Happy New Year

Sometimes looking at someone,
Thinking about someone
Is such an opportunity, such a chance..
When artists are looking at the beautiful pictures, capturing every detail, every line, every scient.
Poet is looking at the beautiful face.
Letters and words becoming warmth of your eyes, smile and sound of your voice.

New Kings..

Author: hug and kiss will make my love story complete.
New Queen number one: it's beautiful!
New King number one: who is in love ladies?
New Queen number one: men have no sense.
New King number one: we have!
Then ladies he must hear you.
He must hear his name.
Author: he has one of the most beautiful names..
New King number one: exactly.
Beautiful girls, smart and intelligent.
Use your intelligence and smartness.
New Queen number one: is it your new speech?
New King number one: relying on women.

The Beast and Ze Bella.

King of Fools (on the phone): I am having lunch.
Yes, I looked at the mirror!
(to Troll): we are rapping gifts!
(on the phone): rapper goes on top!
Troll: time..
Queen of Fools: will call back.
King of Fools: yesterday my Angel said,
She is going to draw on me.
I wonder what picture it will be?
Troll: didn't you say about love for someone else?
King of Fools: where did you get it?
My Angel is very much magical.
She knows three magic words
" I love you".
Troll: every one knows those words.
Thankfully I'll be off next week.
King of Fools: people know now.
I already got few pictures, all over the place.
Troll: okay, okay.
Sit and stare at the map.
King of Fools: excuse me,
I feel like singing.
Troll: only fools will do that.
Relay on the drawing more then on map with gold.
King of Fools: tell me about that.
I still like picture painting.
Fine art is the top of all arts.
We bought bunch of colors another day.
.. might have join painting..
I love green light..
Troll: how I see it, all colors are good.
King of Fools: I say too.
I must call her and ask where she is going to put green.
Troll: she is going to put green in the garden.
Let's find the fool's gold first.
King of Fools: I'll be like military..
(phone rings).
Queen of Fools (on the phone): serfice time!
King of Fools (on the phone): in the house!

New Kings..

Princess: and where is the boyfriend?!
Princess number two: he is not here.
Princess: I know.
What about beleaving in aliens together?
I was only thinking, who else wouldn't be sleeping tonight..?
Good night.
New King number one: time to step on tails and hear some sounds.
New Queen number one: will you hear?
New King number one: it depends how heavy my foot is.
New Queen number one: feets.
New King number one: my queen..
Diamond: how old is the groom?
New King number one: I thought you watch the bride?
Diamond: no, he is boring as He'll.
New King number one: how do you know He'll is boring?
Diamond: staring at the fire for the eturnity?
It's quite a show I guess.
New King number one: sign here.
We will make it cold from the top.
Diamond: it never worked.
New Queen number one: there always first time..

The Beast and Ze Bella.

King of Fools: I am the changed man.. repeat 500 times..
Queen of Fools: it's always work.
King of Fools: ... approved by monkey "The Ginious".
Queen of Fools: she is only one who is thinking here today.
King of Fools: this why the zoo doors are wide open..
Queen of Fools: I stoped by in the morning.
King of Fools: what did she say?
Queen of Fools: she said we are pioneers.
King of Fools: open the window and keep reading.
Queen of Fools: I am changed man.
Repeat 500 times..
King of Fools: I am changed man.. repeat 500 times..
I hope it's not too late.
Queen of Fools: it's never too late!
It's getting cold here.
King of Fools: we have to chill out sometimes.
Monkey "The Ginious", she is very smart.
She started to give advises by the size.
Queen of Fools: you mean weight?
What about other talents?
King of Fools: only from January.
Will I change I winder?
Queen of Fools: we have to read all the book.
The most important is to read it all.
I am changed man!
King of Fools: I am changed man!

New Kings..

New King number one: time to connect all pluses and minuses and start the budget.
It's a puzzle..
New Queen number one: we are missing the entire page.
New King number one: that's the thing.
Fat cats: you are not working!
New King number one: for that hole we will donate our salaries.
Here, five bucks.
Fat cats: running out of gas?
We all know where it is!
New King number one: the world keep pushing!
Fat cats: we are going there too!
New Queen number one: if I give five dollars, will I get ten back?
I always like to have change in my pocket.

New Kings..

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
New King number one: Harold!?
New King number five: they want the same thing!
New King number one: oh my goodness, who?
New King number five: the brain bombs!
New King number one: probably very cold too.
How did you escape?
New King number five: in New York.
New Queen number one: I am sorry I missed with the sugar.
New King number five: it's illegal!
Show me your ID.
New King number one: something new at least.
You should've physiologically put a blanket all over your head.
Harold: next!
New Queen number one: when will we start?
New King number one: if it's important for our connection and kids.
New Queen number one: there is only one way to find it.
The luxe.
New King number one: at least it's not very expensive when you are married.

Sunt mulieres in Russian villas
Cum autem mansueti sunt momenti hominum,
Cum pulchra vis motus,
De deambulatio cum vultus Reginarum -

They did non animadverto caecorum
A myops super eos dicit:
"Is erit - ut solem illuminare!
Vide - sisterent in ruble est "?

Incedunt eodem itinere
Quod omnis populi nostri:
Sed lutum conditionibus miser
Non videtur probabile. flores

Medicamina faciei femineae pax in virtute
Cras ruborem, tenuis, alta,
In omnibus enim pulchra sunt vestimenta sua,
Omnibus secretis agilis ...

Gratias tibi.

