don't know story

Inner voice (washing dishes for about an hour): slavery is not over my friends..
(looking at to do list): bathroom, carpet, couch, washing clothes in room temperature)
Inner voice: slavery is not over my friends..
It only has another name "work, house work and bills".
And this why this story is called "Super Baby".
Super Baby: I am seventy five years old,
Thank you very much.
Now I can only jump on the healthy dinner, bed, my wife - mother of my children, grandmother of my grandchildren and great grandmother of my great grand children.
I can babysit too...
I am not saving the world,
That's for sure.
And not wearing glasses either.
Donald (on TV): this what I am telling you people too.
What do you expect?
A miracle?
Go to work where you work yesterday and be happy.
Hilary (applauds at home): Bravo! (and goes to work).