New Kings.

Witches: good morning sir,
Would you like fresh coffee?!
New King number one: where are the witches,
Where are the beautiful ladies?
At least few faces are joy to see.
(makes a phone call).
New Queen number one (answering the phone): I am at work!
New King number one (to the witches): ladies don't work too hard, don't set the wrong standards.
(on the phone) I know you are at work.
New Queen number one: can you please do me a favour and don't call today.
I am fine the way I am always fine ..yesterday fine, today, tomorrow.
New King number one: work makes huge difference.
From a shiny kitten she turned into a beast, but don't worry, today is payday, it will soften her a bit.
Diamond: no natural delicacy what so ever.
Donald: don't worry, you will find someone else.
Back to our "focus pocus game".
We all get what we want.
I will give it to you.
Fat cats: we want two fries.
New Queen number one: you always say it but never do.
New King number one: I wish I had privilege not to answer the phone, but I don't.
I will answer the phone every single day!
It's plus eight degrees with mild rain.