

New Kings..

Servant 2: wow...

Servant 1: what else do you see in your cofee cup?

I always wonder how can you rule the world by just looking in the coffee cup every morning?

New King number two: I see you going to a restaurant on Saturday.

Servant 1: this what I was thinking!

New King number two: and I added one dollar to your tip.

You can't complain now.

See one right here, in the left corner near the slight dollar sign.

Servant 1: I never tipped before..

New King number two: from today you can afford it.

Servant 2: what else!?

New King number two: dust.

Servant 2: robot said there is no more dust.

New King number two: robot works only until 1 pm.

After 1 pm he doesn't care what's out here.

Let's not argue.

Servant 2: I will be right back.

New King number two: and work on the list of promises for your wife, she was spying on me again.

Fools gold.

 King of Fools (on the phone): busy as h'll.

No water, no lunch, no washroom!

I know you like it, but we are going on vacation.

Relax relax, push push, relax relax, push push, relax relax.

One week, hopefully we will come back normal.

It's our goal.

Mama Mia (on the phone): are you sure you are calling to the right place?

King of Fools: call back in two weeks.

Queen of Fools (on the phone): it's the time to take vacation.

In August it was the best weather.

No, at home.

Fools gold.

 Mama Mia: lunch is lunch.

King of Fools: all day I do stupid stuff,

I might as well do something else.

Troll: what's your name?

King of Fools: King of Fools, the whole given name.

Troll: something tells me you got your name for a reason.

King of Fools: we didn't get enough education,

We were learning on the streets!



Fools gold

Fool: this is unique case.

King of Fools: if I wasn't in charge, I would go home and do whatever.

Troll: kind of quiet today.

Where is everyone?

King of Fools: everyone was sent home without pay.

Troll: for what?

King of Fools: step on the scale and you will know first hand.

Troll: are you kidding me?

King of Fools: you want the money?

Someone broke scale in the zoo.

Monkey "The Genius" was quite all morning!

We thought at first, it was because of the virus.

She was never quite since we got her at one year old.

Then finally one of the monkeys said "yeah, yeah, yeah. Who did this!" 

Troll: you all go see the monkeys?

King of Fools: no, we go see bananas.


Fools gold

King of Fools (on the phone): this is stupid!

Obviously we don't know anything.

Check the bottom, it was shining. Bye.

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools: keep track of it.

(on the phone): hi sexy.

He was wearing mask and lying?

He didn't notice you were wearing a mask!

Didn't you argue about it yesterday?

Give him less cofee.

Mama Mia: I was working with normal people.

They always want to know what I am doing.

My only answer, I will be right there.

Troll: the best answer.

King of Fools (to Troll): she is wearing black jeans to please you.

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools: busy today.

(on the phone): I am a doctor if you don't have medical conditions.

For 8 bucks I can do double of those.

Mama Mia: almost lunch time.


Fools gold

King of Fools: good morning!

Troll: good morning!?

King of Fools: what's wrong?

Oh, I remember times when people smile on good morning and brighten up days.

Troll: have you seen Mama Mia?

King of Fools: she went for lunch, first time today.

Troll: she hasn't started her work, the map?

King of Fools: who cares about the work.

We want over time.

Speaking about the map, we found some fool who has clues.

Are you jealous of Mama Mia?

Tell me, I set the date.

You can be one of us, we will party all day!

Besides wars with the government, they keep us on secluded budget, it's a miracle.

You will be surprised.

Troll: I am all right.

New Kings..

New King number four: sunshine comes first...

What's your name?

Servant 1: I am really busy.

New King number four: yesterday I had a conversation with my wife.

At 5 in the morning.

She thinks New King number one will keep his crown.



New Kings...

New Queen number two: he eats too much.

New Queen number five: we have to be closer to our people and get in shape.

New King number five: so I start tomorrow.

Servant 1: dinner!

New King number two: where is my socks?

Where is my suite?

Where is my papers!

Servant 2: hold on.

New King number two: why apply for job when you can't give any answers!

Servant 1: have you seen his papers?

New King number two: I wrote few things and that's all.

Servant 2: hopefully no one will add any extras in it.

We are huge fans.


New Kings..

 New King number three: you can choose between a and b.

Servant 1: what about the third option?

New King number three: for the third option you can take a bus.

New Kings..

New King number two: haven't seen King number one for a while.

New King number four: he is watching his crown.

New King number two: wasn't I wearing it?

New King number four: no, he is someone else.

New Queen number two: the bank is calling again , well we want to see the money too.

