just a thought

I don't know if I will see you,
I don't know if I will say personally thank you.
All I want to say, in this nice sunshine day,
I've heard your word ..

just a thought

I had this thought, a second ago:
Whatever shit it is, we probably will do more
And I am feeling happy...


When we were small, mostly old women,
Great grandmother, her friends were watching us.
It was strange, because we stopped talking or see them,
When our country changed into new country,
Like if they were a part of the old world and it was gone.
We would follow to see how people used to live somewhere in forest,
Pick dried grass from them, berries, wild honey.
You go far in the forest and you see a house with old man,
He fixed back traumas, made people walk again.
All house was full of stuff, no TV, no newspapers.
He was teaching how to make tea,
And all we wanted to run away.
Now, I would may be stay and learn.
Years later we went back, but couldn't find anyone,
Forest changes, someone said.
Then somewhere in the new city,
I went few times, everything is dirty, the same buildings,
Inside the apartment like a palace, white furniture, food, piano, violin.
Popular folk group was dancing only for few people near the river.
One woman could show future and you can see and hear.
Who else? A man mentality of a child,
He told if we go in the morning to the end of the city,
There would be a tree with a bird,
And the bird would bring us to a blanket, if you open it,
It goes to magic land.
We believed in it.
Here, never, I let my son, play outside on his own,
I follow him everywhere.
We, children, used to play outside.
My mom would say, the house is clean, does it.
A woman was living in our building,
She old, to us, scary looking, and she did have one hand.
We thought she was a witch, used to hide when she was walking.
After we found out, she was an army nurse,
Almost a hero of the Second World War,
Our grandparents generation.
It was a big article about her in the newspaper.
We used to play in the basement of our apartment building,
Babysit small children, a lot of things.
And then almost the same time it was all gone.
My life was school, grandmothers hospital where she was working and art school.
Sometimes I would write or read something to the street boys,
Naive poems.
They had girlfriends, sometimes they go somewhere, come back,
Go again, bring us cute candies, bubble gum.
We had nick names.
At that time I was shy, but I liked to dress like prostitute,
For some reason it was my idea, inspiration of freedom.
Those boys messed up my life, I thought at that time,
Because other school kids
Stayed kind of away from me, but they used to do a lot of crazy stuff,
I was never invited, no one would sell me cigarettes,
In our school it was so cool.
Boys didn't want to go out with me,
Only teachers became nicely, I have good diploma.
I was so happy when they got educated, those boys,
Went to universities.
Now, years and years, later,
I dont see my high school friends,
The one I know, we have nothig much to talk about,
I am still like at that time era:
Work, kid, go to gym, go out now, dress the same, taking only vitamins,
Not sure if the vitamins are doing something.

Good night


A woman talking to the sun:
You always shine when he is happy.
Then make him happy all yhe time...


Went to relax on the street ..

dont't know

Inner voice: building my new life in Africa!
Yesterday bought one-way ticket.
(suspisiosly looking around)...strange cats with stripes...
Milk is here! Kiss - kiss!
What are doing?!
Poetess is funny dancing 90s dance (special "say bye to 90s week or never say at all"),
pop music in a foreign language is playing.
Inner voice: my old lady..
Martini bottle (with a cigar): all men are the same.
Bottle of beer: get fat, my advice,
(eating a double burger) and stinky and .. hairy.. (wipes tears).
Bottle of vodka: dance, baby, dance!!!
(poetess is dancing tango)
Poetess: I am not writing poems no more!
Inner voice (looking up): thank you, thank you,
After twenty years of asking why I was blind that day, my dream came true!
(dancing with poetess).
Poetess: I am writing a screen play.
Inner voice: about what my friend (kissing a frog),
My green beauty.
Poetess: my life
Inner voice: don't mention my name

Good morning :)

Good morning,
I just woke up, it's 11:21 am in Canada not far from Toronto ...
First thing I do, I go on scale and check my weight,
I've slimmer on 3 pounds,
Went to the gym..no more living room enthusiasm for a while, may be in my age it doesn't work any more:
Kitchen with food and living room with exercise DVD.
Treadmill in public and go.

