New Kings.

Witches: good morning sir,
Would you like fresh coffee?!
New King number one: where are the witches,
Where are the beautiful ladies?
At least few faces are joy to see.
(makes a phone call).
New Queen number one (answering the phone): I am at work!
New King number one (to the witches): ladies don't work too hard, don't set the wrong standards.
(on the phone) I know you are at work.
New Queen number one: can you please do me a favour and don't call today.
I am fine the way I am always fine ..yesterday fine, today, tomorrow.
New King number one: work makes huge difference.
From a shiny kitten she turned into a beast, but don't worry, today is payday, it will soften her a bit.
Diamond: no natural delicacy what so ever.
Donald: don't worry, you will find someone else.
Back to our "focus pocus game".
We all get what we want.
I will give it to you.
Fat cats: we want two fries.
New Queen number one: you always say it but never do.
New King number one: I wish I had privilege not to answer the phone, but I don't.
I will answer the phone every single day!
It's plus eight degrees with mild rain.

Good night

The Beast and Ze Bella.

Queen of Fools: you have to want to!
King of Fools: it wasn't me!
Queen of Fools: whatever.
King of Fools: you have to sexersise and exercise!
Troll: where are the witches?
We ran out of power.
King of Fools: all over there.
Showing off to each other.
Queen of Fools: good night.
King of Fools: buy me some candies and ships.
I am a baby tonight.
Queen of Fools: don't give me attitude.
King of Fools: yeah mama, already.
Will call my girls, the witches.
I hope they don't tell me not to show up for their "scary good idea party".
I already invited myself.

Good morning

Good night

The Beast and Ze Bella.

King of Fools: congratulations!
The Beast: with what?
King of Fools: happy Halloween!
Watch the floor, it's slippery.
The Beast: I thought you went a head of yourself and found the map.
King of Fools: we never do that.
The Beast: I don't need a costume..
King of Fools: witches are thinking of quitting.
You might never need one.
I will be living on one income.. it's not a lot.
No, no and no.
The Beast: why are they thinking of quitting?
King of Fools: too many people worry of their souls.
They laughed at first, but now it's not funny any more.
Witches don't preach, they do things.
It's kind of romantic, don't you think?
I tell you a secret, they are thinking of quitting on Halloween.
I might quit too.
Go incognito...

New Kings.

New King number one: "Spooky Spooky".
The witch is my sister, just kidding.
Time to celebrate Halloween!
Fat cats: in the different universe!
New King number one: me and my Queen have very spiritual relationships.
She is cooking again!
(On the kitchen).
New Queen number one: spirits, spirits!
Diamond: I don't see anything.
Add more salt, basically.
New Queen number one: we need fresh air.
Diamond: salt works the best.
I read in their book.
New Queen number one: no it isn't.
Diamond: it's business!
New Queen number one: what else you read?
Diamond: nothing, they didn't let me.
I ate too much butter.
Everyone was cursing me at breakfast.
I am glad you showed me way out.
New Queen number one: it's working!
Diamond: what did you get out of the pot!?
New Queen number one: ..shampoo.. one sock, shower gel, letter, candy, mini freezer I always wanted.
(reading) "Talk to your husband, this is normal".
New King number one: time to wear masks and start the party.
Fat cats: we skip the invitations.
Fat cats: we want to take off.
Fat cats: she will go wild and dance naked with the 80s music.
New King number one: will you do it again?
New Queen number one: no!
Fat cats: we are not complaining!
Fat cats: dresses must come off on Friday night.
New Queen number one: who will I be?
New King number one: witch.
Honestly, that's all I think of.
Use some of your powers in the washing and cooking.
It will be a blast.
Witches: who will be we then?
New King number one: ladies, you have been wonderful this year.
You will be dressed like nice women who go to work every day from 9 to 5 and do a lot of things at home.
Witches: only for one day!
New King number one: and please, for mt Queen, no private accommodations and sending me bills to pay.
This magical year use a broom.
Witches: for one day.
New King number one: have wonderful night.

Good morning

New Kings.

New King number two: he has swearing in his speech.
New King number one: it's okay.
He has to get it.
New King number two: I wonder if it's actually was made by him?
New Queen number one: it's all  dumb.
New King number one: I know,
Hashtag "beautiful", six one six, with a glitch.
New King number two: it's funny.
New King number one: he won't do anything anyway.
We might as well laugh now.
New King number two: he is like 95 to something.
New Queen number one: whose food is this?

New Kings.

New King number one: what would I do?!
New Queen number one: do your job.
New King number one: I can't.
I can't until I get the basics.
And the basics are the smart people.
New Queen number one: oh baby.. hurry up.
Smart people!
New King number one: we should do the public announcement.
Ask from newspaper.

