The old woman - soldier (story from my childhood)

There was an old woman who lived at the same apartment building with us.  She was crooked a bit, did not have one hand and was always dressed at the same clothes.

I remember that all the girls and boys in our area were afraid of her. When we sow her walking on the street, we would always hide or pretend we did not see her.  At first we thought that she was a witch.

One time she offered me candies and I could not say a world how scare I was.

The old woman complained about us going to the building’s roof and the basement which were our hiding places and we got in a big trouble from our parents and of course we did not like her at all.

It was May 9, sometimes in 1990th – The Victory Day Parade in our city. We all dressed up and went to the parade with flags, balloons and flowers. 

There were a few war veterans talking to each other. And there was that old woman from our building all dressed up in a woman’s military uniform and she had  seven medals on her shirt, holding flowers in her one hand, laughing and smiling.