story 4

Love story for two "Pardon me": him and her..

He was moody this morning...
She studied law for six years and that's like a red cloth for buffalo or fox for a dog.
His every moody face is completely investigated.
And after five hundred my questions if he is okay, what happened and what can I do to make him happy...
He said almost happy:
You never wrote me a song.
Song about what? (she).
Pardon me?? (him).
Okay if it will make you happy, say without thinking!
When I was a little girl ... (she)
Oh God.. (him).
Listen, no more chickens, pigs and cows (still him)
Old women, mafia in nineties, firefighters, a horse,
Who else was living in your one bed room apartment on the third floor.
No more balcony gardens, unless its full of weed!
...and write address in the song (first spying friend).
No more old stories (him again).
Look back only if you want to see your ass in the mirror  (second spying friend).
Something new, I've never heard every day in the last what almost two years (him).
Okay, okay, you are always overreacting (she)
And then you can't sleep.
This song about night and day,
They cannot without each other.
Bright day and magical night;
Light and beauty of darkness (she).
It has a verse? (him).
Yes, good night, I love you, 
Turn off the light.
You don't have to now,
It's daytime and sleep (she). 
See, finally, nice creative song (him).

Part two, she out of blue,
Do you know this week in my country
People believe you can see future if you know how,
If you don't know how, read horoscope in a store,
Like me sometimes.
Do you think we can write a story together?
I think we have a little problem in writing,
The first line is nice,
Then third and second..questions.
May be you don't understand my sense of humor,
It's from old village and small city.
And I don't really understand your standards,
What's the beauty in it,
 I couldn't even write as beautiful as her (she, watching someone on TV),
Probably wants to ask something.
 You are the last woman I will love (him).
Pardon me  (she).
 Don't know if it's good..