Poetess :
let's shake this old dirty bag for some news.
(Shaking the
bag): hmm, money!
You know, I
save stuff every where
And then I
don't remember where I saved it.
Like right now...
Inner voice
: you know..
You have never written me a beautiful romantic poem.
Poetess :
about what?
Inner voice
( loud with questions in the voice) : pardon me?!
Poetess (
suspiciously ): about us?
Inner voice
: you wrote about cabbages..
Poetess : it
was for my Golden cabbage award.
Award for my work, cabbage.
Inner voice
: .. wrote about fish and chips, about healthy food, wrote about cheesecake.
Poetess :
Inner voice
: yeah, the one was on my face.
(happily): may be we already were doing something romantic?!
Inner voice
: not with the box on my head!