just one smile :)

Listen, I am not leaving you,
I stay around..
Sometimes I make some jokes or say words (random)
And I don't want to be misunderstood,
So I am playing nice and safe (saying nothing).
I am not religious person and not communist either.
With thoughts and believes,
I like humor and food,
Few people I love without forcing in to anything.
But I know what wind and freedom is,
My situations I explain myself, it's between us two.
That how far it goes in my personal life.
Some of your videos are very funny,
I watched with the woman trying to leave,
Understand what I am talking about.
You have sense of humor, It's very good.
And the cookies with stuff was funny too.
I heard about the same, but it was mixed with food.
I have to go now, and you
Smile, everything is all right:)