Good morning

This was the week 90s kids everywhere said bye to their youth,

This was the week 90s kids everywhere said bye to their youth,
Stolen from social media..
Why now, on Sunday morning I foud out,
Would be probably celebrating... crazy 90s..
Hopefully our own 90s will be good!

our village

our village

first story

First story, not a song yet.
It was many year ago,
When I was little bit older than eleven years girl.
April, I am going home from school.
First love, fun with friends,
Freedom in the air.
And my parents finally decided to divorce,
Why finally, because nothing was working out.
At my eleven I could understand this.
In our apartment, chickens on the balcony,
Small pots with vegetables are everywhere, the dog..
All floor is white from the pieces of broken dishes,
My mom is crying, trying to tell me to go to my father,
Some friend told her we met secretly.
My sister is living with my grandmother.
I take a hammer and break everything else,
Our old furniture, walls.
My mom is scared, calling to my grandmother..
Sometimes after I thought,
She has rights to hate my father, men, everything she wants.
And I have right not to go with her.
That day I started to write simple poems about school love, friendship, life in our country...

Good night


On the birthday party. ..



One million people,
One million likes on social media,
One million followers,
May be one day, may be never.
All she needs one like, like from him
And one million dollars,
It's her high school "idiot dream" from one of the funniest books in the world,
Character she follows herself ever since,
Her first inspiration, thank you!
Rubles she had, funny people, stories, roads, humor are all part of it.
Now she she wants one like, like from him,
Brightness of the sun and midnight beauty..


Have to go on a Birthday party with J
Remember, we are not philosophers, not soldiers,
We are children of our time.
Smile :)

You are the best,
Now I see it clearly..
There are people that different,
Unique, interesting, talented, but you are the best

story. ..

To make the long story short,
Yesterday afternoon
I felt upset a bit out of blue.
Why? I asked myself when everything is perfect.
In the evening I am apologizing.
I am sorry.
Please, don't think of my feelings much,
I don't think much of them either,
Because I move on so fast, back on the happy side.
If something needs to be correct it will be, does it.
Make love, not war.
Something like this.
Long time ago, when my grandmother was a doctor
One time, she had a patient, nice young man, university student.
He staid for a while, had to go home, all tests were fine.
Then she said that she feels something is not right.
He did the tests, everything is fine,
Because she scared his parents, they took him to the central hospital and few hours after he had an emergency surgery..
I heard natural healers too, they feel in advance,
Kind of see it, and ask, and change...

Good morning :)

..and I am feeling happy :) 


Once upon a time, 
Once upon a dream..
On the empty road,
Walking trough the storm,
Rain, cold winds.
They had no idea what to do next,
Not until heard word " Go! " 

Good night

don't know

Inner voice:
I am apologizing, this is the last post for Don't know story.
Our writer is writing happy ending.
Every time I ask her, when is it finally over,
She says: I don't know.
And another great news,
I got married!
Finally, I am a freedom man!
Back to the beginning.
To the day I met her this talent  (reading a text).
I called her on the phone after reading all night  one poem trying to figure out what's going on.
Next day she arrived in an ambulance.
Already, I asked myself?
Her beloved grandma is a head doctor,
I saw her and literally fell in love with her cooking and smile.
A dream of every man!.
(Looking at the side, just like my wife).
Next day at 7:01 some one broke my double doors with fifteen locks,
It's getto, I an wearing a bulletproof jacket.
A man dressed in  black Adidas and a woman with Malboro.
Man: you didn't call at 7 pm
Inner voice: It's 7:01..
Man: at 6:59 you supposed to dial the last number..
Woman: may be he is an idiot?
Inner voice is nodding his head fast in agreement.
Man: next time please call on time.
Are we clear now?
Inner voice : next time?!
Inner voice is nodding his head in agreement.
The woman is fixing her bra and making her underwear look longer.
Inner voice closes his eyes.
Woman: do you like my top and shirt too?
Man: since it's clear now that businesses have to support each other in modern days.
My business card " Once a month security group".
One more student for you, my girlfriend.
Teach her how to sing like Beethoven.
Inner voice: was he writing music?
Woman: like a dog?
(movie "Beethoven")

Good morning :)


It was New Year Eve 1998.
I think it was only New Year Eve 
I was spent with my grandmother 
and her giant dog without anyone else..
When I had so many plans, ticket to a private party, dress from little fabric and a button I made myself.
Then my grandmother calls me:
My friends have to go somewhere,
I have a lot of food!
I called my mom, everyone, no one answered the phone..
Tiger Year I am celebrating with my grandmother and her dog, taking few wild pictures, 
Watching old movies.
Next Tiger Year, my son is born, and by horoscope he is Leo ( Lion).
That's day in the hospital only Russian nurses,
I am eating sandwich and drinking juice after the delivery..
Here go the baby, easy time..