Surprise, surprise.

Servant 1: its smart idea to remove 20 from 2020.

New King number two: we didn't remove anything.

Its 20.

Servant 2: and what will be?

New King number two: we will fight for the water, gas and electricity to each and very house!

Servant 1: will we get extra bonus?

New King number two: look here, up, millions, hundreds and thousands, ten dollars, you are thinking about, it's all zeroes.

Servant 2: I tell this to my wife every two weeks, but she doesn't believe.


Fools gold

 King of Fools: wisdom, ozdom, ozdom!

Happy Friday!

We made it!

With clear thinking..

Fool: he looked at me, he looked at my new blouse..

King of Fools: I can listen you for hours.

Fool: and he looked at the clock.

King of Fools: how selfish!

Maybe he had to go for lunch?

Otherwise why would you keep looking at the clock.

Fool: he wasn't going for lunch.

King of Fools: we must ask our champ about it.

Monkey "The Genius".

She was getting a lot of signs about it.

See what she says.

Fool: did she?

King of Fools: all day.

It's not what people say, it's what you do, 
I guess for you:)
Everyone can talk very beautifully, prepare the words and so on, but would they try to make you happy every day for your beautiful smile and charming personality.
Actions talk, the words say so.

New Kings..

 New King number two: zero!

New Queen number two: zero!

New Queen number three: zero.

New King number two: un!

New Queen number two: un!

New Queen number three: one.


New King number two: deux!

New Queen number two: deux!

New Queen number three: deux.

New Queen number two: three!

New King number two: trois!

New Queen number three: trois.


New King number two: quatre!

New Queen number two: quatre!

New Queen number three: how long its going to take?

New Queen number three: 2022 added to 900 days.

New King number two: neuf cents!


....thank you for the "American dream"...

New Kings..

New King number two: close the door, on the lock.

New King number three: who?

The miserable people of this country?

New King number two: no, the wife.

Sunch a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful woman.

Flower in my garden.

Servant 1: wines and foods are ready.

Servant 2: TV too.

New King number two: we must add few extra locks.

Such an inspiration.

 Где реки сливаются вместе,

А сказки столетья звучат.

На фронт провожала невеста,

Сама как те реки звуча.

Еду у соседей набрала, 

Платок свой сняла с плеча,

Слова говорила которых не понял тогда..


New Kings..

Servant 1: will we get something?

New King number four: in fifty five, fifty seven years, you will get bunch of beautiful things.

Expensive too.

Servant 1: why would I want bunch of beautiful things at one hundred?

New King number four: sweetheart, we have new finance minister, as intelligent person,  don't bother us with your beautiful things for another year or two.

 Boring day at work,

I already napped, 

wrote, worked what I wanted,

But again, his beautiful smile is shining for me,

Making me think, dream and want something.


Fools gold

 King of Fools (on the phone): chabby, crabby, crabby bumblebee !?

You look delicious today..

I can be your personal trainer. 

You will be very happy.

Mama Mia (on the phone): it depends. 

Fool (on the phone): what do you want?


Troll (on the phone): I am afraid of people I work with.

King of Fools: who doesn't.

Troll: you?

King of Fools: who else, we have no secrets here.

Troll: how is the book going?

King of Fools: wonderful!

Combining two small books in one big book.

Fool: its typical, multiple two by four.

King of Fools: I still have to write two small books.

Fool: you have long day.


New Kings..

 New King number three: King number two is looking for his papers.

Servant 1: give this one.

New King number three (reading): "Take your check to the bank. 1967, January. "

Servant 1: he always says the same thing.

Там где синеют поля в дали,

В холодной дымке нет заката,

Деревья, дом, не яркий свет в ночи,
И на крыльце, как вспомню, все сидит с котом пушистым старая солдатка.
Ее за чаем разговор:
Куда ты лезеш, глупая ты баба.
Мальчишка молой:
Не знаю как тебя назвать,
Сестра иль мама.
Мне все равно.
Тут танков гул, притянутый за уши.
Иду с солдатами и думаю о чем-то о своем,
Надеюсь, внуки, внучки будут  жить намного лучше.
Себя я вижу, мамин дом, наш огородик небогатый.
А кто-то нам кричит:
Подъем, подъем!
Шагает в бой восьмая рота.


 Majority of people want only take,

And give nothing back, nothing to someone who entertains them, make them laugh, think, have.

They use you, just not using the word "use".

And when I say "bye", they upset about it.

Like for me, some people find me when they are standing on the line between lives and I can't refuse to help.