New Kings.

New King number one: and sixty!
Fat cats: after 7 what is that become?
New King number one: 13 thousand and eighty seven.
Fat cats: we shouldn't mess with it, we might start with the wrong number again.
New King number one: 13 thousand and seven hundred.
New Queen number one: you are too busy to write it perfect.
Fat cats: 8 hundred seventy three.
New King number one: is it right?
Fat cats: more complicated this time.
New King number one: use calculator!
New Queen number one: last time you said it was perfect, and we all  know what happened.
Diamond: what are you doing?
New King number one: making our budgets, the rest to people.
To our great nation!
Fat cats: twenty seven forty three.
New King number one: we are wasting to much time writing.
Fat cats: it has to be perfect!
New Queen number one: I see right away, it will go above.
Fat cats: we have to fit our numbers.
New King number one: starting from the beginning!
Fat cats: first time we started with 80.
New King number one: then we made zero on the side.
One big zero.
Fat cats: can you do it for us?
New King number one: for 799 and South on the side.
New Queen number one: this is not the guessing game.
New King number one: you do the rest.
Fat cats: we should do the old fashioned way.
Organize the colony.
New King number one: forget the old fashioned game.
Add one.
Fat cats: there is no more numbers left.
New King number one: this not what I said.
Add one to zero, you know what I mean..
And finish with our side.

The Beast and Ze Bella.

King of Fools (on the phone): only 700 mistakes?
Queen of Fools: so close to "perfect".
King of Fools: it's even worse.
Better have long road to go.
Queen of Fools: we are still young.
King of Fools: you got it girl!
(whispering) don't eat to much... we might bake garlic in the oven.
Queen of Fools: I am having coffee.
King of Fools: I am coffee for you coffee..
See you soon.. 
Queen of Fools: will work little bit.
King of Fools (on the radio): wisdom, ozdom, ozdom!
Leaves are falling and when leaves are not falling it's raining.
Happy Friday!
...oh dear..

The Beast and Ze Bella

King of Fools: finally at work..
Worries always come first, always.
The Beast: what are you worrying about?
King of Fools: will call my beautiful girl.
(on the phone) still dressing up?
Take your time, and you are already dressed up, like me.
Secretary: witches said we all must get out,
They misplaced a note.
King of Fools: not again!
It's probably in the chips bag somewhere.
Secretary: good night.
The Beast: it's 9 in the morning!
King of Fools: you must know better then any one else what note misplace means.
Who knows what happened when you said "oh.. sh...t"
You did it to yourself.
Secretary: two big vacuums are at the door!
King of Fools: must leave, we are trained here.

New Kings.

New Queen number one: the courses of their relationship seems promising.
New King number one: is it?
New Queen number one: she is wearing sweater matching the color of his pants!
New King number one: she is taking advantage.
Diamond: he seems not himself..
I can't!
New Queen number one: all we do watching  tv.
New King number one: you have lots of food on the table.
Fat cats: bureaucrats!
Fat cats: tell us how you do it!
Fat cats: and they are proud of it!
Fat cats: we are sorry madame, but not more.
New King number one: keep dreaming.
Fat cats: what's the secret!
New King number one: as simple as it can be.
Eat more chocolate.
New Queen number one: they are not out children to tell how.
They are very cold opposition.
New King number one: you are eating too much, stop it.

New Kings.

New King number one: why should we hide?
For what?
New Queen number one: she said, she still loves him.
New King number one: in a couple of weeks she will say something else.
New Queen number one: not after that!
Diamond: he doesn't understand you.
Fat cats: one less thing we expect from him.
Diamond: love is beautiful adventure where on the sand of beaches you kiss the one you love.
Fat cats: ha, ha, ha.
New King number one: my dear, yesterday things are better in the mall.
Thank you, thank you, 
Very beautiful (kissing New Queen number one hand).

The Beast and Ze Bella.

(Theater stage).
Boss: who are those?
Witch: artists.
King of Fools: from the burned theater.
We tried to get insurance, but it didn't work out.
Now we are undercover.
Boss: it's a good move and what is that you want?
King of Fools: American dream.
Boss: what is that?
King of Fools: gold.
Boss: it's 2015!
Where? Stores?
King of Fools: we had a map.
Boss: whatever you want.
King of Fools: we don't work on weekends, sometimes we show up any way, if there is business.
We will change when we will be seventy years old.
From 16 to 70, liberal.
Boss: something wrong with you two.
Queen of Fools: we are little bit spoiled, half immigrants, half citizens.
King of Fools: people like us.