's me.
New Queen number one: you?
New King number one: for years!
New Queen number one: oh.
New King number one: besides the family who doesn't know anything,
Tonight I will be sleeping on the throne aka your belly.
New Queen number one: for good luck?
New King number one: to swallow the pill.
Let's see what day will give to us.
War? Totally nothing to see here.
With who?
Where is the gypsy girl?
Gypsy girl: few men and one woman wants your crown.
New King number one: the woman we will not count, my crown is to big, she will refuse, unless she wants to wear big big hat, which is doubtful.
Who are the men?
Gypsy girl: New King number one, two and three.
New King number one: I am number one, so we have only two.
To number two I wished good luck with his wife, and he is ubsent ever since.
New King number three!

Давайте о любви вам расскажу,
Старушка улыбается ребенку с соской на руках.
Ну расскажи старушка.
Какая она старушка, все в девках еще, колец то золотых на пальцах нет.
Совсем старухи обалдели, все о любви, все о любви.
Такое было время, это мы из золота в цепях.
А че там о любви,
Че было тридцать лет назад?
И бабушка садится на скамейку, подумав быстро,
что хорошо хоть не в тюрьму,
От этого уберегли кто о любви ей говорил.
Улыбнувшись еще раз ребенку на руках и получив взаимную улыбку.
И внуки и девки какие-то, соседи вот еще на чай пришли.
Еще одного припрут на посиделки каждый день,
Пойду подавать заявление в монастырь.
Ну говори уж, че, скрывать не надо правду.
Расскажи про любовь бабушка,
А то мы в классе учим только про деньги и как отпор дать всем врагам.
И я за обои хорошие четверки получила.
Ах ты мой умненький малыш!
Старушка, ребенок на руках и девочка с большим бантом друг другу улыбаются.
С бантом я в школу не пойду, мальчишки засмеют.
Молчи и слушай, сейчас начну я про любовь, закончу завтра, много дел.
Все это было в 42 году.
В 2042, абсолютно.
Все цифры в тетради о любви записаны давно,
Чтоб я случайно не забыла.
По улице мы шли, я и мой мужчина.
Я удивлюсь, но кто с детьми сидел?
Ведь детей ни на минуту нельзя же оставлять одних.
Давайте только о любви, устроим праздник.
Тут фотографии еще,
Старушки добрый голос.
Какие - то все мужики?
Ну что пристала к мужикам.
Я одного люблю по многу раз, мне не понять.
Мужчины, девочки, мужчины.
И все твои?
Нет, что вы!?
Я фотографировала и солнце, облака, луну, случайные прохожие наверно.
А я на третьм месяце опять.
Старушка хочет ребенка с рук кому-то сунуть, да не берет никто, пора ребенку спать.
Где соска?
А как же эти, а учеба, школа?
А чем кормить?
А институт потом, а женить?
Ах мама, и все ваши революционные теории.
Ведь коммунизма нет давно.
Да, я родилась при коммунизме, но это не значит, что я при нем росла.
А муж, а что он скажет?
Мой муж давно объелся груш.
Давайте про любовь, прокормим как нибудь.
Правительство и Б-г поможет.
Вот эти тучи бы сюда.
И солнца луч!
А к ночи подождем луну,
Она покажет звезды и может быть звезда хоть на секунду изменит путь и нам над домом пролетит.
Я слышу голос.
Какой бабушка?
Громкий и красивый.
Почему бы в хорошей компании не побыть.
Из всех голосов узнаю голос Б-га.
Мама, вы опять.
Наверно кто-то там пришел с работы.

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
Fat cats: put her on top of their,
It's going to be the design!
Fat cats: the design!
Fat cats: what I would do,
I would change it.
New Queen number one: there is easy way make it this way!
Fat cats: someone wrote one word on the design!
Fat cats: and they made a mistake in it.
Fat cats: it was alien.
Fat cats: I like it.
New Queen number one: you like it?
Fat cats: yes.
Fat cats: it's starting to look better.
New King number one (on the phone): get your own kingdom and rule it!
Ladies on the phone: magic boy,
Tell your password!
New King number one: ladies, ladies..
Ladies on the phone: give it back unless you are doing something.
Fat cats: I don't think they want to hear it.
Fat cats: they need a translator.
New King number one: look, we can make better team together.
Ladies on the phone: we can make team bigger, not better.
Size 100 will fit perfect.
New King number one: try one!
We have to relax first.
New Queen number one: tonight I am princess..
New King number one: I have the best currency in the world..
New Queen number one: how much?
New King number one: one dollar.

New King number one: today we will learn about money.
Fat cats: what kind of money?
New King number one: the round one.
Fat cats: don't try to make it emotional again.
New King number one: 75,80.
Fat cats: 75,77.. 70 dollars.
New King number one: the estimate?
Fat cats: yeah.
New King number one: 30 cents.
Fat cats: that’s not good estimate.
New King number one: calculate the correct answers!
Fat cats: 60, 28.
80 is good estimate.
New King number one: how could you guess?
Fat cats: we can see how things are designed.
New King number one: what is the estimate?
Fat cats: "far away".

(at the bus stop)
Fat cats: let’s take this bus and see where it will bring us.
Fat cats: will it being us to Africa!?
(in the kitchen)
New Queen number one: your face says it all!
New King number one: sweetheart, follow my eyes.
New Queen number one: to the kitchen?
New  King number one: man's love equals food.
Fat cats: when you learn this lesson too, life becomes so much easier.
New King number one: you are wearing two hats!
Fat cats: our budget is 3, 15.
New King number one: I have to learn it myself.
Fat cats: food tastes like disel.
Fat cats: our daily budget is 15 griffin.
Fat cats: I am big woman!
Fat cats: Pepsi will make you sexy.
New King number one: when is the party!

Берите и всем пользуйтесь.

After many times, after many days,
After perfect and not so perfect ways.
I believe in love,
I believe myself.
I believe that everyday is a perfect day.
Never give up hope,
Never run away.
Make your everyday be a perfect day.

Beautiful smile and beautiful energy.
The one of many beautiful smiles and energies in the world.
Just simply beautiful smile...

Good morning

New King number one: 190-60-190!
New Queen number one: I need new shoes.
Fat cats: she got new ass.
Fat cats: I hope they are not joking.
Fat cats: looks very good.
Fat cats: how big is it?
Fat cats: you would love it.
New King number one: it's mine!
Fat cats: I've been asking for years.
Fat cats: ha, ha, ha.
Fat cats: look at this!
Fat cat: I did.
Fat cats: turn around.
Look at it.

It was first music video my mother got from a friend.
Girls band was dancing and singing in English,
I didn't understand a word,
May be they were singing:
Life is not what you see,
Life is what you dream.
The end of the Soviet Union era
And the end of my parents marriage.
Lines in new unemployment office,
Almost entire our city are standing in lines.
We are all doctors,
My grandmother says surely that we all will survive.
Parents are busy, we had nothing to do after school.
Somewhere in abandoned building our school bags were on the floor.
Cheap vodka, cigarette,
Try and you see the real things.
I tried only once,
Because that evening,
The girls band was singing on our dirty street,
They were singing only for me:
Life is not what you see,
Life is what you dream.