May be I strangle, I want my life to be better, in the way, I work for it, become better in person and in the skills, what I do for free, or something else, I do for the religion, for my belief....

I take a vacation, two weeks, see how things will are.

Thank you so much:)

New Kings..

 New King number two: this year you get no money!

Servant 1: pretty refreshing.

Servant 2: this why we like him, he always says the truth and nothing but truth.

New King number three: so what am I here for?

Servant 3: for the idea!

Servant 1: he was all blushing yesterday, I think we won't get money next year either.

Servant 2: push it here.

Servant 1: oh dear.

New King number three: it's full of garbage and recycling?

Servant 1: big box, we might find good use of it.

Sevant 2: its gold inside.

New King number three: are you sure?

Sevant 1: what's one man garbage, another man treasure.

Servant 2: are you sure this is nobody's stuff?


Fools gold

 King of Fools (on the phone): okay, okay, okay, do you want to see it?

Queen of Fools: of course I want to see it!

Fool: read the instructions for me,

Read it loud!

Fool: lie down on the top and press the green button, push yellow button to change the volume.

Fool: I can do it all day.

Troll: smiling again?

King of Fools: we are plunging "super flash", 

Checking the performance.

Troll: have you seen Mama Mia?

King of Fools: yyyy...

Troll: this morning Mama Mia put on lipstick, put on parfum, looked at the mirror, smiled, walked around, said "we will work like next day".

King of Fools: juicy details!

Troll: and left somewhere.

King of Fools: probably for lunch.

Fool: I have great news from the government!

King of Fools: yes!

Fool: the government said we have one million chances to win the lottery!

Fool: it's a big number.

King of Fools: we must count how many chances we used already.

Fools: one, two, three, four, five.. 



 Помнишь, помнишь, помнишь ты,

Как зима скучала.

Как хотела что бы мы начали сначала.

Захотела первых птиц, и весны капелей,

Поменяла холода с солнечным апрелем.

Песни о любви ветром нагоняла,

Так хотела что бы мы начли  с начала.


New Kings..

 Servant 1: oh God.

Sweet Moses.

Hold the candle.

Servant 2: going to work.

New King number two: where is missis Karma?

New King number three: are you sure this is her name?

Servant 2: ay. 

Servant 1: she is making coffee.

New King number three: get the horse ready?

Servant 1: he is going to save us all.

Servant 2: I see miracles already.

New King number two: will be home by 2 o'clock.

Servant 1: finish cleaning by 2.

New King number three: its rich people house!

Servant 2: "all problems are only in your head", the advertisement.

Servant 1: good night!


Fools gold

 Fool: he said our paper has bunch of all kind of mistakes on it.

Fool: its probably not even there.

Boss of Trolls: happy Monday!

Are you busy?

King of Fools: yeah, get a heck out of here.

Troll: interesting.

King of Fools: don't confuse with busy, its different word.

Troll: the wash rooms are closed again.

Mama Mia: they are on break.

We don't have enough time to go to the wash rooms!

King of Fools: "super flash" is getting clean.

We bought new intergalactic sound, it's going to be amazing.

So what's goin on between you and Mama Mia?

I see you are talking.

You can be one of us!

Super excited.

Troll: a fool?

King of Fools: someone is calling me!

(on the phone) you bought sour apples for my sweet apple sauce!

So last night..


New Kings

 New King number two: only white!

Servant 1: he thinks its 1895.

Anyway, easy job.

Servant 2: its 2020!

New King number three: what was that?

Servant 1: he doesn't like this number either, it gives him shakes.

New King number three: hopefully it will be the best year out.

Servant 2: we never thought this way...

Servant 1: always tell him you are his family member.


New Kings

Alien: are they keeping serial distance?
Alien: no, some one stole piggy bank.
Alien: these people are something else.
New King number two: what do you  want!?
New King number three: food is expensive.
New Queen number two: okay!
New King number two: the easiest relationships in my life.
New King number three: buy this one, for two dollars.
New King number two: can you eat it?
New King number one: I like the color.
New Queen number one: "smooth kiss".
New King number one: "smooth kiss".
Alien: I see slight resemblance between Earth and our planet.
Alien: like what?
Alien: we are spying for hours!
Alien: what are you thinking about!
Alien: a visit?
New King number four: how much did he take?
New King number five: the entire thing.
New King number four: in this case, connect all the emergency lines to King number ten phone number, and mine too.
Alien: this ship as good as I want to leave.
Alien: it's all done for us!
I have the e-mail.