Good morning

I have glass of wine between us,
And thinking through tears,
But I think, I am cutting this word,
Because I am sad and I am not.
Flashing star: Yes, your are.
Give us break - wind is laughing,
You are far.
Wind: just tell us his name,
We will bring the right mind.
Me again, but if he is not mine,
He is not mine.
Sun: as the oldest, 
I remember great grandma,9
She never though, she would care.
As long as you love!
Anyway, I will shine for him for extra minute.
Trees: don't melt us.
Sun: only his heart.
Moon: all right, I will send him few dreams.
Have a wonderful night.
Rose: you need to spice up feelings.
Moon: weird to hear from beautiful flower.
Rose: is he in love or is he in love!
I am delicate and gentle, but inside I am tough symbol of love.
Moon: let me put smile in the morning.
Thunder: be his light before thunder..

For people I've never said good bye or thank you.
May be because I was still a child, but I made a circle and returned back,
In my mind, to the same place, I called my home,
That I left years ago..
May be it's not the right thing or time to write about witches, natural healers, things that go back thousands of years ago, but it is what it is.

Good morning

New Kings.

New King number one: my new name is Sherlock Knows.
Diamond: why every one is running?
New King number one: what a wild creature of nights.
Are you ever sleep?
Diamond: our television is not working.
New Queen number one: what is this?
Sounds familiar.
New King number one: it's something that you click on something and it turns on.
Diamond: the remote control is missing!
New Queen number one: we probably burned it to warm up.
New King number one: didn't you drop it in the wine soup?
New Queen number one: people needed it for flying.
Diamond: what's going on?!
It's for different use!
New Queen number one: he is coming!
New King number one: our new king.
New Queen number one: scare him.
New King number one: we will shoot a rocket.
New Queen number one: he is flying!
Servant: big alligator for lunch!
New Queen number one: finally.
Servant: caught in American soap waters.
New King number one: a..
Servant: we have to learn how just sit here.
New King number one: new country, new rules.

Good day

The Beast and Ze Bella.

Troll: sex toys for breakfast?
King of Fools: hungry, ha?
Those are cupcakes.
My Angel hid my tarts.
I love tarts.
Troll: let's care first,
Your new name.
King of Fools: wisdom, ozdom, ozdom!
It's Friday!
Enough work for today.
Troll: how do you tell?
Look at the map, we will get busy.
King of Fools: I am thinking of her with my ..
The witch.
Love, love, love, love!
Do you think she used any spells on me?
We are never wrong here, but that's not all!
Troll: see you on Monday.
See what weekends gets us.
King of Fools: it will be the same.

.. He is like first flower in the spring,
Funny, fresh, lively with energy of new warm breeze, sunshine and cold air..

New Kings.

New King number one: pigs!
Fat cats: we don't like you!
New King number one: that's differently.
Fat cats: minus one point!
New King number one: pigs, pigs!
Fat cats: minus two points!
New King number one: pigs, pigs, pigs.
Fat cats: minus three points.
Fat cats: today is his birthday.
Fat cats: he promises more then he delivers.
New King number one: I deliver every day!
Fat cats: who wants to read words.
New King number one: you always want what our people don't.
Fat cats: they are too poor.
New King number one: did you hear that!
New Queen number one: wow..
I've never heard of that in my life.
New King number one: thank you for your support.
Fat cats: kind words for relatives always cost us a fortunes.
New Queen number one: how long this discussion is going to last?
New King number one: pigs!
Fat cats: we have to put label on him.
New King number one: I didn't nothing illegal!
Why now?
Fat cats: you did something yestrday.
New King number one: we all did something yestrday.
Fat cats: not that much.
Fat cats: good job.
New King number one: what am I going to do?
Fat cats: find another job.
We have bunch.
New King number one: something is going on!
Fat cats: this how life works.
New King number one: you are jealous of my success!
Fat cats: remember, we have big ears and bug noses.

Good morning

White snow at New Year Eve just like beautiful like you.
You find me, me.
Stories, poems and dreams,
If we can compare man to cup,
I would drink tea like it's finest wine,
And be always little bit drank,
Because only for you I looked behind,
From small city with old streets,
Hearing someone special again,
With the same words that all be okay,
You are the beautiful wine I want to drink every day...

The Beast and Ze Bella.

King of Fools (on the phone): she would never argue!
It's the worst.
Troll (in the office): it's the best.
King of Fools (to Troll): you don't know.
(on the phone): it's just me.
Troll: extra work?
King of Fools (pushing a paper): we partied all night, hurry up.
(on the phone): some don't want and some want!
The Beast (hangs up the phone): you said you will be different person after the party!
King of Fools: I am different!
I am in love.
With one of the witches.
She wasn't wearing her vest! Yyyyyyyyy...
My heart! My mind!
Troll: I like that too.
King of Fools: I wish I was her new born baby, tiny little thing down there.. and she would be touching my hair..
Once you start, you can't stop.
Troll: if I get there, I get there, if no, oh well..
King of Fools: I will be hungry for hours, just sitting there..
The Beast: what for?
What about the gold?
King of Fools: gold is not every thing.
The Beast: it's relaxes you, try.
It will take care of all your desires.
You can read books on top of all women.
King of Fools: are you sure?
Red berries in my hand mixed with the snow,
And I am thinking how beautiful and shiny they look on the sun.
... Young men are fighting, heating each other again and again.
It's cold, but they don't have coats, sweaters or shirts, like in sports, pants and boxing gloves.
Two men are watching.
First, the older one, is not talking.
The second, looks like engineer, with heavy bag, and loaf of bread sticking out.
He says: not good, not good, reactions are too slow.
The first man talks: it's second week.
And we hear, the fighting young men are not good again.
They are boys from local gangs.
Now, I would think it's crazy, but then,
We thought, the 90s school girls, it was fun..

Good morning