
1941, summer, beginning of the Second World War.
Young nurse is dancing on mobile hospital new wooden floor.
Green uniform, medal and smile,
Like nothing to worry, nothing to cry.
Old doctors, dry, wrinkled hands:
Everything is ready, soon fight will begin...
Smiling at nurses, Third medical school.
Now I know,we always will win,
For girls like this we will stay until the end, 
We will stay until the end.
First winter battle, fire and ice,
No time to worry, no time to cry.
Insured soldier, looking throw far,
Don't worry my mom..
Sister, my sister.. 
We always will win,
For girls like thiswe will stay until the end, 
We will stay until the end. 
1945, few months left until victory day.
Surrounded building,
Only two left,
Same young nurse, beautiful smile.
Officer is looking at her:
Go, beg them, believe,
You are young, you have to live.
The nurse says:
I am not leaving you,
The war will end,
And we will stay until the end.
They got married after that war. .