Good night :)

don't know

Inner voice (dressed in a suit):
I am so sorry, I didn't really plan to show up..
I am getting married,
Now I will only deal with my wife's nonsenses.
Anyway my ... poetess ..
She couldn't show up either..
No she is not with her baby,
To see him, she has no run on treadmill nonstop for a week,
Depends how fast she will run..
No, she is not smoking weed,
She doesn't know what it is.
People cutting dried grass, she is asking:
What it is, for a salad.
She is at work..
No, not 9 to 5, from 8 to 4.
No, she wasn't in the office again because of gossip.
She got salary raise..
She had a thought..
For some reason in free country she wants to be a ghostwriter and she asked me to ask me..
If person doing little bad things to coworkers for example,
Not her, people like her,
Normal workplace,
Then pray would it help if he is sent to ... by another coworker for example. .

just one smile :)


1941, summer, beginning of the Second World War.
Young nurse is dancing on mobile hospital new wooden floor.
Green uniform, medal and smile,
Like nothing to worry, nothing to cry.
Old doctors, dry, wrinkled hands:
Everything is ready, soon fight will begin...
Smiling at nurses, Third medical school.
Now I know,we always will win,
For girls like this we will stay until the end, 
We will stay until the end.
First winter battle, fire and ice,
No time to worry, no time to cry.
Insured soldier, looking throw far,
Don't worry my mom..
Sister, my sister.. 
We always will win,
For girls like thiswe will stay until the end, 
We will stay until the end. 
1945, few months left until victory day.
Surrounded building,
Only two left,
Same young nurse, beautiful smile.
Officer is looking at her:
Go, beg them, believe,
You are young, you have to live.
The nurse says:
I am not leaving you,
The war will end,
And we will stay until the end.
They got married after that war. .

Good morning :)


My grandmother all winter stays home,
Sometimes from November until early March.
She has Internet, cell phone and big screen TV,
The one my sister bought for her husband,
Then he refused to move from it.
After one month the TV moved to grandma.
Now she is home, as she says, having one of the nicest days at 88.
My mom and aunt buy the food, cook.
All my grandmother does is watching news, movies,
Calls us, writing something,
Old ladies visit her..
Today she was like, oh, your girlfriend had a third baby.
Me and this girl then, we were first year university students,
Studying in the big city.
And I realized what was differences between young people from different cities.
We were from small, poor city,
Didn't go on concerts, dress cool, didn't know what to say.
So she met a young man, older may be little bit.
Few talks, and he invited her to his house.
She invited me as company.
At the end he told her, she was no fun.
He was living in the apartment and mail box was on
the entrance door.
I looking for change to take a bus and I see my girlfriend is throwing a burning match in the mail box.
Few minutes after we hear the fire truck ..

don't know

Inner voice ( on the phone):
My darling, how is doing my sweetheart,
I am your little pumpkin flying on wings of love.
Dreaming of landing soon to have dinner with my sugar apple..
No, I am not calling from jail!
Speaking about dinner. ..
This how I met my beautiful poetess..
Don't know what I was thinking that day reading her first poem..
Memories appears in the air, like vision.
Poem number one.
(Inner voice talking to himself.
Who writes like this?
One hundred seventy pages, that's easy,
Poems born on the streets ..).
Kitchen, husband and wife are having dinner
(Inner voice: how nice!)
...Husband: what a fuck is it?
Wife: chicken!
Husband: Why is it fucking alive?!
Wife: Why don't you fucking cook!
Here, take your stupid cook book.
(Throws the book at him)
Your birthday gift!
(Inner voice: She got a birthday gift,
He must loves her,
Love poems are my speciality, been married eight times.. officially.
Husband: Come here!
Wife: Come in your pants!
Husband ( thinking which one of two words that starts at letter "b" he knows for women to use.
His own inner voice is thinking now,
Father in law is in military,
Yes daddy!
Everything else considers a reason to run away,
Grandmother with three bulldogs,
Stepbrother is a businessman,
Mother in law..
Own inner voice:... not gonna make it..
Husband: Beautiful!
(Inner voice wiping tears of joy).
Wife: let's go watch my favourite movies
( She is easy going, after few years)
Inner voice: how romantic, pained picture with words,
Small city, innocent people,
Calling to the author..


Today's my uncle's birthday,
He was 50 when his wife got pregnant.. .
Now he is 57..
My father has five grandchildren.
We have same interests now...
On Skype talking comfortably with each other for an hour. .. baby food, creams, milk...

just one smile :)

Good night :)