Thank you

Thank you Anna:)!

you are right - when people complain behind your back, they are behind you for a reason!

My Grandmother's memories about the Second World War - pictures from the family album

Russian pictures

Russian pictures

Женская отвага - мои стихи

Говорить не надо
Слов моих дурман.
Женская отвага
Как лесной туман.
Не всегда он виден
Там лесным врагам,
Попадёшься бысто
На лихой обман.
Беззащитным кажется
Не найти сильней.
Ни за что не вырваться
Из его цепей.

My Grandmother's album - her village in 1930th

My great grand mother Alexandra Ivanovna 
(in the black clothed on the top row) 

Old Russian city - slideshow by me:)

Две сестры

Два пути, две дороги,
Две сестры - две подруги,
Две надежды, два счастья,
Две весны за окном.
Пусть дожди и метели,
Две сестры, две капели,
Всё журчат и журчат
О своём, о своём.
Улыбнутся, приманят,
Добротой одурманят,
Успокоят, обнимут,
Отведут все обиды,
Пожалеют всегда.
Ничего не попросят
И в тревоге не бросят,
И конечно весельем
Вам наполнят сердца.

Just a thought

Don't worry about the people complaining behind your back - they are behind you for a reason.

My Grandmother's memories abut the Second World War - pictures

A few old pictures 

My grandmother Ira

"Crunch" - a story for my son

Little hummer-head shark "Crunch" swims in the ocean and does nothing.

- Oh, no! The mommy - shark says.

- What we are going to do! - the grandma-shark says.

- Let me bite him! - the big brother says.

- No, no, no! - all the sharks scream at the big brother. Crunch just a little baby! Come here Crunchy! U, tu, tu, tu, tu!

- Are hungry, baby? Do you want something yammy to eat?

- I want to crunch a car! Hum, hum, hum!- Crunch smiles.

Rose from my garden - picture

For some summer time... with all the Best wishes:):):)

A few old pictures

One of my Happiest New Years Celebrations!

It was 2000! I was celebrating the New Year Eve with my family in my grandmother' s apartment in Russia.

As usual we were watching the TV shows, concerts and movies and waiting for the Russian President BorisYeltsin toast and a New Year Wish.

And Boris Yeltsin said that Vladimir Putin (who was a Prime Minister) will be replacing him as the Russian President.

Oh, my Goodness, I still feel and remember who happy we were at this moment. Even my grandmother had a few tears in her eyes. I was happy, exited like my biggest wish at that time came true. Just in a few seconds I heard fireworks on our streets, people talking loud and laughing. I ran outside, without winter coat, I think I had a sweater on.

The streets were full of people. I am from a small city and I had never seen as many people together at the same time. Every one was happy, talking about the news and happy that Vladimir Putin will be the new President.

I like Boris Yeltsin very much, because he opened Russia to the world and he let the world to see true Russian beauty. And I am thankful to Vladimir Putin for that special New Year!

My Grandmother's memories abut the Second World War - pictures

A few pictures from my book 

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Two things about Friday - I don't cook and I don't sleep all night! All the best! 

In my grandfathers memories

When I see a book about the Second World War, I always look at the pictures or read a bit, mostly because its a memory about my grandfathers who were Soviet Army officers during that time. I think about how good people they were, their talks, faces and how much they loved all of us, especially me and my sister. This post is for them...

Story from my childhood - the natural healer.

When I was a little girl every summer I spent with my great grand mother in a small Russian village.

There was an old woman who I had heard could heal any illness. And I had seen people we who were visiting her almost everyday. Some one said that she could just touch a person's hand and the sickness would dissapear or look and say what's wrong. I remember she had a grey cat who was almost twenty years old. And the house was full of the dry or fresh grass and flowers.

Many years after when the woman was very old I saw her swimming in the boat towards the big forest. She was standing on the boat and used a long wooden stick to navigate where the river goes far in the forest.

Me and a few kids were standing on the cost and watching her.

After that no one had seen her. Police asked as about that woman, but she has never returned.

My Grandmother's memories about the Second World War - pictures


How to have the great life - a story

I was thinking that people think and care more about other people than about the God.

But at the end there will be only the person and the God.

And the God will say: "You know Johnny, you thought about your manager Will, your manager Bill, your supervisor Dave, your coworker Tim more than about me. And they all in the hell now. So go to hell too!"

My point - think about the God and the people you love more than the people who are just the strangers in your life.

Моя подруга - мои стихи

И только вьюга за окном 
Моя подруга.
И только вьюга
И слова ей ненужны.
Иду по жизни
По желаньям кругу.
Иду сквозь ветер, грозы и дожди.

Прости...- мои стихи

Чужие тихие шаги
Из темноты.
Уходишь ты...

Дурман - трава
Разлук печаль.
Мне встреч 
Случайных обещай.
Не блеск помад
Любви прошедшей аромат
Сияет ярко на губах...

У каждого в жизни бывает минута - мое стихотворение

У каждого в жизни бывает минута,
Когда почему-то так тянет назад,
И в эту минуту запретного круга
Я в книжке английской увидела вас.
Простых русских женщин,
Военное время...
В колхозах, землянках, окопах, снегах.
С заплатами платьях, военных шинелях,
Морщинках на лицах,
Но светом надежды в усталых глазах.

