Poetess: I
wrote a story!
Inner voice:
I hate working too.
(thinking of where to hide at work): today I hate the government.
Inner voice:
being a nice person at my work is a curse.
Poetess: I
read in newspaper about some company,
employees got poisoned and they sued the company.
The fridge
didn't work all weekend, first thing on Monday, bym..
Inner voice:
we are not so lucky here.
Poetess: I
wrote a story (looking at the mirror) about some one else
And I think
I need professional advise about where I should go with it.
I mean to publish.
Inner voice:
I have a friend for that.
in women, dogs and poetry (looking at Poetess): what's your name boy?
Poetess: a
My name is Irina.
in women, dogs and poetry: listen girl..
(Poetess is looking at the mirror).
Specialist in women, dogs and poetry: the mostest and importenest thing is grammar.
And you have
to know what a ..(swearing) you are talking about.
(writing): the mostest importenest thing..
in women, dogs and poetry: yes, I was surprised myself
When the
nurse started to take off my clothes.
Poetess: the
in women, dogs and poetry: no, the horse was after, or before...
Let me think
my beautiful ladies.
(kind of melting with a smile): thank you...
in women, dogs and poetry: three of you..
I am thanking only the ambulance now.
I was
writing a poem about farm,
edition "Mister Taker had a horse, pig, chickens and pitbulls",
I had to
ride all of them myself,
Grandma with
stupid questions ..
She was the last one.
Poetess: you
were riding grandma Taker?
in women, dogs and poetry: she said she was single.
We have to
trust people,
Especially naked women.
Mister Taker
was something else too, but since the children might read,
We can't
talk about any weapons, especially illegal.
It was a
poem for the police next.
detective, gave me a pillow to sit down,
After I slightly slid down..holding my ears in my hands.
We were
writing for a year..
Me, him and the local gang.
Poetess: and
what happened?
in women, dogs and poetry: Peter? who is Peter?
Poetess : me?
in women, dogs and poetry :
What I was
doing in the air?
I still asking
this question myself,
Every five minutes.
What I am
doing in the air with laundry bag?
What am I
doing in the air at all.
Me and that bird.
minutes, lovely conversations between birds and myself.
They don't communicate well if you want to know.
Wind must changed the direction,
That was the
third nurse explanation.
The first one with
wings didn't explain anything,
Pushed from the warm chair and told to get out and work.
Pushed from the warm chair and told to get out and work.
And I am
working my friends,
Teaching children in this beautiful school.
We are
writing new story
Penguin versus Trax, the dinosaur"..