... our women

We rebuilt out cities,
Rebuilt all burned land,
We started all over,
We started again... 

June 22, 1941.
Beautiful day, after my birthday.
War, war, war!
I am turning the radio:
All men from eighteen to fifty five years old,
All women doctors and nurses must get ready immediately!
Four o'clock afternoon, nothing will be the same any more.
Women outside is crying:
Sons, sons, why do you have to go...our sons..
No, no, no...
What's going to be...
Old women..
Children holding mothers.
Men get ready without a word:
We will be back,
I hear in every where.
Next day the radio working non stop.
My uncles left already...they never came back,
Study good, - was the last words..

And it was my brother's turn.
He was still at school, not eighteen,
How things were bad, he had to go.
Before the war, I thought my parents don't like me at all.
It was all about him,
May be I was a girl, would get married and leave.
The war started.
My uncles left, aunts.
Less than a months letters,
We will never see them again.
In our village only women and children.
He is hugging me on a train station:
I will be back.
Always empty station crowded with people and trains, evacuation.
And I know, I want him back.
Who do you think won?
The war or young beautiful girl..
I could see places I have never been,
I could see faces, I could feel
I was with him trough the war until he got back home...

And Victory day,
Music every where.
The biggest though I think we had,
Our men will be back.
We will rebuild our cities, rebuild our land.
Started all over, start again.

A nurse and a soldier,
Destroyed burning building, what's left.
Can we make it?
The nurse asks.
The soldier smiles:
If I was with someone else
I don't know.
When I am with you,
I know I can and so can you,
They are both little older than nineteen years old. 
Don't go close to the window,
Why you are here? Young girl like you.
War is not for women.
Just one, do you love him?
No, men..
You went under fire because of men?
He is laughing.
But you have a medal.
I said I am going to war for my country.
Men must like you a lot, - he is looking in her eyes.
They do, - she says.
What are you going to do after the war?
Will be a doctor?
You mother is waiting for you at home.
Yes. What about you?
I don't have home.
I am from old village, we have beautiful places, river, forest.
I have my own tree, birds made nest on it.
My aunt said, it's for good luck.
See, this necklace my grandmother took from her neck and wore it on me.
Please, visit us.
I will. Now, you have to go.
Take off uniform, give me your medal.
You only a girl.
What about you?
We will not get out together, I am a soldier.
I am not leaving you..
They got married after the war...