С улыбкой, насмешкой
В глаза мне взглянули:
Ну что ты ревёшь-то
Ведь нету войны!
Ну вот, наконец,
Вот истинно горе –
Не любит какой - то
Заморский мужик!
А ну улыбнись 
А ну не печалься
По вольной дорожке
Пройдись походи.
Совет наш простой:
Мечтай и люби,
Работай старайся.
Да радуйся только
Живёшь без войны.

My poems in Russian - part 1


Там где-то за дальними далями,
Там где-то во ржи золотой
Стоит на краю деревеньки
Мой домик забытый родной.
Не знаю когда я приеду
Не знаю когда навещу
Все то что любила когда-то,
Всех тех о ком часто грущу.
Я взрослая, взрослая, взрослая
Но сколько еще повторять.
Нельзя повторить все что было,
Нельзя повернуть время вспять.
Лишь вера меня согревает
В далекой стране не простой.
И снится мне домик в деревне
Согретый во ржи золотой.

My poems in Russian - part 2

Может быть мои стихи кому – то понравятся, в чём – то помогут или так посмотрите, главное воспринимайте всё с хорошей стороны!  

Знаю, не знаю

Знаю, не знаю,
Скажу не скажу.
В рулетку играю,
С цыганкой дружу.
И дней всех прошедших
Нисколько не жаль.
На улице нашей
Апрель, не февраль.

My home - office - pictures

My Grandmother's memories about The Second World War - pictures

A few pictures from my family old album. 

Just a thought

Today is the most important day

Prince - mouse - a story for my son

Once upon a time in a far away magic country lived a shy prince.

His name was Daniel and all he wanted to do was read books about different countries and the greatest discoveries.

One day his father, the King, called Daniel and told him to get ready and become the King in the new country.

The Hidden Kingdom - a story for my son

Uncle upon a time there was one shy pretty girl Vikky who worked with her mother in a tiny clothes shop.

All day Vikky was helping her mother in the shop, making new dresses, decorations or painting flowers.

And at nights Vikky was reading books and looking at the sky and dreaming about the beautiful and fun life she will have one day.

My Grandmother's memories about the Second World War - pictures from our old album

A scary story

I have a friend who is absest with vintage clothes. Everything she wears - it is a reall vintage, someone bought and wore long time ago.

A few months ago my friend bought a vintage lace langure, beautiful, blue and white, from 1930th.

One morning she woke up very early and heard a weird sound from the window.
There was a young woman standing near the window dressed at exactly the same langere. And the woman said:"Don't take him from me".

My friend says that at that moment she almost lost her mind and doesn't remember how she ran to her neighbors telling about a ghost in her bedroom.

The purple froggy - a story for my son

The purple froggy.

There was a purple little froggy.

When the green froggies looked at him, they all were laughing: "Look, uuu... discasting, yak! Ha ha ha! Look at this purple froggy! He looks like a turtle!"

And no one wanted to play with the purple froggy. The froggy was sad and crying! Because no one wanted to play with him.

One time the purple froggy went to his grandma and grandpa.

When the grandma saw the froggy she said: "Now I know what happened to my purple paint!"

The little froggy jumped in the purple paint and when he came back home - he did not take bath.

The little froggy did not like the water! Oh no!sto

Just a thought

Behind every great achievement there is a hard work!

My story

Some one asked my: Why do you write about the Second World War?

And I said:

It was a time in my life when I had no idea what I am going to do. Like many immigrants I asked myself - why I am here in the foreign country, far from my family, with a baby, without good job, no much money, thinking about food, bills, rent. I felt just queting and giving up.

And I remember, I was in a small book store with my son and I looked at the stand with books for sale. There was a book about the war and the first page I looked was an article about Russian women during that war.

I saw the strong Russian women - in the active army, our destroyed cities and small villages. The women who did not cry and run to their father, who did not give up and stopped believing.

I saw the women who stood until the end - stood until the victory!

I have asked my grandmother to write her memories and I wrote a few poems about the Russian women and have found old pictures in my family albums.

The most of all - I feel stronger as a woman, because I know, no matter what, I have the road to go, the goals to win and the strong and beautiful Russian women who stood behind me.


My Grandmother's memories about the Second World War - pictures



Бэлла оказалась на улице не знакомого города. Где я? Что со мной? Как я одета?
Крутилось в голове Бэллы. Как я сюда попала? Где мои слуги и мой дворец?
Бэлла ничего не понимала, еще несколько минут назад она кружилась в вальсе в большом зале дворца. Вечером должен быть бал, и она немного потанцевать  одна. Последним, что вспомнила Бэлла, было большое зеркало, перед которым она поправила новое платье нежно-голубого  цвета. И вот сейчас Бэлла стояла одна в незнакомом месте и совершенно ничего не понимала. Она не знала, что делать и кто может ей помочь. 

Russia in pictures

My Russian pictures - album 3

My Russian pictures - album 2