Worries always come first, always.
The Beast: what are you worrying about?
King of Fools: will call my beautiful girl.
(on the phone) still dressing up?
Take your time, and you are already dressed up, like me.
(on the phone) still dressing up?
Take your time, and you are already dressed up, like me.
Secretary: witches said we all must get out,
They misplaced a note.
King of Fools: not again!
It's probably in the chips bag somewhere.
Secretary: good night.
The Beast: it's 9 in the morning!
King of Fools: you must know better then any one else what note misplace means.
Who knows what happened when you said "oh.. sh...t"
You did it to yourself.
Secretary: two big vacuums are at the door!
King of Fools: must leave, we are trained here.